U.S. Presidential Race: Official Thread

Obama or McCain/Democrat or Republican..you decide

  • McCain

    Votes: 14 7.5%
  • Obama

    Votes: 173 92.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My point was that there is no way he's national embarrassments. No one I have ever met cares about who was blowing him, except Americans

I'm kind of torn on that situation. It does speak some to character issues and then the circus that follwed he made a mess of.
It's quite clear that if Obama was flexible enough he would suck his own cock.

Shut out to Mile High
Saw some clips of the Kennedy and M Obama speeches last night. Obamas was decent, the party seems to be trying to soften her image a bit. Plus I thought the bit with the kids was a bit cheesy. And isn't Kennedy ready to be put in a home yet? I'm pretty surprised they wheeled that guy out. Maybe the repubs can wheel out Regan......would be a short speech though.

Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancer and has been fighting it so it's a surprise that he was at the convention at all. Reagan is dead...die a few years ago unless you meant his wife Nancy who can still walk.
You can pin most of the blame for 9/11 at the Clinton administration's doorstep.

No doubt he was too busy touching up Monica in the White House china room to take any notice.

He's a national embarrassment.

Oh dear and George Bush isn't? So Bill slept around a bit! That doesn't change the fact that he presided over the longest boom in our history. And if you want to use warped logic, you could blame 9/11 on the Republicans for wasting tax payers money trying to impeach the president for an extra-marital affair and then coming up with the ludicrous suggestion that the cruise missile attack on the chemical plant was "Wag the dog" thereby tieing his hands as to what he could do. Had he actually gone after Bin Laden, it would have been him just trying to divert attention from the scandal according to you lot. Also, they were different times back then when even the loss of one american life was not acceptable in the public's eyes. He probably should have taken out Bin Laden, yes but hindsight is 20:20 and nobody could have predicted 9/11. It was unprecendented in its scale.
Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancer and has been fighting it so it's a surprise that he was at the convention at all. Reagan is dead...die a few years ago unless you meant his wife Nancy who can still walk.

Yeah Ted has a gliablastoma, and even though they removed it, they almost never can get all of this type of brain tumor. He prognosis is not good, have to say he was the most impressive of anyone at the convention for the Dems, you could tell he was not well and in a lot of pain
Maybe, but it's a brave man that calls against InTrade, or the other prediction markets. The reason why I can't see it is because most of McCain's arguments against Obama are easily countered when it comes to convincing independents. Obama is foreign policy light, well, there's now Biden. Obama is a flip-flopper, not really, he adapts his policies as the facts change. Obama broke his promises, no, if you listen carefully, he doesn't actually promise anything.

I don't actually think that the ticket looks the wrong way round. If anything, to young voters in America the ticket looks right, since it repudiates somewhat the old white man stereotype.

I agree that it's going to be a close election but I think Obama has a shot. You can never count the republicans out though as the cliche 45% of their supporters vote republican regardless of who the nominee happens to be is quite close to the mark. You could put Kermit the frog up for election and they would still vote for the puppet over the democrat alternative.

Obama probably has to win Pensylvania, Ohio, Florida, Michigan and California to win. His camp think he has a shot in some normally red states like Georgia but that is surely wildly optimistic. Biden will help him in Pensylvania although it is by no means a sure thing and his supporters in Illinois are being urged to go to Michigan and campaign for him. The hispanic vote in Florida may turn out to be difficult and Clinton would have helped him here. Either way, whether it's McCain or Obama, everyone is going to be happy to see the back of Bush.
You can pin most of the blame for 9/11 at the Clinton administration's doorstep.

No doubt he was too busy touching up Monica in the White House china room to take any notice.

He's a national embarrassment.

What a funny thing to say. Are you willing to back this up with a serious debate ?

Yup, he believes his own hype, that's his problem.

Did you see him totally blank one of Biden's granchildren? Told me all I needed to know.

We'll beat this phoney.


You're clutching at straws now.

I was speaking with a LT in Baghdad yesterday and noticed she had a pic of her and Obama on the wall yesterday. She remarked how impressed she was at how he took his time to give each individual he encountered attention, staying until the end until everyone who was interested had a chance to speak to him or take a photo - even waiving the secret service off a few times to lengthen his time with the troops. Conversely, John McCain is said to have not been interested in speaking with individual soldiers, opting instead to meet with senior leaders.

You're clutching at straws now.

