U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
boy billo is so proud of himself. we have waited for 9 months for you to come on this show.

overall so far billo looks to be the idiot he is but his water cooler crowd will say he beat up obama
The woman from nowhere

Sep 4th 2008
From The Economist print edition

John McCain’s choice of running-mate raises serious questions about his judgment

THE most audacious move of the race so far is also, potentially, the most self-destructive. John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as his running-mate has set the political atmosphere alight with both enthusiasm and dismay.

Mr McCain has based his campaign on the idea that this is a dangerous world—and that Barack Obama is too inexperienced to deal with it. He has also acknowledged that his advanced age—he celebrated his 72nd birthday on August 29th—makes his choice of vice-president unusually important. Now he has chosen as his running mate, on the basis of the most cursory vetting, a first-term governor of Alaska.

The reaction from inside the conservative cocoon was at first ecstatic. Conservatives argued that Mrs Palin embodies the “real America”—a moose-hunting hockey mum, married to an oil-worker, who has risen from the local parent-teacher association to governing the geographically largest state in the Union. They praise her as a McCain-style reformer who has taken on her state’s Republican establishment and has a staunch pro-life record (her fifth child has Down’s syndrome). Who better to harpoon the baby-murdering elitists who run the Democratic Party?

Mrs Palin was greeted like the reincarnation of Ronald Reagan by the delegates, furious at her mauling at the hands of the “liberal media”. And she delivered a tub-thumping speech, underlining her record as a reforming governor and advocate of more oil-drilling, and warning her enemies not to underestimate her (“the difference between a hockey mum and a pitbull—lipstick”). But once the cheering and the chanting had died down, serious questions remained.

The political calculations behind Mr McCain’s choice hardly look robust. Mrs Palin is not quite the pork-busting reformer that her supporters claim. She may have become famous as the governor who finally killed the infamous “bridge to nowhere”—the $220m bridge to the sparsely inhabited island of Gravina, Alaska. But she was in favour of the bridge before she was against it (and told local residents that they weren’t “nowhere to her”). As mayor of Wasilla, a metropolis of 9,000 people, she initiated annual trips to Washington, DC, to ask for more earmarks from the state’s congressional delegation, and employed Washington lobbyists to press for more funds for her town.

Nor is Mrs Palin well placed to win over the moderate and independent voters who hold the keys to the White House. Mr McCain’s main political problem is not energising his base; he enjoys more support among Republicans than Mr Obama does among Democrats. His problem is reaching out to swing voters at a time when the number of self-identified Republicans is up to ten points lower than the number of self-identified Democrats. Mr McCain needs to attract roughly 55% of independents and 15% of Democrats to win the election. But it is hard to see how a woman who supports the teaching of creationism rather than contraception, and who is soon to become a 44-year-old grandmother, helps him with soccer moms in the Philadelphia suburbs. A Rasmussen poll found that the Palin pick made 31% of undecided voters less likely to plump for Mr McCain and only 6% more likely.

The moose in the room, of course, is her lack of experience. When Geraldine Ferraro was picked as Walter Mondale’s running-mate, she had served in the House for three terms. Even the hapless Dan Quayle, George Bush senior’s sidekick, had served in the House and Senate for 12 years. Mrs Palin, who has been the governor of a state with a population of 670,000 for less than two years, is the most inexperienced candidate for a mainstream party in modern history.

Inexperienced and Bush-level incurious. She has no record of interest in foreign policy, let alone expertise. She once told an Alaskan magazine: “I’ve been so focused on state government; I haven’t really focused much on the war in Iraq.” She obtained an American passport only last summer to visit Alaskan troops in Germany and Kuwait. This not only blunts Mr McCain’s most powerful criticism of Mr Obama. It also raises serious questions about the way he makes decisions.

Vetted for 15 minutes

Mr McCain had met Mrs Palin only once, for a 15-minute chat at the National Governors’ Association meeting, before summoning her to his ranch for her final interview. The New York Times claims that his team arrived in Alaska only on August 28th, a day before the announcement. As a result, his advisers seem to have been gobsmacked by the Palin show that is now playing on the national stage. She has links to the wacky Alaska Independence Party, which wants to secede from the Union. She is on record disagreeing with Mr McCain on global warming, among other issues. The contrast with Mr Obama’s choice of the highly experienced and much-vetted Joe Biden is striking.

Mr McCain’s appointment also raises more general worries about the Republican Party’s fitness for government. Up until the middle of last week Mr McCain was still considering two other candidates whom he has known for decades: Joe Lieberman, a veteran senator, independent Democrat and Iraq war hawk, and Tom Ridge, a former governor of Pennsylvania (a swing state with 21 Electoral College votes) and the first secretary of homeland security. Mr McCain reluctantly rejected both men because their pro-choice views are anathema to the Christian right.

The Palin appointment is yet more proof of the way that abortion still distorts American politics. This is as true on the left as on the right. But the Republicans seem to have gone furthest in subordinating considerations of competence and merit to pro-life purity. One of the biggest problems with the Bush administration is that it appointed so many incompetents because they were sound on Roe v Wade. Mrs Palin’s elevation suggests that, far from breaking with Mr Bush, Mr McCain is repeating his mistakes.
just wanted to add the republicans actually showed the footage of people jumping out of the towers as they burned.

they will stop at nothing with there fearmongering. starting with 79 hostage crisis (of course a dem was in office) and Went on and on about how the terrorist did it in the name of god when Palin said two months ago that our leaders were following gods plan sending our troops to Iraq.

