Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

you can bet Mueller asked Trump if he worked with Cohen and Pecker to make those payments. Trump will have lied and now he has the other two ready to swear that he was in the fecking room with them.
Think it's the National Enquirer's parent company.

Ah cheers.

The best we can hope for is that the Trump Org goes down tbh. If that gets destroyed then the whole family goes pop and so does any legacy which is a million times more delicious than him getting impeached.
Katyal has been on fire lately.

I think these lawyers are going to play a fairly big part in defining the actual law when all is said and done.

There’s a million cases to study and a lot of fine print that needs going over.

What Trump and his lawyers really want is to set the agenda themselves, to decide what laws will apply to them and selectively highlight precedents which they hope set a narrow very narrow scope.

The likes of Katyal, Mariotti and Bhahara are taking great pleasure out of this case and are enthusiastically looking to expose every law and opinion so that the case can be overseen with absolute clarity.

It’s an absolute nightmare for team Trump.
I think these lawyers are going to play a fairly big part in defining the actual law when all is said and done.

There’s a million cases to study and a lot of fine print that needs going over.

What Trump and his lawyers really want is to set the agenda themselves, to decide what laws will apply to them and selectively highlight precedents which they hope set a narrow very narrow scope.

The likes of Katyal, Mariotti and Bhahara are taking great pleasure out of this case and are enthusiastically looking to expose every law and opinion so that the case can be overseen with absolute clarity.

It’s an absolute nightmare for team Trump.

The Trump team is using a political/PR strategy. Not even close to being a legal strategy -- which makes sense since they are stabbing in the dark with Mueller and his investigation. Taking the initiative to set and shape teh agenda in the Mueller info vacuum makes sense for Trump and his orbit.

Trump/Middle East/Russia Investigation
What's AMI?

Indictment today would be fecking hilarious.
What's been lost in all of this AMI deal with SDNY is that SDNY had the ability to procecute AMI itself and AMI agreed that they did thus spilling the beans.

You don't just indict companies willy nilly. You have to have proof that there was a benefit to the company. What was the benefit that AMI was getting from all of this. (let's remember Pecker didn't publish 2 amazing juicy credible stories that would have flew off the shelf right before the election and benefitted the company exponentially

The answer to that could be fascinating
There’s a hearing today in one of Mueller’s sealed indictment cases.

They’ve not only closed the court, but the entire floor to keep reporters at bay. Very much shrouded in mystery which is obviously perking a lot of interest.

Speculation that it’s Trump himself or even Pence, albeit fairly baseless other than the level of secrecy.
There’s a hearing today in one of Mueller’s sealed indictment cases.

They’ve not only closed the court, but the entire floor to keep reporters at bay. Very much shrouded in mystery which is obviously perking a lot of interest.

Speculation that it’s Trump himself or even Pence, albeit fairly baseless other than the level of secrecy.
Could be juicy.

Om nom nom :drool:
There’s a hearing today in one of Mueller’s sealed indictment cases.

They’ve not only closed the court, but the entire floor to keep reporters at bay. Very much shrouded in mystery which is obviously perking a lot of interest.

Speculation that it’s Trump himself or even Pence, albeit fairly baseless other than the level of secrecy.
I have a pool with friends that it's pence. We have been tracking this person for a while now. The VP can be indicted at any time and called to testify unlike the president

^ That from October was posted on reddit.


At every level, this matter has commanded the immediate and close attention of the judges involved—suggesting that no ordinary witness and no ordinary issue is involved. But is it the president? The docket sheets give one final—but compelling—clue. When the witness lost the first time in the circuit court (before the quick round trip to the district court), he petitioned, unusually, for rehearing en banc—meaning the witness thought the case was so important that it merited the very unusual action of convening all 10 of the D.C. Circuit judges to review the order. That is itself telling (this witness believes the case demands very special handling), but the order disposing of the petition is even more telling: Trump’s sole appointee to that court, Gregory Katsas, recused himself.

Why did he recuse himself? We don’t know; by custom, judges typically don’t disclose their reasons for sitting out a matter. But Katsas previously served in the Trump White House, as one of four deputy White House counsels. He testified in his confirmation hearings that in that position he handled executive branch legal issues, but made clear that apart from some discrete legal issues, he had not been involved in the special counsel’s investigation. If the witness here were unrelated to the White House, unless the matter raised one of the discrete legal issues on which Katsas had previously given advice, there would be no reason for the judge to recuse himself.

But if the witness were the president himself—if the matter involved an appeal from a secret order requiring the president to testify before the grand jury—then Katsas would certainly feel obliged to recuse himself from any official role. Not only was the president his former client (he was deputy counsel to the president, remember) but he owes his judicial position to the president’s nomination. History provides a useful parallel: In 1974, in the unanimous Supreme Court decision United States v. Nixon, which required another witness-president to comply with a subpoena, Justice William Rehnquist recused himself for essentially the same reasons.


Also says in the link that oral arguments were set for today - December 14th. Whatever it is has been going on since August.

That sort of secrecy surely means it’s somebody seriously high profile?

Trump or Pence are the obvious ones.

If it was Jr, he’d have cried to the world about it on Twitter.

Kushner is a possibility, he seems like the type to rat on his family.

Whoever it is, I think it’s likely someone who is still active in the Trump Admin. Deep Throat II.
There's no way it's Trump. It's impossible for him to move around like that without somebody knowing and probably, somebody leaking.

I guess Pence seems the likelier choice.

That sort of secrecy surely means it’s somebody seriously high profile?

Trump or Pence are the obvious ones.

If it was Jr, he’d have cried to the world about it on Twitter.

Kushner is a possibility, he seems like the type to rat on his family.

Whoever it is, I think it’s likely someone who is still active in the Trump Admin. Deep Throat II.

Tiffany, also known as as the other one.