U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

my daughter, thankfully, is too young for sex-ed but I'm not looking forward to those days. I'm expecting trouble down the line though.

I used to think that, but if you communicate with you kids in a respectful manner, they'll listen to you.

I mix it up, ever now and then I drop the 'I'm going to kill that boy if he does anything innappropriate.'

But the communication is the most important thing. I know all of my daughter's friends and ask how things are going with her on a daily basis.

I'm guessing the Palin Dad is a loser, and her mom is too busy to be bothered.
Why are Republican candidates not capable of carrying themselves with some class? The speeches tonight were so hateful, arrogant, focused on attacking the dems, and then there are stupid jokes like "clothes changes at Madonna concert?"

Is this befitting somebody who was running for President only a few months ago?
Regardless of whether kids have had some formal "sex education" class in a school setting, teens know where babies come from, the activities needed to create the kid, and how to prevent that occurance. It's just that so many people that age think they are bullet-proof--"whatever bad that might occur from a particular pattern of conduct will happen to someone else, not me."

Those of you who are actually over the age of 17, think back to when you were that age. Was the fact that unprotected sex could lead to pregnancy a major mystery to any of you? Did you know what steps to take to prevent that disease--even if you didn't take the precautions.

In a place where 16 year old girls are supposed to be able to get abortions without parental consent, it seems rather bizarre that anyone would make a big deal out of the fact that a 17 year old is pregnant, apparently without the consent of her mother.

I did not put my 17 year old daughter into a convent, nor did I invest in a chastity belt, so I can assure you that no matter what my wife or I teach, preach, lecture, or encourage as far as behavior goes, if my daughter decides to get pregnant, there won't be anything we can do to stop it.

When I was a teenager, I would have appreciated more information on STDs, how bad can they get, how they are transmitted and how I can avoid them if I'm having sex. I think having abstinence only education removes a good source of this kind of information.
Atheists almost never get elected to office in the US, those that openly avow their atheism anyway. I think a large proportion of Americans view atheists as one step above Satanists.
Just watching some of Palin's speech and it suddenly something just struck me as I watched, do they just basically go around and gather the biggest bunch of idiots they can find who will boo and cheer right on cue for these type of events? They seem to get very excited, maybe it is because I'm not into politics that I find it hard to understand why people both showing up and get all worked up over things like this.
From a Newbie:

Sarah Palin "Iraq war is a task from God"


"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

Religion, however, was not strictly a thread in Palin's foreign policy. It was part of her energy proposals as well. Just prior to discussing Iraq, Alaska's governor asked the audience to pray for another matter -- a $30 billion national gas pipeline project that she wanted built in the state.

"I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said.
Not a particularly impressive speech.

Even more, there isn't anything the expresses a departure from the past 8 years. Her speech was more of the,

'I'm a tax killing, gun toting, lefty hating, God fearin', ball buster... '

McCain and Palin have a lot of stones saying how much they appreciate the troops. They don't have it in their hearts to tax the wealthy corporations or individuals to be able to pay for proper medical or education for these kids that return from war.

In my eyes, they are both horribly vile blood sucking greedy cnuts that will take all kinds of bribes from the oil industry.

For me there is no doubt, these two are potentionally dangerous to the USA and the instability of a growing global problem.

Which brings me too her comment... 'The other candidate will focus on Healing the World ...' in an extremely sarcastic tone. This spoke volumes into her ignorance of global issues. It spoke to the core that is the neo-con perspective of selfishness.

It is my belief that people will see Palin as, yet, another Hillary, in a prettier package. She is clearly in it for herself and the tight circle of neo-con exploitive few.
Raoul, you get to see the Jon Stewart show? very good stuff there last night comparing what people said before and now. total hypocrisy from Rove, O'Reilly, etc.
Just watching some of Palin's speech and it suddenly something just struck me as I watched, do they just basically go around and gather the biggest bunch of idiots they can find who will boo and cheer right on cue for these type of events? They seem to get very excited, maybe it is because I'm not into politics that I find it hard to understand why people both showing up and get all worked up over things like this.


