Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

Trump can't resist bragging about getting one over people, so I'm expecting his next book to be titled: I Fooled Them All - I'm Guilty As F*ck! How I Sold Out My Country & Made The Presidency An Extension Of My Business.

Trump can't resist bragging about getting one over people, so I'm expecting his next book to be titled: I Fooled Them All - I'm Guilty As F*ck! How I Sold Out My Country & Made The Presidency An Extension Of My Business.

To be fair, if he survives this and did that I think I'd actually start to like him for the sheer brazen giant balls of it.
...and all this even before the Dems have taken charge of the house.

get your pop corns ready.
In a way this is probably more important than it seems. Those working on the multiple cases against Trump know very well the Rs will have a much easier job blaming the democrats by calling it rigged, a conspiracy etc once they re in power in the House. I hope this means we do still have plenty of people who are able to set politics aside in our judicial system.
In a way this is probably more important than it seems. Those working on the multiple cases against Trump know very well the Rs will have a much easier job blaming the democrats by calling it rigged, a conspiracy etc once they re in power in the House. I hope this means we do still have plenty of people who are able to set politics aside in our judicial system.
I think we're too far down the path now for any of those political shenanigans to sway opinion while the facts keep rolling out. It's undeniably obvious now that Trump, his family, his associates, and his company were all in close ties with Russia to help him win the election as part of their ongoing business arrangements. That horse has left the barn.

And quite frankly I think the American public already had their say by voting like they did in the midterms. Trump has been ranting and raving against the investigation all year and it hasn't done a thing. With more power to back Mueller even if Trump fires him, I can't see how the Dems don't ensure the most important findings still see the light of day.
I don't understand his plan at all. He was exploring building Trump Tower Moscow and give an American adversary a penthouse suite, all while running to be president? What did he think was going to happen?

If he won, no way could the deal have gone through. So it's this weird situation where his close ties to Russia meant the Russians wanted him to win, but also, if he won, his business dealings with Russia would have to stop. Sounds perfect from the Russian point of view. They get a compromised President without having to give him Trump Tower, but makes no sense from his point of view.

And even if he lost, no one would take him seriously from a political point of view anymore if he so publically sold out to Putin.
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I don't understand his plan at all. He was exploring building Trump Tower Moscow and give an American adversary a penthouse suite, all while running to be president? What did he think was going to happen?

If he won, no way could the deal have gone through. So it's this weird situation where his close ties to Russia meant the Russians wanted him to win, but also if he won, his business dealings with Russia would have to stop. Sounds perfect from the Russian point of view. They get a compromised President without having to give him Trump Tower, but makes no sense from his point of view.

And even if he lost, no one would take him seriously from a political point of view anymore if he so publically sold out to Putin.

Reasons why he is where he is:

1. Trump is incredibly ignorant of things and won't admit it to himself.
2. He is used to doing transactional deals and short term gratification..
3. He is used to doing things his way and not had any oversight. Trump Org is essentially a mom and pop outfit. In any other company he would be a PR director or Sales manager at best.
4. Most critical, he had not expected to win. And was probably most shock what the Russians were able to do.
5. Had no idea of how his own country and its government functions.
6. He wAs way over his head and still doesn't know it. The old kruger-dunning effect.
I wonder what Mueller’s actual intentions are.

Is he so straight that his job is simply to file a report and let congress deal with it as appropriate.

Or is he so straight that this level of criminal activity and soiling of the office of POTUS boils his blood and he will want to ensure that the fraud that conned his way into office will not have the protections a legitimate president is afforded.

I think this is probably the closest I’ve seen to a feasible answer on the above.

Mueller won’t be expecting this Senate to impeach Trump and we are half way through this presidency already anyway. If he can’t go after Trump directly, he can definitely go after Trump Corp and all it’s filthy minions which is what he’s been doing.

He can start dismantling it and charging those guilty of money laundering, freeze accounts and basically cripple the Trump criminal empire. That process isn’t going to be done in 2 years so when Trump is a private citizen again, he will be fair game for subpoena’s and perjury charges.

As far as the GOP go, if they don’t impeach despite good cause, it will surely be very difficult to support him as a candidate for another term. Especially if there are investigations and prosecutions still ongoing.
Trump can't resist bragging about getting one over people, so I'm expecting his next book to be titled: I Fooled Them All - I'm Guilty As F*ck! How I Sold Out My Country & Made The Presidency An Extension Of My Business.

