Tweets Only 2010/14 Archive

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Please lads, this will be like the third time in a week we've fallen for this, lets not do it to ourselves :(
Aye, just been told this, but do you know the time of the training session?

The Gillespee tweet was at 1:11, if we generously say that he heard straight away Ronaldo probably checked in just after 1.

Allowing a two and a half hour flight from Madrid to Manchester Ronaldo would have had to have flown out of Madrid airport at 11AM (Spain time, 10 AM our time), thats not allowing for travel time in Manchester.

Strictly speaking if he'd trained until half 10 he might have been able to get on a plane in time to get to a manchester hotel by 1.

It seems very unlikely though.
The Gillespee tweet was at 1:11, if we generously say that he heard straight away Ronaldo probably checked in just after 1.

Allowing a two and a half hour flight from Madrid to Manchester Ronaldo would have had to have flown out of Madrid airport at 11AM (Spain time, 10 AM our time), thats not allowing for travel time in Manchester.

Strictly speaking if he'd trained until half 10 he might have been able to get on a plane in time to get to a manchester hotel by 1.

It seems very unlikely though.

I'll cling on to this rumour for as long as possible. But that's some sound logic right there.
Ronaldo rumour #62. Keep them coming until the end of the window Twater people, they're getting quite fun now.
Pics or it didn't happen usually applies in these scenarios.

You would think someone would have managed to get a quick photo of a football superstar when he's back in Manchester.
Use this thread for proper tweets only, stop posting general bollocks or rubbish tweets in here for the last time. Thread bans for all those who can't follow very simple instructions, or read a thread title.
Another one.

I'd argue it's "one of the clubs interested" but someone has spiced it up.
I'll just phone him and ask him. Be right back...
Aye but he's usually a decent guy. Talks sense. Was wondering if anybody I didnt follow was talking about something similar.
Yea two newbs PM'd me

Darren Can was on about someone who's been arrested for blackmailing Rooney, something to do with texts apparently, he's deleted the tweets now though, said he can't say much but story in tomorrow's papers.

He had tweeted that a man had been arrested for blackmailing Rooney a few minutes earlier, but seems to have deleted that tweet.
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