In India, it's possible to rent a crowd of such people to cheer and boo at predetermined queues...

Er, cues.

In India, it's possible to rent a crowd of such people to cheer and boo at predetermined queues...

Er, cues.

I swear there was more passion at one of those events then there is at football matches these days ;)

Yeah thing with India though is there are plenty of idiots free and half the people in those crowds don't give a feck anyway, remember speaking to one Indian and he was saying at some of these rallies and protests don't even know what they are protesting for but just tagging along lol. Sometimes just offer them some free food or something and you will get thousands in.....
True. It is an option but knowing kids I'm not a big fan of it. It sort of falls in line with letting kids not say the Pledge Allegiance. The argument was they don't have to participate. Kids single other kids out at almost any opportunity and this would be another. I've said before, I don't know the right answer or if there even is one.

I remember we made fun of all the kids who were opted out. And we were ten ffs. The right answer is to tell your children about sex when they first ask where babies come from. For me this was at age five. My dad did his best to tell me about things and he and my mom bought me this book:


Although the book didn't quite get the thrusting part right. I think they avoided that word entirely. For years I thought you stuck it in and used muscle control to wiggle it around. It seemed like quite a lot of work for the payoff, but I was only five.:wenger:...:lol:
I remember we made fun of all the kids who were opted out. And we were ten ffs. The right answer is to tell your children about sex when they first ask where babies come from. For me this was at age five. My dad did his best to tell me about things and he and my mom bought me this book:


Although the book didn't quite get the thrusting part right. I think they avoided that word entirely. For years I thought you stuck it in and used muscle control to wiggle it around. It seemed like quite a lot of work for the payoff, but I was only five.:wenger:...:lol:

:lol: Crikey! I remember that book, Doc. Lots of cartoony pictures inside, weren't there, all very anatomically correct.

I think I was about 8 or so, when my parents took me aside and read it with me. I didn't mention that I'd already found out from some Thai porn mags someone had brought to school...
:lol: Crikey! I remember that book, Doc. Lots of cartoony pictures inside, weren't there, all very anatomically correct.

I think I was about 8 or so, when my parents took me aside and read it with me. I didn't mention that I'd already found out from some Thai porn mags someone had brought to school...


yeah Penthouse showed me what boobies were all about just before that, but the books pictures involved a very chubby couple. that had me worried for years as well since I was a very skinny child.

yeah Penthouse showed me what boobies were all about just before that, but the books pictures involved a very chubby couple. that had me worried for years as well since I was a very skinny child.

You shouldn't have worried, Doc, since it was either be very happy like the couple in the book (and have lots of little red hearts splashing all around), or having loads of sex for fun like the people in the porn business...
You shouldn't have worried, Doc, since it was either be very happy like the couple in the book (and have lots of little red hearts splashing all around), or having loads of sex for fun like the people in the porn business...

you're right, spin. oh how I could have used your advice as a child.
:lol: - Republican consultant/speechwriter Peggy Noonan trashing Palin's nomination via a hot mike.


Murphy: Um, you know, because, I come out of the blue swing state governor world. Engler, Whitman, Tommy Thompson, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, I mean, and these guys, this is all like how you win a Texas Race race, just run it up, and it's not gonna work.

Noonan: It's Over.

Murphy: Still, McCain can give a version of the Lieberman speech and do himself some good.

Todd: Don't you think this Palin pick is insulting to Kay Baily Hutchinson?

Noonan: Saw Kay this morning

Todd: She's(?) never looked comfortable up there..

Murphy: all bummed out.

Todd: I mean, is she really the most qualified woman they could turn to?

Noonan: The most qualified? No. I think they went for this, excuse me, political bullshit about narratives and youthfulness and the picture

Todd: Yeah, but what's the narrative?

Murphy: I totally agree.

Noonan: Every time Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at, they blow it.

Murphy: You know what's the worst thing about it, the greatest of McCain is no cynicism, and..

Murphy: This is cynical.

