Tweets Only 2010/14 Archive

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Nah, Silent is right. It's not exactly derogatory, but the point of a facebook/twitter hack like that is that you write something embarrassing. The implication is that Szczesny would be embarrassed if everyone thought he was gay.

On its own, obviously, you'd have to be a right delicate flower to be offended. But it is indicative of the sort of light-hearted banter which nonetheless wouldn't exactly encourage a closeted gay player to come out to the dressing room. It's not about thinking that individuals are actually going to be homophobic to you, but about feeling that the culture sees being gay is something to be laughed at.
Don't be so gay.
I was worried that the yearly Vucinic to Man Utd hasn't started yet. Thank god they've now.
Is this thread reserved exclusively for tweets about MUFC players or transfer targets? If so, you'd best get one of the mods to say so. Or if not, then what's your beef? At least the tweet I posted was both genuine and accurate ... which is more than can be said for most of 'em in this thread.

And for someone who allegedly "doesn't give a feck" you seem to be expending a lot of energy complaining about my post ... for reasons best known to yourself.

Ignore him. Like Sunny Jim and LR7 said, tweets to do with other teams are fine.
Thread title says -
Tweets Only

Let's drop the unnecessary chat because a tweet has been posted, it's related to a transfer, end of.

Heh. Would be funny this.

Seems like a very excessive price for Higuain though.
Thread title says -
Tweets Only

Let's drop the unnecessary chat because a tweet has been posted, it's related to a transfer, end of.

A genuine question and not just me being pedantic: where are we allowed to discuss tweets? The twitter thread was made to keep tweets out of the player threads and now no discussion seems to be allowed in this thread?
A genuine question and not just me being pedantic: where are we allowed to discuss tweets? The twitter thread was made to keep tweets out of the player threads and now no discussion seems to be allowed in this thread?

Twitter Thread | Tweets Only | Discussions should be in their respective player threads :)
Twitter Thread | Tweets Only | Discussions should be in their respective player threads :)

I'm aware of that but tweets are pretty much banned in the player threads leaving nowhere to actually discuss any tweets?
A genuine question and not just me being pedantic: where are we allowed to discuss tweets? The twitter thread was made to keep tweets out of the player threads and now no discussion seems to be allowed in this thread?

In fairness to you, the issue I was directly addressing there was The Don and Glaston. Tweets about players are allowed in here obviously and I'm not sure but if you're discussing that particular tweet - i.e. who tweeted it, the content I think that is ok. If however you come in saying blah blah, Thiago is better than Bebe - then that's right out. I think.
In fairness to you, the issue I was directly addressing there was The Don and Glaston. Tweets about players are allowed in here obviously and I'm not sure but if you're discussing that particular tweet - i.e. who tweeted it, the content I think that is ok. If however you come in saying blah blah, Thiago is better than Bebe - then that's right out. I think.

Ah right that makes perfect sense. So we can discuss the content and credibility but if we are discussing the actual player keep it to their own thread. Nice one, cheers.
Ah right that makes perfect sense. So we can discuss the content and credibility but if we are discussing the actual player keep it to their own thread. Nice one, cheers.

As far as I'm aware, yes. No worries.
Some interesting tweets from Alistair fergusson. I don't know how to put tweets here but basically confident over fab if barca agree sale and arse NOT interested.
We have talked to spurs about Bale, offered cash plus players. They were not interested in the players but will be if cash plus rooney, but roo unlikely to agree as no champs lesgue
I don't know how to post tweets either but this is what he had to say -

" I was just told AGAIN that Fabregas is open to the United move IF Barca choose to sell him. Also, that AFC are NOT interested in resigning Fab. It seems that SSN are getting all this via the agent. Interesting.

I was also told on a separate issue, that United and THFC have been talking about a Bale transfer. United offered cash plus some players...THFC said nope, we don't fancy any of those players that you've offered. They want cash plus Rooney for Bale.For me, it's a non-starter as there is no way Rooney would go to THFC as there is no Champs League. Interesting dialogue though. "
Didn't he call Thiago incorrectly?

A lot of people did. I think the heat that Hunter etc got because Pep came in late is a bit harsh. They clearly sensed an opportunity that we were stalling, or the player was and made their move.
I know he has the credentials, but is Fergusson reliable? Has he got the scoop on any transfer before?

If you read his timeline, he's very open about the fact that he's not a journalist, he's a TV editor. He says he has been at SSN and has heard this information there.
Cash plus Rooney for Bale seems completely made up, Rooney wouldn't go to Spurs and I doubt Levy would pay his wages
Cash plus Rooney for Bale seems completely made up, Rooney wouldn't go to Spurs and I doubt Levy would pay his wages

He's tweeted that if that is what Spurs want, it is a no go. Rooney won't move.
Cash plus Rooney for Bale seems completely made up, Rooney wouldn't go to Spurs and I doubt Levy would pay his wages

He has said that he thinks it's a non-starter because Rooney wouldn't go to a club not in the CL. Doesn't mean that Levy wouldn't try.
He has said that he thinks it's a non-starter because Rooney wouldn't go to a club not in the CL. Doesn't mean that Levy wouldn't try.

I don't think he would try because he's not an idiot, he knows Rooney won't go and he also knows that he would want a wage way beyond their current wage structure
I know he has the credentials, but is Fergusson reliable? Has he got the scoop on any transfer before?

Not sure, he seems a decent guy and he doesn't come across as a bullshitter. He is a big United fan and wants these moves just as much as we do.
I don't think he would try because he's not an idiot, he knows Rooney won't go and he also knows that he would want a wage way beyond their current wage structure

I suspect that, if true, it may have been the point Levy is making in a roundabout way. "You want Bale? Okay, give us Rooney...", as in "no chance".
I suspect that, if true, it may have been the point Levy is making in a roundabout way. "You want Bale? Okay, give us Rooney...", as in "no chance".

Difference is we are probably not saying no. Just that Rooney doesn't want to go there.
Yeah that's what I mean. Levy stating that the only way we'd be getting Bale is if Rooney somehow ended up at Spurs.

All very unlikely, which I suspect is the point of Spurs' rejection to our rumoured offer. As opposed to actually entertaining it with a slight tweak of player.
Came in here to tell you lads to stop discussing again, but...

Were you actually? I wasn't involved in said discussion, but it seems like they were very much just doing this:

So we can discuss the content and credibility but if we are discussing the actual player keep it to their own thread. Nice one, cheers.

As far as I'm aware, yes. No worries.

We're getting pretty mixed messages from the mods about what sorts of discussion is and isn't allowed in this thread, which makes it difficult to post in.
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