I was speaking with a LT in Baghdad yesterday and noticed she had a pic of her and Obama on the wall yesterday. She remarked how impressed she was at how he took his time to give each individual he encountered attention, staying until the end until everyone who was interested had a chance to speak to him or take a photo - even waiving the secret service off a few times to lengthen his time with the troops. Conversely, John McCain is said to have not been interested in speaking with individual soldiers, opting instead to meet with senior leaders.

What's wrong with that, and how do you know that he was not interested in not speaking with the soldiers.
What's wrong with that, and how do you know that he was not interested in not speaking with the soldiers.

That was not my account - that was from the soldier. I've heard several similar accounts about McCain.

You're clutching at straws now.

I was speaking with a LT in Baghdad yesterday and noticed she had a pic of her and Obama on the wall yesterday. She remarked how impressed she was at how he took his time to give each individual he encountered attention, staying until the end until everyone who was interested had a chance to speak to him or take a photo - even waiving the secret service off a few times to lengthen his time with the troops. Conversely, John McCain is said to have not been interested in speaking with individual soldiers, opting instead to meet with senior leaders.

One swallow doth not make a summer. And we shouldn't forget that was Obama's first visit to Iraq in nearly three years, McCain had been to Iraq nine times in that period so would have already met thousands of troops on other visits.

McCain is a very genuine individual. Have you ever attended or seen one of his town hall meetings?
One swallow doth not make a summer. And we shouldn't forget that was Obama's first visit to Iraq in nearly three years, McCain had been to Iraq nine times in that period so would have already met thousands of troops on other visits.

McCain is a very genuine individual. Have you ever attended or seen one of his town hall meetings?

He appears genuine in his town hall meetings but those who I've spoken to who actually know him tell me he's got a jeckyl and hyde temper and has a bad habit of making misogynist remarks in private. That's not to say that he's a bad guy - just a bit unpredictable.
He appears genuine in his town hall meetings but those who I've spoken to who actually know him tell me he's got a jeckyl and hyde temper and has a bad habit of making misogynist remarks in private. That's not to say that he's a bad guy - just a bit unpredictable.

He was brutally tortured for five years of his life reckon he gets a little PTSD moment every no and again. I'm sure Obama is the same way
He appears genuine in his town hall meetings but those who I've spoken to who actually know him tell me he's got a jeckyl and hyde temper and has a bad habit of making misogynist remarks in private. That's not to say that he's a bad guy - just a bit unpredictable.

I think a crucial factor in the election will be the fact that a lot of voters will experience ''Obama fatigue'', as in they'll get fed up of seeing him and hearing him speak. There was a period a week or so ago where he stayed quiet for ages and I think it was his campaign team telling him to back off a bit.

The base will lap up the ''Yes we can'' and ''Change we can believe in'' rubbish forever but I think enough conservative dems and independents will get sick of it by November.
To quote LABOB...I'm quite well versed on these issues. Fair warning. :)

I'll have a dig anyway (rushes over to wikipedia for help).

It can't be denied that the Al-Qaeda movement began gaining momentum during the Clinton years. There were the embassy bombings in Africa and the USS Cole bombing which should have prompted far more of a response than they did.

Intelligence reports were warning of a growing threat posed by the group but a lack of appropriate action was taken. The CIA had opportunities to assassinate Obama but there was a clearly a lack of will among the administration to go through with it.
Intelligence reports were warning of a growing threat posed by the group but a lack of appropriate action was taken. The CIA had opportunities to assassinate Obama but there was a clearly a lack of will among the administration to go through with it.

I knew the military industrial complex couldn't stomach a black leader! Good on Clinton for standing up to them I say!
I'll have a dig anyway (rushes over to wikipedia for help).

It can't be denied that the Al-Qaeda movement began gaining momentum during the Clinton years. There were the embassy bombings in Africa and the USS Cole bombing which should have prompted far more of a response than they did.

Intelligence reports were warning of a growing threat posed by the group but a lack of appropriate action was taken. The CIA had opportunities to assassinate Obama but there was a clearly a lack of will among the administration to go through with it.

Actually, the movement that is currently identified as Al-Qaeda has its roots in the Egyptian Islamic Jihad movement of the late 70s. Ayman al-Zawahiri can be credited with combining the old Egyptian organization into what Al-Qaeda in the late 80s (along with significant funding from Bin Ladin). Al-Qaeda's primary platform - namely to remove non Muslim elements from the middle east and institute "Takfir Free" Islamist societies. This did indeed gain momentum in the 90s, but the climate that allowed the ideology to expand is a direct result of perceived U.S. imperialism in the 80s, combined with continued support of Israel, and a feeling of solidarity with various Islamic struggles around the world (Balkans, Chechnya, Kashmir, Somalia etc).

