Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

At a minimum, it would neutralize the prospects for a pardon since he would know that pardoning himself or his own family members would make them all look guilty as feck and it wouldn't have much value given that the NY AG would still go after them.

You think it'll come to that?

Somewhere, when the investigation gets close and it looks like there is no way out for him, a deal will be worked out and he'll resign in the middle of the night after getting full immunity and will disappear from the public view. Pence will be installed and that'll be the end of it.
You think it'll come to that?

Somewhere, when the investigation gets close and it looks like there is no way out for him, a deal will be worked out and he'll resign in the middle of the night after getting full immunity and will disappear from the public view. Pence will be installed and that'll be the end of it.

That's a distinct possibility. Although it would go against his instincts to "fight back", at some point there would be so much criminal dirt dredged up by a combination of Mueller, SDNY, and NYAG, that there would be pressure for him to resign, especially if it all happens in the lead up to 2020.
I wonder if it's all going to be less about criminality and more politics - ie - not justice but more negotiating tool for Democrats. Which would be bad, but it is DC we're talking about.
You think it'll come to that?

Somewhere, when the investigation gets close and it looks like there is no way out for him, a deal will be worked out and he'll resign in the middle of the night after getting full immunity and will disappear from the public view. Pence will be installed and that'll be the end of it.

Why would New York State agree to a deal like that? If he’s not impeached, if his crimes are laid bare there’s no way he’s going to get reelection whether he is impeached or not.

It’s clear as day that the Trump empire is rotten to the core and nothing more than a criminal organisation. They’re not going to turn a blind eye to that and even if he doesn’t face jail time himself, Trump Corp will be stripped to the bone and the Trump family will likely be removed from executive positions.

Let’s see how those repayments go to Deutsche Bank and his Russian friend when he loses all liquidity.
I love the feeling that things are closing in on him, with it appearing the pardon escape route disappearing. Knowing how this has gone so far though, I can still see him wiggling his way out of it.
That's a distinct possibility. Although it would go against his instincts to "fight back", at some point there would be so much criminal dirt dredged up by a combination of Mueller, SDNY, and NYAG, that there would be pressure for him to resign, especially if it all happens in the lead up to 2020.

If a mountain of evidence exists that reflects his businesses and charities having committed/covered crimes, and he's given some bullshit deal to get out of it, then the whole fecking system just took a giant shit on the nation. This mf'er should rot in prison.
Not SDNY -- they are under the DOJ. Its the State of NY:

I feel like I'm sucking the fun out of this but how exactly is this new news? Underwood has already sued trump foundation and it was made clear that new York state was working along with SDNY with the Trump organisation investigation and Cohen.
I feel like I'm sucking the fun out of this but how exactly is this new news? Underwood has already sued trump foundation and it was made clear that new York state was working along with SDNY with the Trump organisation investigation and Cohen.

This is more sweeping, literally covering every blade of grass Trump or anyone related to him ever walked upon and not bound by justice department regulations or federal powers of pardon.
This is more sweeping, literally covering every blade of grass Trump or anyone related to him ever walked upon and not bound by justice department regulations or federal powers of pardon.
I guess it already felt like this was clearly already being done by Underwood. I really don't see how this is any different than what was happening yesterday. New York state was never bound by justice department guidelines or presidential pardon. It was always the case and he and his entire organisation were already clearly under investigation by them. Underwood subpoenaed Michael Cohen in the summer iirc, and has been basically doing a mirror investigation to the SDNY to cover the chance that Trump pardons some key people.
I guess it already felt like this was clearly already being done by Underwood. I really don't see how this is any different than what was happening yesterday. New York state was never bound by justice department guidelines or presidential pardon. It was always the case and he and his entire organisation were already clearly under investigation by them. Underwood subpoenaed Michael Cohen in the summer iirc, and has been basically doing a mirror investigation to the SDNY to cover the chance that Trump pardons some key people.

SDNY is a federal district court and Underwood's investigation involves Trump foundation and their financial irregularities.
SDNY is a federal district court and Underwood's investigation involves Trump foundation and their financial irregularities.
Yes I'm aware what the SDNY is. I'm saying new York state was working along side them as it related to Cohen and the Trump Organization. Underwood the acting attorney General for new York state who James is replacing , was already investigating trump. James coming out and saying we are going to lift every blade of grass to me is just grandstanding . They were already doing that with Underwood.

The Trump foundation is trump. Its everything. It's possibly the biggest thing they could look into at state level . James even says in her release that she will continue the foundation probe. That's what contains his entire family (the relevant ones). It's his cash cow. It's where all bodies are buried.

