U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Can you imagine if McCain got elected, and then died - she might be an attraction as a running mate, but would you want to see her as President? Scary thought.

Then again, I have no desire to see Joe Biden as President, either, so I hope the Presidential winner (Barry or Johnny) in November is still with us when January 2013 rolls around.
Of course. That's the sensible approach as you say.

But none of us know politicians well enough before we vote for them, and by the time they're in, it's often too late.

But to clarify - it's a scary thought to me, because I find her extremely irritating.

Fine. I would suggest you'll know a lot more about her before the election.

Her speech appears to have gone down well in America. It created significant interest nonetheless with 37 million tuning in.
Do you know enough about her to be able to make that comment?

A sensible approach would be to give her a chance to demonstrate what she stands for and how capable she is.

Yes. She is embroiled in an investigation in which she seems to have abused her power to get her ex-brother in law fired from his law enforcement position, she believes that the Iraq war is "a task from God," she gave state money to an organization that "cures gays", she attempted to have books banned from her town's libraries and when the librarian refused, she had her fired, she fired the town police chief because he supported her opponents in an election, she used her children as political props, as mayor she took a city with no debt and ran up a debt of 22 million before she left office, she belongs to a radical church who invite anti-semitic speakers to lecture, she is opposed to an 11 year old getting an abortion even if she is raped and impregnated by her own father, her husband belonged to the Alaskan Independence Party up until 2002, which calls for secession from the United States, she addressed the AIP convention last year and attended it in 1994, she pushes abstinence in school and her 17 year old daughter gets pregnant, she wants creationism taught in schools, she wants to ban stem cell research, she does not believe in global warming, she has refused to acknowledge that polar bears should be endangered species, she flat out lied in her speech yesterday about being against the bridge to nowhere, she lied about Obama "not authoring a single major law or reform not even in the state senate," she lied about getting a pipeline started in Alaska in the speech and she actually had the gall to mock community organizers. You know, like Martin Luther King and a guy named Jesus.

She seems to be an epic failure. So, no, I don't really have to wait. The prospect of her ever being president is frightening. There is ample proof in reviews of her speech today on CBS news, the AP and Yahoo.
Fine. I would suggest you'll know a lot more about her before the election.

Her speech appears to have gone down well in America. It created significant interest nonetheless with 37 million tuning in.

That's because 66% of the population had never heard of her. Tuning in does not mean they liked her. I tuned in and I think she's a demon. So did all my friends.

I also watched the Hurricane Katrina and 9/11 coverage. You know what? Didn't care for either.
Yes. She is embroiled in an investigation in which she seems to have abused her power to get her ex-brother in law fired from his law enforcement position, she believes that the Iraq war is "a task from God," she gave state money to an organization that "cures gays", she attempted to have books banned from her town's libraries and when the librarian refused, she had her fired, she fired the town police chief because he supported her opponents in an election, she used her children as political props, as mayor she took a city with no debt and ran up a debt of 22 million before she left office, she belongs to a radical church who invite anti-semitic speakers to lecture, she is opposed to an 11 year old getting an abortion even if she is raped and impregnated by her own father, her husband belonged to the Alaskan Independence Party up until 2002, which calls for secession from the United States, she addressed the AIP convention last year and attended it in 1994, she pushes abstinence in school and her 17 year old daughter gets pregnant, she wants creationism taught in schools, she wants to ban stem cell research, she does not believe in global warming, she has refused to acknowledge that polar bears should be endangered species, she flat out lied in her speech yesterday about being against the bridge to nowhere, she lied about Obama "not authoring a single major law or reform not even in the state senate," she lied about getting a pipeline started in Alaska in the speech and she actually had the gall to mock community organizers. You know, like Martin Luther King and a guy named Jesus.

She seems to be an epic failure. So, no, I don't really have to wait. The prospect of her ever being president is frightening. There is ample proof in reviews of her speech today on CBS news, the AP and Yahoo.

Fortunately you won't we deciding the election. Its what the 50 million or so who matter think of her (and more so McCain) that will.
Fortunately you won't we deciding the election. Its what the 50 million or so who matter think of her (and more so McCain) that will.

Oh, sorry, I thought you asked for people to find out about her before making a decision. Which I did.

Changing the subject when met with overwhelming evidence is smart.

A gathering of the nutty left, how disturbing.

More like a gathering of moderates. I mean, considering we spent time talking about how much we dislike Moore and that little dick from the West Wing, because of their annoying left wing bullshit. But, yeah, other than that, when faced with obvious points, attempt to paint the deliverer of said facts as a lunatic. That's what you should do, rather than take a look at the religious fanatic.

Anyone who supports Palin is a religious zealot, much like our enemies The Taliban. That was a crazy church meeting last night, nothing more.
Its not looking like Palin is helping McCain's cause. Obama is pressing him hard in Florida, Ohio, Virginia, and Colorado - all of which he has to win in order to win the General. Obama will continue to pour resources into those states and force McCain to spend his time in those states and away from any states he wants to take from Obama. Barring something dramatic, it looks like Obama has a big advantage from now until November.
Can you imagine if McCain got elected, and then died - she might be an attraction as a running mate, but would you want to see her as President? Scary thought.