WTF i guess this is our marching cry to kill them MSUSLIMS type peoples.
they have the gall to say it will never happen again while overtly blaming the dems for past terrorism. ffs they were in charge when it happened and they looked the other way thats what the record shows.

I was on active duty at that time and my government sold the lie to me as well.

Wake the feck up america dont fall for this again!

BTW KO once again states the obvious at the end.

Cindy McCain not somebody that they should be rolling out too often after what i just heard.

There must be a demand otherwise they wouldn't do it but, do you see this need for spouses of Presidential candidates to take such a relatively high profile? Michelle Obama was targeted too by some in the media before now if memory serves.
the movie about john mccain is on now. really brings new meaning to the term used in many movies.

based on a true story

McCain was a POW and got his fecking brains fried by the Vietcong...for that he wants to be made President.....take a ticket....there an awful lot of Americans who fought in wars...not everyone is fit to be president....

McCain is a joke...but with the pick of this empty pantsuit....he looks a little credible....
yes...an utter moron with a retard.....

that really has no place here dreams. those children with mental difficulties shouldnt be called that.

i hope the best for sarah palins son and the millions of mentally challenged people around the world.

BTW as a father of a special needs son i really found what she said last night about being an advocate for those families with special needs as pandering.

her party has done literally nothing in that cause. the americans with disabilities act was stonewalled by the republicans at every turn and most of the benefits my son will receive when he turns 18 will be almost wiped out if these folks have their way.
Gratitude to Bush huh, can't imagine that we'll hear that said many more times during the next hour.

Oh, and can they quit with the chants of USA for just five minutes. ;)
McCain was a POW and got his fecking brains fried by the Vietcong...for that he wants to be made President.....take a ticket....there an awful lot of Americans who fought in wars...not everyone is fit to be president....

McCain is a joke...but with the pick of this empty pantsuit....he looks a little credible....

Mccain is a joke but its not because of what happened in hanoi either. he sold his soul back with charles keating and now with the right wing of his party.

i wont even go into the whole giving away vital information that was used to shoot down and kill several service men during the vietnam war.

one wonders why mccain never was promoted during his stay in the hanoi hilton. it was commonplace to be promoted in pow status and for some reason he wasnt.

the pentagon knew what he did.
that really has no place here dreams. those children with mental difficulties shouldnt be called that.

i hope the best for sarah palins son and the millions of mentally challenged people around the world.

BTW as a father of a special needs son i really found what she said last night about being an advocate for those families with special needs as pandering.

her party has done literally nothing in that cause. the americans with disabilities act was stonewalled by the republicans at every turn and most of the benefits my son will receive when he turns 18 will be almost wiped out if these folks have their way.

hey I would feel total sympathy for people like you....but for dog shite like these hypocritcal fecking 'family values' Republicans...I say you fecking deserve it....and a finger!
hey I would feel total sympathy for people like you....but for dog shite like these hypocritcal fecking 'family values' Republicans...I say you fecking deserve it....and a finger!

i thank god each day that he has his mind. his body might not be the strongest but his will is unmatched.
...on second thoughts....I was out of order about the bitch's kid....after reading your post......you are top dad...take care mate....

Are you surprised that in a supposedly white only republican party their nominee for president adopted an abandoned three-month old girl from a Bangladeshi orphanage run by Mother Teresa?
You have issues and I'd advise you to seek professional help.

you support the Republicans...and you tell me I have issues?...you are one dumb cnut......get some help yourself...

btw to prove what I just said the bastard McCain is exploiting 9/11 and the death of 3000 people to get fecking votes.....proves what I said above....

btw go support Chelsea...best team money can buy.....dives well with your GOP friends...
mccain now finally fabricating what actually happened. he gave away vital information in the first week. not later on. several other pilots were shot down and killed because of it.

if he would have left early it would have tarnished his image for life

this was the son of an admiral. he would have been kicked out or shunned by the military and never could have been on this stage tonight.

he is a patriot and i dont really know what happened to him in hanoi. but its no reason to be president.

he has been against veterans issues for ages including legislation that would have imposed penalties on those in government covering up the mias in korea and vietnam.

These convention speeches do fine for rallying the converted but when will the the first one on one debate between Obama and McCain?

It will surely be occasions such as they that swing a fair few of the undecided.
Pretty blah speech really. I'd say the same I said about Obama, not any real substance just a bunch of rah rah rah. The dems just have much better speech givers this go around. The debates should be interesting.
the liberal left msnbc said mccain did very well in fact they think he will be ahead in the polls after this.

i cant really believe it though it was simply boring and with no real policies

yes he was a pow but cmon

the debates i believe start on the 25 or 26th
I just want to say before I Go......I was pretty pissed off tonight..fecking tired after a long trip....away from home....and said some things which I do regret.....certainly about Palin's kid....and I for one felt and thought her daughter should not be made an issue.....I still stand by that

also I am going to shock some on here and say I dont think McCain an evil man....but he has certainly sold himself so short from the man he Was in 2000...now he is just another Republican...thats as bad an accusation as I can make.....

his selling his biography and the 9/11 bit tonight...just cheapens him further.....

tbf...I dont know about his motivation for adopting that kid...but I'm willing to give him a pass on that....

But even now when I am calm...er...I will swear on my love for Manchester United...Sarah Palin is a fecking TOKEN!!!

so much for Straight Talk...Country First McCain....
the speech & the crowd reaction were cringeworthy at times, he did manage to get his act together a bit towards the end