I'm still hoping he'll have plenty of time in his jail cell to write some help-yourself guides, I'd certainly be interested in (seeing the Twitter reviews of) books like:
The Blagger's Guide to Presidency
The One Minute President
How to Lead the Free World (and keep your weekends clear for golf)

I'm still expecting anything collusion/perjury related on Russian interference in the election to be ignored by the electorate - and the Senate Republicans. Which means I've got my hopes pinned on some nice Capone-esque moneylaundering and tax evasion offence coming crashing down on the Trump organisation.

It should be easy to recover the costs of the Mueller investigations from the confiscations and fines if they pull that off. Trump should be delighted, after all:

I think this is probably the closest I’ve seen to a feasible answer on the above.

Mueller won’t be expecting this Senate to impeach Trump and we are half way through this presidency already anyway. If he can’t go after Trump directly, he can definitely go after Trump Corp and all it’s filthy minions which is what he’s been doing.

He can start dismantling it and charging those guilty of money laundering, freeze accounts and basically cripple the Trump criminal empire. That process isn’t going to be done in 2 years so when Trump is a private citizen again, he will be fair game for subpoena’s and perjury charges.

As far as the GOP go, if they don’t impeach despite good cause, it will surely be very difficult to support him as a candidate for another term. Especially if there are investigations and prosecutions still ongoing.

Like I said yesterday, there's a decent chance he spends his last years in jail.
What i find interesting is how the GOP will try and wash their hands off him after his presidency and pretend as if he was never their candidate.
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Like I said yesterday, there's a decent chance he spends his last year's in jail.
What i find interesting is how the GOP will try and wash their hands off him after his presidency and pretend as if he was never their candidate.

I’ve said numerous times I think once he’s a busted flush for them, they will want him in jail so he’s silenced.

He’s not going to spend his bitter years after his presidency getting his base fired up to vote republican. He’s going to get them fired up to cause anarchy and Republican’s will be as much of a target as democrats if he feels that they didn’t work hard enough to protect him.

He’s a narcissist, he will spend his years courting controversy at the expense of everyone and anyone who he doesn’t trust. So anyone who isn’t his family.
I don't understand his plan at all. He was exploring building Trump Tower Moscow and give an American adversary a penthouse suite, all while running to be president? What did he think was going to happen?

If he won, no way could the deal have gone through. So it's this weird situation where his close ties to Russia meant the Russians wanted him to win, but also, if he won, his business dealings with Russia would have to stop. Sounds perfect from the Russian point of view. They get a compromised President without having to give him Trump Tower, but makes no sense from his point of view.

And even if he lost, no one would take him seriously from a political point of view anymore if he so publically sold out to Putin.
What if he wasn’t supposed to win, but to get close? That way WikiLeaks, Cambridge Analytica, etc, continued to work on Clinton, he keeps having rallies, ‘lock her up’. The rallies seemed a bit ridiculous immediately after his election. But in a loss scenario they would have built his support, the team would have hollowed out the GOP, and the press would have reported his every claim.
I’ve said numerous times I think once he’s a busted flush for them, they will want him in jail so he’s silenced.

He’s not going to spend his bitter years after his presidency getting his base fired up to vote republican. He’s going to get them fired up to cause anarchy and Republican’s will be as much of a target as democrats if he feels that they didn’t work hard enough to protect him.

He’s a narcissist, he will spend his years courting controversy at the expense of everyone and anyone who he doesn’t trust. So anyone who isn’t his family.
Anyone think the Republican party splits?
Anyone think the Republican party splits?

I don’t think so, I think that for all their faults, their organisation and pragmatism is unparalleled. They are already declining in numbers, there’s no way they would split and kill any chance of ever having a majority again.
Anyone think the Republican party splits?

Not a chance. They'll just pivot in whatever direction the base seem to be leaning. If Trump falls and the base are furious, they'll pick another blowhard asshole to replace him. If Trump falls and the base accept it, they'll pick a (relative) moderate.
Not a chance. They'll just pivot in whatever direction the base seem to be leaning. If Trump falls and the base are furious, they'll pick another blowhard asshole to replace him. If Trump falls and the base accept it, they'll pick a (relative) moderate.
"they'll pick". I think it's worth bearing in mind that none them actually wanted trump.
"they'll pick". I think it's worth bearing in mind that none them actually wanted trump.

