Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

Is the Mueller investigation at all covered on Faux News?
Very depressingly, I like to pop over to Fox News website whenever these massive Trump bombs drop, just to see how they're covering it.

Often the answer is they're not, and when they do it tends to be below a story about either Hillary, Obama or some minority who committed a crime.

I honestly believe there isn't a circle in hell low enough for those scum.
What about the actual ''news" reporting ?

That is the actual news reporting. The shows that promote Trump are typically the ones in the evening and Fox & Friends in the morning as well as that angry, wine guzzling Lebanese woman (Jeanine Pirro) on weekends.
That is the actual news reporting. The shows that promote Trump are typically the ones in the evening and Fox & Friends in the morning as well as that angry, wine guzzling Lebanese woman (Jeanine Pirro) on weekends.
So there are no regular anchors just reading the news without any commentary?
So there are no regular anchors just reading the news without any commentary?

There aren't many of those in the US in general. Even CNN, MSNBC etc tend to weave in a particular editorial slant into their coverage. You'd probably have to watch the PBS Newshour for the sort of dry newsreading you're talking about. But since most news here is corporate owned, and thus under pressure to get high ratings for bigger ad dollars, they are always going to have some degree of sensationalism since the old school boring news reading doesn't draw big enough viewership to make money.
There aren't many of those in the US in general. Even CNN, MSNBC etc tend to weave in a particular editorial slant into their coverage. You'd probably have to watch the PBS Newshour for the sort of dry newsreading you're talking about. But since most news here is corporate owned, and thus under pressure to get high ratings for bigger ad dollars, they are always going to have some degree of sensationalism since the old school boring news reading doesn't draw big enough viewership to make money.
Well I get CNN international here and there is a distinct news reporting on somewhat regular intervals. And I am not talking about Walter Cronkite style of news reading .
Well I get CNN international here and there is a distinct news reporting on somewhat regular intervals. And I am not talking about Walter Cronkite style of news reading .
There will still be some what of an opinion to the news being read. Fox has normal day time anchors that dont go crazy like hanity and tucker in the nights. They will report on the news like anyone else would in the USA
There will still be some what of an opinion to the news being read. Fox has normal day time anchors that dont go crazy like hanity and tucker in the nights. They will report on the news like anyone else would in the USA
Thanks , that's what I asked about.
No, that’s tomorrow with the Butina plea deal and Cohen sentencing.
Oh I see. Are we likely to see any bombs dropped from Manafort?

Sorry I keep asking, I’m just not very aware of how these things work but love reading the tweets and watching Trump circle the drain.
Oh I see. Are we likely to see any bombs dropped from Manafort?

Sorry I keep asking, I’m just not very aware of how these things work but love reading the tweets and watching Trump circle the drain.
You can ask as much as you want that’s ok, unfortunately we’ll both have to wait for someone more knowledgeable than me to answer this. I’m still trying to understand it all too.
'Dirty Don jnr's GONE rogue rouge! Trying to bring "Trump" down!!! #TheGuyWhoSmockedMe'
Rudy looks like he needs a Squatty Potty.
Yeah, he said that about the Skripals poisoners too and look how foolish that statement turned out.

I mean, was it foolish, really?

He's not faced any consequences for the blatant lie, nor the murder.


His face must permanently be stuck like this. He's the most untouchable person on the planet and he can do anything he likes with no repercussions.
SDNY Have just announced a sweeping investiagation in to Trump, his family and his companies.

Hooooly feck. This is a state level investigation with a similar scope to the Special Counsel’s investigation. No pardon power. He’s fecked.

He is going to absolutely blow his lid.

This is HUGE.

It also won’t be allowed to be called without reason, so they obviously have a tonne of evidence already.
SDNY Have just announced a sweeping investiagation in to Trump, his family and his companies.

Hooooly feck. This is a state level investigation with a similar scope to the Special Counsel’s investigation. No pardon power. He’s fecked.

He is going to absolutely blow his lid.

This is HUGE.

It also won’t be allowed to be called without reason, so they obviously have a tonne of evidence already.

Not SDNY -- they are under the DOJ. Its the State of NY:
SDNY Have just announced a sweeping investiagation in to Trump, his family and his companies.

Hooooly feck. This is a state level investigation with a similar scope to the Special Counsel’s investigation. No pardon power. He’s fecked.

He is going to absolutely blow his lid.

This is HUGE.

It also won’t be allowed to be called without reason, so they obviously have a tonne of evidence already.

At a minimum, it would neutralize the prospects for a pardon since he would know that pardoning himself or his own family members would make them all look guilty as feck and it wouldn't have much value given that the NY AG would still go after them.
No, you were right initially that it is not federal, you just had the person running the investigation wrong.

The NY AG is a state position.

Ahhh ok brilliant :lol: yeah he’s definitely screwed then.
Oh wow that's a massive move, I can just imagine west wing staffers legging it to to Oval to try and hide his phone.
From their perspective it’s an easy and cheap “investigation” to sanction. It’s going to consist of “Dear Mr Mueller, please release everything you have on Trump to us and we will handle the criminal charges if you want to handle the political aspect of triggering impeachment”.