Anyway it just didn't seem like some big revelation to me as this was basically already in motion.
If Cohen has been done for taxes then it's a cert that Trump has got some illegal tax issues too. As always, follow the money.
Literally nobody in this thread will understand that reference, Mr. History trousers.

Haha you're right on that. Went to Wiki and was reading some of the scandals.

I would much prefer a quick overview from you or @Carolina Red

Man, you can't leave us hanging like that. Give us a short history lesson!
Harding appointed a bunch of unqualified friends and gambling buddies to government positions.

It resulted in the Teapot Dome Scandal where they got caught taking bribes for oil in Wyoming and California. Teapot Dome was the biggest government scandal in US history before Watergate.

The scandal resulted in Harding dying of a heart attack.
Harding appointed a bunch of unqualified friends and gambling buddies to government positions.

It resulted in the Teapot Dome Scandal where they got caught taking bribes for oil in Wyoming and California. Teapot Dome was the biggest government scandal in US history before Watergate.

The scandal resulted in Harding dying of a heart attack.

Thanks to you, I've heard about this before.
I mean, was it foolish, really?

He's not faced any consequences for the blatant lie, nor the murder.
Yes, I’d say it was foolish. Giving a smirking denial, then producing those 2” tourists” who were just visiting Salisbury was what piqued the interest of Bellingcat.

They not only identified the 2 suspects, discovered they were high up GRU operatives but then went on digging and outed the 4 Russians expelled from Holland and uncovered the details, passport numbers of 305 more GRU operatives. That’s 311 GRU operatives they’ve unmasked. Better if Putin had just kept quiet wouldn't you say.

Who knows though, maybe his latest denial will encourage them to have a bit of a furtive delve into Butina’s background too.
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36 months my hole. He'll be free in no time because of the 'rich persons pardon'. White collar crime is as intangibly effective against society as any murderer and co. If Bundy killed x amount of people I'm sure that inflicted poverty has killed 10 times more. The time has come for rich people to no longer be above the law but they always will be. Everyone in this thread thinks taking down Trump is so great but you'll still be stuck with a majority of Republican representatives that have sat back and watched this unfold and facilitated it happening. Then you have the vast majority of democrats who are as guilty as their Republican counterparts. There is no 'good' party for the people, one is just less obvious in their money grabbing personal agenda. Presidential pardon is complete bullshit, how can one person have such authority over the law? Obama was shit and Trump even shitter but American politics or indeed World politics ain't going to improve until we stop allowing the rich to be a law unto themselves. Unfortunately in 20 years time we'll be having the same discussions on an ever deteriorating World and still waiting for the 'trickle' to find it's way to us.

For anyone that has criticised those who abstained from voting for Clinton because it may have saved them from Trump, how is a 2 party system any different from Putin being elected again and again in Russia when both sides have shown they are much the same. Seems to me that all the 'Democrats' on the left should have gotten behind someone who shares their apparent views and not a corporate shill because they have a D next to their name.

I hope Trump can serve as a lesson but while you all celebrate his downfall (as will I) I doubt it actually will.
SO MUCH WOW! Another criminal like Nixon that will get away with his crimes and in a few years later we'll be frothing at the mouth to take another high class criminal down. Trump should be the start of the hunt but unfortunately Americans will cheer him taken down while backing a government containing the people who facilitated him while back a Democrat president who is less obvious about their crimes and biases. It'll take a long time yet for their semen to drop in your mouths.
SO MUCH WOW! Another criminal like Nixon that will get away with his crimes and in a few years later we'll be frothing at the mouth to take another high class criminal down. Trump should be the start of the hunt but unfortunately Americans will cheer him taken down while backing a government containing the people who facilitated him while back a Democrat president who is less obvious about their crimes and biases. It'll take a long time yet for their semen to drop in your mouths.
Your a glass half empty type of guy huh?
Has Trump admitted to any of these affairs? It's clear now that the allegations are true so I'm wondering what that means just on a personal level for him.
Your a glass half empty type of guy huh?

To be honest yes, but you can hardly blame me when we have seen this all before. Trump may go down but the likes of him should have went down long before he was a Presidential candidate. Plus how many politicians do you think are in Congress right now that haven't done something that deserves them being behind bars or at least sacked from their jobs. We have made certain parts of society more untouchable than others.

Will getting rid of Trump ultimately solve the problem of a vast majority of criminal members of congress in your opinion? In my mind those who make the laws can make sure they are above it.