Tweets Only 2010/14 Archive

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Nope, just the status URL.


It'll automatically convert it.

Maybe it just doesn't like me.. but nevermind no big deal. Thanks though.

My post full of wasted pointless code still carried more value than most of the posts in this place in recent times.
We're getting pretty mixed messages from the mods about what sorts of discussion is and isn't allowed in this thread, which makes it difficult to post in.

A genuine question and not just me being pedantic: where are we allowed to discuss tweets? The twitter thread was made to keep tweets out of the player threads and now no discussion seems to be allowed in this thread?

What Adzz said.

Tweets and quick reactions to them (as in no more than a sentence or two) Subsequent long, drawn out back and forth type discussions should be taken to the player in question's thread. If no such thread exists then create one. The idea is to keep this thread tidy with tweets so visitors can browse it without spam, excessive banter or in-depth discussions, whilst simultaneously keeping the other threads dedicated to the more detailed discussions.
What Adzz said.

Tweets and quick reactions to them (as in no more than a sentence or two) Subsequent long, drawn out back and forth type discussions should be taken to the player in question's thread. If no such thread exists then create one. The idea is to keep this thread tidy with tweets so visitors can browse it without spam, excessive banter or in-depth discussions, whilst simultaneously keeping the other threads dedicated to the more detailed discussions.

Excellent, cheers Raoul.
Either United, MUFC, Moyes or Manchester (usually always referring to us as it always does) - have been trending on twitter pretty much constantly for the last 10 days or so.
Either United, MUFC, Moyes or Manchester (usually always referring to us as it always does) - have been trending on twitter pretty much constantly for the last 10 days or so.

I look at the worldwide trends on twitter pretty much everyday and I've not seen anything like that
You seriously don't know who Luis Enrique is? I assume you're under 20 then?
Luis Enrique is the former player probably, who now manages some team in Spain but was a Barcelona B coach I think. No idea about the other one.
You must have head of Enrique? He switched Madrid for Barca in the mid-90's

To be honest I didn't follow football outside of England when I was younger, and only did around 8 years ago, so players before that unless they were huge I don't really know. If this guy was huge then I must have missed him.

Anyway back to the original tweet, good candidates?
Didn't Enrique play in those magical matches we had with Barca in the treble-season ?
And he pretty much failed there, yes. That and Barcelona B are the extent of his managerial experience.

He failed there? Interesting...
Suppose we'll see if it's true that pretty much anyone could gain success as manager of this Barcelona side... Should he be appointed...
To be honest I didn't follow football outside of England when I was younger, and only did around 8 years ago, so players before that unless they were huge I don't really know. If this guy was huge then I must have missed him.

Anyway back to the original tweet, good candidates?

Enrique probably fits the bill the best with his history with them, he'll know the clubs ethos, style, training techniques and what not from his time there as a coach. Guardiola had a stint as the B manager before taking the full job so it makes sense.

Martino I'm not familiar with but looking at his credentials, I'd be surprised if he got the job. Played all of 15 games in Europe 22 years ago and has never managed a European side.
Sounds like it's going to be Martino. Enrique just got appointed to coach Celta last month so I don't think he's about to leave.
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