Todd: And as you called it, gimmicky.
Just watching some of Palin's speech and it suddenly something just struck me as I watched, do they just basically go around and gather the biggest bunch of idiots they can find who will boo and cheer right on cue for these type of events? They seem to get very excited, maybe it is because I'm not into politics that I find it hard to understand why people both showing up and get all worked up over things like this.

That, unfortunately, is politics in the USA. Two parties (or packs of parasites, as the case may be) spend several years and billions of dollars trying to "package" candidates, create canned speeches with good sound bites, create false enthusiasm mixed with unrealistic hopes, and market these people running for significant positions as they would laundry soap or automobiles. Any attempts to try to limit the amount of money or time spent on annoying the voting public, however, would probably fall afoul of the First Amendment.
Raoul, you get to see the Jon Stewart show? very good stuff there last night comparing what people said before and now. total hypocrisy from Rove, O'Reilly, etc.

Rove, O'Reilly, Hillary's endorsement of Obama: Calling politicans, political staffers, and cretinous media types hypocritical is redundant.
so much has changed since it was leaked that she was his vp pick. Every pundit left and right was saying it was questionable at the least and they all questioned her experience.

i cant post a direct link but if you go here you can click on it and you will see the YOUTUBE link


from Buchanan to Scarborough they all asked relevant questions which the conservatives last night (the DA dude from law and order and rudolph 911 gooliani) railed against the media for asking the last few days as Palin had bunkered down somewhere out of site. These are Palin own words from last night.

"And I've learned quickly, these past few days, that if you're not a member in good standing of the Washington elite, then some in the media consider a candidate unqualified for that reason alone".

Look the stuff on the bloggosphere was crazyiness but the Main Street Media in this country has been asleep at the wheel for 8 years. Obama actually was vetted through a grueling primary campaign. Questions need to be asked and Mrs Palin You need to answer them.

This isnt sexism its responsible journalism which Mrs Palin you should know something about as that is what your major in college was.

I swear to god if i wake up on nov 5 and these two loons are heading for the white house i dont know what i will do:mad:
so much has changed since it was leaked that she was his vp pick. Every pundit left and right was saying it was questionable at the least and they all questioned her experience.

i cant post a direct link but if you go here you can click on it and you will see the YOUTUBE link


from Buchanan to Scarborough they all asked relevant questions which the conservatives last night (the DA dude from law and order and rudolph 911 gooliani) railed against the media for asking the last few days as Palin had bunkered down somewhere out of site. These are Palin own words from last night.

"And I've learned quickly, these past few days, that if you're not a member in good standing of the Washington elite, then some in the media consider a candidate unqualified for that reason alone".

Look the stuff on the bloggosphere was crazyiness but the Main Street Media in this country has been asleep at the wheel for 8 years. Obama actually was vetted through a grueling primary campaign. Questions need to be asked and Mrs Palin You need to answer them.

This isnt sexism its responsible journalism which Mrs Palin you should know something about as that is what your major in college was.

I swear to god if i wake up on nov 5 and these two loons are heading for the white house i dont know what i will do:mad:

there's always Canada. :)
was casually thinking about leaving when GW Bush got in 8 freakin years ago. probably should have n'all.

I shudder to think of a McCain/Palin presidency but then can it be worse than a Bush/Cheney one? I'm not so sure. they fecked up the country, and it's part in the world, big time during their stint.

now if they decide to draft people my age (highly unlikely) then I'll be signing "Oh Canada" during thanksgiving in October. ;)
Can you imagine if McCain got elected, and then died - she might be an attraction as a running mate, but would you want to see her as President? Scary thought.
Can you imagine if McCain got elected, and then died - she might be an attraction as a running mate, but would you want to see her as President? Scary thought.

Do you know enough about her to be able to make that comment?

A sensible approach would be to give her a chance to demonstrate what she stands for and how capable she is.
Do you know enough about her to be able to make that comment?

A sensible approach would be to give her a chance to demonstrate what she stands for and how capable she is.

Of course. That's the sensible approach as you say.

But none of us know politicians well enough before we vote for them, and by the time they're in, it's often too late.

But to clarify - it's a scary thought to me, because I find her extremely irritating.