Tweets Only 2010/14 Archive

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A fully fit Rooney is a better player than Van Persie. I'm prepared to get pelted for this opinion.

Having said that I just don't think he has the determination and motivation to become fully fit at this club, I think he needs fresh surrounding to rejuvenate his career.

I think this is the problem with letting him go - we'll be gifting someone a freshly determined and reinvigorated world class player. In his current mindset, I don't think he'd be that much of a loss and of he's unhappy I'd be willing to let him go but has to be abroad or he will make us regret selling him.

It's just beyond me how a freshly crowned champion playing at one of the greatest clubs in the world earning upwards of £200k can sulk so much and not just get on with the dream career of most people.
I think we'll have a fresh and determined Rooney. Moyes and Vidic have both mentioned how he's got a glint in his eye and how he's looking the fittest he's been in pre season for 5 seasons. I think he'll stay and have a wonderful season.
I think this is the problem with letting him go - we'll be gifting someone a freshly determined and reinvigorated world class player. In his current mindset, I don't think he'd be that much of a loss and of he's unhappy I'd be willing to let him go but has to be abroad or he will make us regret selling him.

It's just beyond me how a freshly crowned champion playing at one of the greatest clubs in the world earning upwards of £200k can sulk so much and not just get on with the dream career of most people.

simple. a lot of footballers are complete idiots, massively out of tough with the real world.

if he wasn't a footballer he'd be some toe-rag in some small town somewhere up to no good.
Oi it's over. These boys are reliable.

Fourth Official @FourthOfficial_
Cavani will be presented to the media as a PSG player on Tuesday
Keys is a bellend. Had nothing to do with Kenwright considering Moyes' contract was up.

Couldn't have put it any better. Before he left Sky Sports I thought he was decent along with Gray, but now it's only Gray I enjoy listening to right now. Currently on Talkshite Keys speaks to Gray as if he is a retard trying to get him to explain football to him at every moment possible. The guy can go feck right off.
Keys is just a bell end that looks to provoke reaction. RAWK will lap that up while we get irate and post it on forums.

As far as im concerned Sir Alex Ferguson, he does what he wants. feck em.
Couldn't have put it any better. Before he left Sky Sports I thought he was decent along with Gray, but now it's only Gray I enjoy listening to right now. Currently on Talkshite Keys speaks to Gray as if he is a retard trying to get him to explain football to him at every moment possible. The guy can go feck right off.

Keys did this on Monday Night Football and Super Sundays Last Word too. Keys just seemed to set Gray up at every opportunity, allowing him to explain everything in great detail, as if Keys himself was an utterly neutral party who is incapable of speaking. It was just horrible.

Gray is decent I think. A little OTT at times, but I preferred him partnering Martin Tyler than Richard Keys.
Keys did this on Monday Night Football and Super Sundays Last Word too. Keys just seemed to set Gray up at every opportunity, allowing him to explain everything in great detail, as if Keys himself was an utterly neutral party who is incapable of speaking. It was just horrible.

Gray is decent I think. A little OTT at times, but I preferred him partnering Martin Tyler than Richard Keys.

You're right, he did do this for Sky. But with Talksport, it's as if he's been given permission to suddenly voice his own opinion of football and counter-argue against Gray, and he comes up with the biggest load of shite I've heard from a football pundit. He's truly terrible for football, and embarrassing to listen to
Is there a reason why Keys is so bitter towards SAF?

Ferguson ripped into him at an event one time and Keys basically wilted. Since then Keys talks about as if he was mr cool throughout and Ferguson was being over the top. Other journalists remember as Keys being close to tears. Keys has had a grudge ever since.
If you've listened to any of TS you have made a terrible decision. You're just lucky to have missed him.
If you've listened to any of TS you have made a terrible decision. You're just lucky to have missed him.

I used to love Mike Parry on Talksport, I know he is a pillock, but at least he is funny. Was upset when they got rid of him for Keys and Gray. Gray is usually clueless and Keys think he know everything and that his opinion is always right. Slimeball.
I used to love Mike Parry on Talksport, I know he is a pillock, but at least he is funny. Was upset when they got rid of him for Keys and Gray. Gray is usually clueless and Keys think he know everything and that his opinion is always right. Slimeball.

Havent heard that term in a long time :D

I know what you're saying about "Hairy-hands" Keys & "Dull" Gray - one thinks he's the shit & the other hasnt a feckin clue about anything, apart from his collection of video's of himself. Reckon he sits down every night with his pants down watchin those too, with "Keysy" pattin him on the back - "well in son - take a bow..that was fabulous..well played"!

Keys reminds me of a shit square-personality school-teacher - knows everything but just seems to talk like everything is rehearsed - reading from a text book type of thing. Whats those lads up to during the "off-season"?

All that being said - fair play to Keys for leaving Sky because he would have found it tough to continue without his mucker. Thought that was pretty cool to be honest!

As a side-note - do you reckon Keys shaves his hands or does he wax? Either way - thats some fecked up shit that it took him about 15 years to notice that slowly but surely, the man is a feckin Werewolf :eek:
You mean aside from most of the top clubs in the world? There's only a couple of teams he wouldnt start for

We're one of those teams though.

Still, I'm happy that none of our rivals are getting him so I do "care".
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