Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

Mueller's prosecutors wrote quite clearly in the sentencing documents that the bigger crime wasn't campaign finance fraud but misleading the voting public over suppressing McDougal's story. If Trump had simply paid the women off with his own money he wouldn't be in this shit but we all know he wouldn't spare a cent of his own if he could help it.

Smocking. Maybe they haven't found the one he thinks he is guilty of, yet.


It may be only part of the full story, but what we now know is a powerful tale that combines elements that are familiar from other Trumpworld scandals. It is at once shockingly corrupt, blatantly unethical, probably illegal, and yet, at the same time, shabby, small, and ineptly executed.

The Newyorker summarizes every Trump plan ever.
I like the idea of "smocking guns" all the victims walking around in confusion wearing new smocks.
There's something slightly unnerving about Trump's confidence that he believes he's done nowt wrong.
Minor his twitter rants he seems,when he's out in the open, controlled.
The amazing thing about Trump is that he keeps admitting to just about every allegation lobbed at him once it can no longer be refuted. It's like his Twitter is a long incoherent record of admittals. Perhaps his lawyers are straight up banking on Twitter rants being inadmissible in court.
The amazing thing about Trump is that he keeps admitting to just about every allegation lobbed at him once it can no longer be refuted. It's like his Twitter is a long incoherent record of admittals. Perhaps his lawyers are straight up banking on Twitter rants being inadmissible in court.

He’ll probably claim at some point that he’s never heard of Twitter, doesn’t use Twitter and that Hillary has been tweeting all these things pretending to be him.
He’s trying too hard with those tweets. Literally spelling shit wrong on purpose the transparent motherfecker.
Just another in a long list of examples of why treating a centuries old piece of paper as gospel is a bad idea.

Actually, there is no law or anything in the constitution that says a sitting president cannot be indicted. It comes from an old Justice Department directive (ironically when Nixon was in office) that has never been challenged in court, probably because no one expected things to get this bad.
Actually, there is no law or anything in the constitution that says a sitting president cannot be indicted. It comes from an old Justice Department directive (ironically when Nixon was in office) that has never been challenged in court, probably because no one expected things to get this bad.

Which is why an indictment may still be used without an actual follow on prosecution or trial, especially since the statute of limitations on his Cohen allegations will have run out if he gets reelected.