Tweets Only 2010/14 Archive

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He's gonna need an Airbus for all those Golden Gloves trophies.
Chelsea-associated journo Rob Beasley promised 'big news about a certain well-known striker' at 11pm...unfortunately, the news seems to have made him turn him to drink:
Earthquake said:
By heck, I can barely read most of his posts...

He works for The Sun, mate. No further comment necessary.

Agent who works with one or several Arsenal players who was talking about Cesc before any of the papers were on to it.
Wonder what the add ons are. Surely, appearances or something similar.

I'd take a guess at a substantial bonus payment - maybe £2 million, for example - if he wins a league title during his first contract, and the same for a Champions League win. Those types of thing are quite common I'm sure.

Essentially if he's successful we end up paying another few million, but then he's been worth the money as he's helped the team win trophies.
Either appearances or success, so if club wins the league title we'll give them £X etc
In which case for Arsenal to match it they'd surely have to stump up the full price as the add-ons would be worthless!

:D They would be but Arsenal have used them before. Hopefully clubs are wise to the fact they'll never see any trophy winning bonuses, now
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