What do you mean by, McCain being braver? You're talking about Mr. Keating 5. One of the 5 men that raped our people and economy in the 1980's. There are few people that could be considered more corrupt than Bush or Hillary Clinton, yet it would be fair to say that McCain is amongst the most corrupt in the past 40 years.

Well, when I say braver I mean personally braver. He's undeniably had courage - the man used to be a PoW in Vietnam, and he didn't crack. Also, I think he's got a healthy attitude to pork barrel politics and campaign finance reform. Whether he's put this face on to make up for his earlier involvement in the Keating 5 I don't know, but at least he's opposing the vested interests in his own party, which takes some courage.

I'm not sure that participating in the botched rescue of a single thrift qualifies as raping Americans and the economy. The S&L crisis was caused by people who thought they were being clever, but really weren't, and and a major regulatory feck-up. And greed of course. I don't think any politician had a major hand in causing it. The American people are quite capable of causing blow-ups on their own.
To quote LABOB...I'm quite well versed on these issues. Fair warning. :)

:lol: I'm not sure which made me laugh harder, this post or 'Spam Alert'.

The reception Bill got was enough to make any sane person puke.

Not to be presumptuous... but...

IF you knew what the hell you were talking about, Clinton would be a hero to you if you were a true conservative.
(or American, for that matter... noticed you use the word 'rubbish', thinking you're a Brit wind-up merchant)

Ya see, Clinton was able to enact some of the most ground-breaking domestic conservative legislation in the history of all Presidents since Harry Truman.

(Not to appear to be a 'know-it-all' - I will not lecture you, too much... I couldn't help myself by the end of this post)
Here are some topics for you to research:

1. Balance Budget Act of 1996

2. Clinton / Public Education / Corporate Participation

3. NAFTA - GATT - Fasttrack

4. Largest cuts to medicare

When you are done... I have more for you, if you aren't convinced.

This brings us to the place where it might tap into your delusional sense of self. You might want to be cautious about reading the next few lines.

Wewonittwotimes is the quintessential neo-conservative, the reason is because if he knew how conservative the Clinton family actually was, he wouldn’t lash out so hard against the former President.

This is what divides the ‘conservative’ from the ‘neo-conservative’. The neo-conservative is a boob-tube junkie that mimics whatever FOX News has to say about a politician. Yet, it was Rupert Murdoc that had been one of the strongest supporters of the ‘Elect Hillary for President Campaign’. (Yes, they had a falling out, but that’s likely because Hillary looked to be losing, Rupert bets the neo-con frontrunner.)

Sure, there are plenty of reasons to be repulsed by Slick Willy, I can name at least a dozen reasons from my perspective. But someone that considers himself a conservative has no business hating Bill. He served the conservatives, well.

So THERE... :p
Well, when I say braver I mean personally braver. He's undeniably had courage - the man used to be a PoW in Vietnam, and he didn't crack. Also, I think he's got a healthy attitude to pork barrel politics and campaign finance reform. Whether he's put this face on to make up for his earlier involvement in the Keating 5 I don't know, but at least he's opposing the vested interests in his own party, which takes some courage.

I'm not sure that participating in the botched rescue of a single thrift qualifies as raping Americans and the economy. The S&L crisis was caused by people who thought they were being clever, but really weren't, and and a major regulatory feck-up. And greed of course. I don't think any politician had a major hand in causing it. The American people are quite capable of causing blow-ups on their own.

I agree...

Although, some say that the greed had been sold to the investers by the hustlers in Wall Street, telling people to buy faulty stock. The key reason why the Keating 5 got into trouble.

But I'm sure you know more about this than I... tis your field of expertise.
The rumor has it it's going to be a "workman" like speech. Whatever the hell that means. If he's smart he appeal to the fringe voters now. His base will be there tea bagging him with every pause.
His pitch on green issues sounded a bit flaky IMO, mind you very few politicians get away without suffering from this problem i suppose.
Yep, started very slow and getting rolling. Throwing out many cliches (the repubs will do the same). He's a good speaker and uplifting but not really saying much and nothing new.
As a Brit/European, this whole grand showbiz style of politics, family walking out waving, it's not doing anything for me. Although the family message they're trying to get across must be useful to some.
He seems to know what is doing as far as Iraq and Afghanistan go, the Georgian/South Ossetian situation i am not so sure [similarly with a few others].

Obama sold his wider story, and showed McCain in a less than favourable light, if there was something lacking it was specifics about what a President Barack would do.