The same could be said for Biden. No one would have picked him to be President.
I'd have Biden as Pres over Palin any day. Forget about the Executive experience debate. Biden has experience in DC and is on the correct side of most issues.
Its not looking like Palin is helping McCain's cause. Obama is pressing him hard in Florida, Ohio, Virginia, and Colorado - all of which he has to win in order to win the General. Obama will continue to pour resources into those states and force McCain to spend his time in those states and away from any states he wants to take from Obama. Barring something dramatic, it looks like Obama has a big advantage from now until November.

Obama just moved ahead in North Dakota, which hasn't gone Democratic since 1964. And he's a couple points behind in NC, which is serious trouble for McCain. McCain is having to defend himself in places he shouldn't have to, which means money can't be spent in other places.
More like a gathering of moderates. I mean, considering we spent time talking about how much we dislike Moore and that little dick from the West Wing, because of their annoying left wing bullshit. But, yeah, other than that, when faced with obvious points, attempt to paint the deliverer of said facts as a lunatic. That's what you should do, rather than take a look at the religious fanatic.

Anyone who supports Palin is a religious zealot, much like our enemies The Taliban. That was a crazy church meeting last night, nothing more.

Your initial post was filled with hateful and snide comments, mostly made-up or at the very least exaggerated.

There was little point in me offering a reasonable response to that tripe to be fair.
How many times have the Democrats already rejected him for President?

He's not running for president. VPs are strictly for attacking and maybe, if your lucky, bringing in a state. All a vp has to be is capable and not freak out voters.

Palin doesn't exactly fit that mold. People have genuine concerns, which they don't seem to have about Biden, according to polls.
Obama just moved ahead in North Dakota, which hasn't gone Democratic since 1964. And he's a couple points behind in NC, which is serious trouble for McCain. McCain is having to defend himself in places he shouldn't have to, which means money can't be spent in other places.

Obama in getting a bounce after DNC shocker.

That said, the bounce was lower than many expected.
Lets see them then.

I'd imagine the change was within the margin of error, so it really means bugger all.

It's called google, give it a shot.

And the "margin of error" is irrelevant. McCain spending money in states he should have locked up is relevant.
O'Reilly has an interview with Obama in about half an hour on fox news if anyone's interested.

It'll be nice to see Obama squirming when faced with difficult questions for a change.

O'Reilly will never ask him anything too tough. As with any candidate dem or repub the handlers will ask for all the questions up front and not allow some to even be asked.
It's called google, give it a shot.

And the "margin of error" is irrelevant. McCain spending money in states he should have locked up is relevant.

''Margin of error'' is relevant. If the points change from the previous poll is within the margin of error, the poll is essentially meaningless.

North Dakota on the other hand is an irrelevant state.

There are a number of states which went Dem in 2004 which are still very much in play.
''Margin of error'' is relevant. If the points change from the previous poll is within the margin of error, the poll is essentially meaningless.

North Dakota on the other hand is an irrelevant state.

There are a number of states which went Dem in 2004 which are still very much in play.

OH. You don't want to deal with obvious facts.

This place is hilarious. Worst politics message board I've ever seen. I'll stick to the footy.
O'Reilly has an interview with Obama in about half an hour on fox news if anyone's interested.

It'll be nice to see Obama squirming when faced with difficult questions for a change.

Obama wont squirm at anything Billo the Clown will ask.....Billo is an idiot that Keith Olbermann shits on every day...and all the clown does is eat it...
there's always Canada. :)

and to think i work for a company that is making millions off of this war... i fought for my country for 24 years but what we have done in iraq is just a precurser if mccain and palin get in.

This is what came out of her mouth in relation to our troops going to Iraq

"Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," she said. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that plan is God's plan."

GOD!!!! WTF didnt we leave europe hundreds of years ago to escape the reigious dogma that ruled europe in those days? Even though the framers of the constitution had religious beliefs they recognized that God shouldnt be part of the fecking debate.

And we wonder why the rest of the world laughs at us.

Ok lets see the conservatives on this forum respond with the normal we dont give a feck about what france thinks:rolleyes:
Obama wont squirm at anything Billo the Clown will ask.....Billo is an idiot that Keith Olbermann shits on every day...and all the clown does is eat it...

This is a good oportunity for obama to reach some people who never get the chance to see him speak (viewers of fox news) and even though keith has bitten into his viewership this could be a net gain
To be fair nobody gives a feck what the french think, other than the french.

precisely why i said them. lets change it to the english or the scots or the germans

the conservative response (ok not all of them) is we dont care what they think.

in a global economy we really ought to at least listen once.
precisely why i said them. lets change it to the english or the scots or the germans

the conservative response (ok not all of them) is we dont care what they think.

in a global economy we really ought to at least listen once.

I long ago came to the conclusion that listening to the Europeans was far more damaging than totally ignoring them.
This is a good oportunity for obama to reach some people who never get the chance to see him speak (viewers of fox news) and even though keith has bitten into his viewership this could be a net gain

I agree...thats his plan...even if he reaches some of the morons who watch Fox...thats still a net gain for him....

I understand Diaper Queen is their new pin up....they should have pictures of her getting DP with McCain and a moose....will be great family value...:D
I agree...thats his plan...even if he reaches some of the morons who watch Fox...thats still a net gain for him....

I understand Diaper Queen is their new pin up....they should have pictures of her getting DP with McCain and a moose....will be great family value...:D

I always try to keep an open mind and the truth is msnbc is left leaning but they dont claim to be fair and balanced.

Fox news is just a joke

I wish obama would have taken rachel maddow as his vice...there i said it i want a dyke as the vp