Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

Has Trump admitted to any of these affairs? It's clear now that the allegations are true so I'm wondering what that means just on a personal level for him.

It means nothing. Melania is a classic gold digger. You think any woman wants to take that cock along with such a shit personality? She'll divorce him and write a book about her struggles that women will mop up and make her even richer. Ironically I feel more for his kids (yes Don Jr included) surely when you are brought up like that and in that environment then it's hard to have morals or know what's best.
Has Trump admitted to any of these affairs? It's clear now that the allegations are true so I'm wondering what that means just on a personal level for him.

They asked Melania once if she’d have married Donald if he wasn’t rich. Her reply was ‘Do you think he’d have married me if I wasn’t beautiful?’. I don’t think a few affairs is going to breakup their marriage.
Does anyone here honestly think that Trump is anything but the head of the problem?

Obama is lauded while running far left of what he actually achieved. Hillary seemed to think it was her turn while being somehow more unlikable than Trump. Do any of the Democrats believe that there is any representative of them that the party will allow to enact the policies they really want?

Why is it the fault of @Eboue and the likes instead of your fault for not abandoning a Democratic party that has constantly failed you and voting to put a end to this 2 party dictatorship? American politics is the definition of insanity, doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results.

If I was an American citizen I'd vote for the one person who agreed that a document written 230 years ago was in any relevant to today.
Does anyone here honestly think that Trump is anything but the head of the problem?

Obama is lauded while running far left of what he actually achieved. Hillary seemed to think it was her turn while being somehow more unlikable than Trump. Do any of the Democrats believe that there is any representative of them that the party will allow to enact the policies they really want?

Why is it the fault of @Eboue and the likes instead of your fault for not abandoning a Democratic party that has constantly failed you and voting to put a end to this 2 party dictatorship? American politics is the definition of insanity, doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results.

If I was an American citizen I'd vote for the one person who agreed that a document written 230 years ago was in any relevant to today.
There is another thread for this disccussion.
Does anyone here honestly think that Trump is anything but the head of the problem?

Obama is lauded while running far left of what he actually achieved. Hillary seemed to think it was her turn while being somehow more unlikable than Trump. Do any of the Democrats believe that there is any representative of them that the party will allow to enact the policies they really want?

Why is it the fault of @Eboue and the likes instead of your fault for not abandoning a Democratic party that has constantly failed you and voting to put a end to this 2 party dictatorship? American politics is the definition of insanity, doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results.

If I was an American citizen I'd vote for the one person who agreed that a document written 230 years ago was in any relevant to today.

Political suicide unfortunately.
It means nothing. Melania is a classic gold digger. You think any woman wants to take that cock along with such a shit personality? She'll divorce him and write a book about her struggles that women will mop up and make her even richer. Ironically I feel more for his kids (yes Don Jr included) surely when you are brought up like that and in that environment then it's hard to have morals or know what's best.

Care to reconsider?

Care to reconsider?

I ain't saying he's a good person but would you be being brought up by what we know Trump now is (or what we already knew he was before he was voted in)? I hate Trump Jr but he is a result of his upbringing like all other entitled prats.
Why would New York State agree to a deal like that? If he’s not impeached, if his crimes are laid bare there’s no way he’s going to get reelection whether he is impeached or not.

It’s clear as day that the Trump empire is rotten to the core and nothing more than a criminal organisation. They’re not going to turn a blind eye to that and even if he doesn’t face jail time himself, Trump Corp will be stripped to the bone and the Trump family will likely be removed from executive positions.

Let’s see how those repayments go to Deutsche Bank and his Russian friend when he loses all liquidity.

Don't ask me why, just watch it happen. I do not believe that him or any member of his family will see a day in jail for all this. Yes, his businesses may be adversely affected with whole lot of fines or what not, but that would be the extent of it, imo. Not seen many punished severely for white collar crimes. Don't expect this to be much different.

As for the presidency, I actually wanted to see him voted out of power in the next election. I like the fact that there is more engagement from the broader population now than I have seen any time before. For democracy to be fully functional, an informed electorate is a must. I fear people will again take their eye of the ball once this is over. However, the way it has been going since after the mid-term, and taking account of his volatile temperament, it would be best if he leaves without doing too much further damage. I know there is a lot of enthusiasm for this circus and it keeps everyone entertained, but we are likely to see a tame ending. I would be surprised to see if we get to see the 'blood sport' that so many desire.
Can you elaborate?
Trump and Pecker have been friends for decades.He knows more about Trump than Trump knows about himself.Not just Stormy Daniels and Cohen, or the attempt to influence the election, but the money.
Batboy was the first thing I thought of!

Then I Googled image searched Batboy.

Then I superimposed Trump's face on Batboy's head in my mind...:eek:

You're welcome. Sleep good.