As soon as it became clear it was what the base wanted, the establishment rallied around. They certainly didn't refuse to accept it, and split off.
As soon as it became clear it was what the base wanted, the establishment rallied around. They certainly didn't refuse to accept it, and split off.
Of course not. Although I would say I've never seen a presidential candidate inspire as much dissent from his own party as trump has.

My point is that this image that the inner circle sits round a shadowed table hand-picking the candidate has been, in trump's case, shattered. The party has been more like dogs chasing sticks whichever way trump deigns to throw them. They are, ironically, much more at the mercy of their base than the Democrats.
As soon as it became clear it was what the base wanted, the establishment rallied around. They certainly didn't refuse to accept it, and split off.

Exactly. Look at Mike Lee, basically said he hated Trump and that he wouldn’t let him near his daughters during the campaign.

A few days ago he blocked the Mueller protection bill.

It doesn’t matter which wolf is in charge, these vultures will gather round so they can pick the meat off the putrid carcass they leave behind.
Of course not. Although I would say I've never seen a presidential candidate inspire as much dissent from his own party as trump has.

My point is that this image that the inner circle sits round a shadowed table hand-picking the candidate has been, in trump's case, shattered. The party has been more like dogs chasing sticks whichever way trump deigns to throw them. They are, ironically, much more at the mercy of their base than the Democrats.

Also ironically, the Republican primaries are probably the best example of democracy in the United States. More so than the Democratic primaries, that’s for sure.
Anyone think the Republican party splits?

There wouldn't be much to split into. The party is now the party of Trump and his sycophants and has lost its market share from 33 to 28%. Those that have left have generally gone independent or in some cases Dem. This is also precisely the area where Dems can grow in terms of picking off independents who can no longer bare the thought of entertaining 4 more years of Trump.
There wouldn't be much to split into. The party is now the party of Trump and his sycophants and has lost its market share from 33 to 28%. Those that have left have generally gone independent or in some cases Dem. This is also precisely the area where Dems can grow in terms of picking off independents who can no longer bare the thought of entertaining 4 more years of Trump.

Which is where the Dems themselves have an issue in that the progressive movement is trying to pull them left.

It's where the two party system in America is essentially broken. It's two behemoth institutions who have a monopoly on American politics. The idea that there is two choices in a spectrum which is at the absolute most basic level 4 dimensional is just so flawed.

Having a split three ways would go some way to helping that and would also go a long way to breaking down the partisan lock downs which are happening. If there wasn't the sports team tribalism, there are various caucuses across each party who are close enough to each other that they could form a party that is as cohesive and agreeable amongst themselves if not more than the GOP and Dems are now.
Tell me you Yanks, what are the odds Trump's going to jail? As an outsider, it's difficult to assess this.
Tell me you Yanks, what are the odds Trump's going to jail? As an outsider, it's difficult to assess this.
Not a yank but live here. Seems very unlikely. The best possible outcome would be something like Nixon again: resignation and a pardon. And even that seems like a stretch. He'll probably survive through this shit and will have to be defeated at the election in 2 years time.
Not a yank but live here. Seems very unlikely. The best possible outcome would be something like Nixon again: resignation and a pardon. And even that seems like a stretch. He'll probably survive through this shit and will have to be defeated at the election in 2 years time.
He might survive because I don't think anyone would want to throw a former US president in Jail but I think there's a serious chance almost everyone around him is locked up and the organisation effectively finished.
He might survive because I don't think anyone would want to throw a former US president in Jail but I think there's a serious chance almost everyone around him is locked up and the organisation effectively finished.
Oh, that yeah. The lesson remains: don't do the dirty work of a powerful person, not even the president. Especially don't be his #2 guy on the dirty work, where the only person you could possibly rat on is the one that can't actually be convicted. You'll end up being the only one with no plea deal and a long sentence.
Reasons why he is where he is:

1. Trump is incredibly ignorant of things and won't admit it to himself.
2. He is used to doing transactional deals and short term gratification..
3. He is used to doing things his way and not had any oversight. Trump Org is essentially a mom and pop outfit. In any other company he would be a PR director or Sales manager at best.
4. Most critical, he had not expected to win. And was probably most shock what the Russians were able to do.
5. Had no idea of how his own country and its government functions.
6. He wAs way over his head and still doesn't know it. The old kruger-dunning effect.

I think that is the main reason, he didn't have any issues with these dodgy dealings. He would have thought, if he won, he would have the ultimate power to quash any investigation into him.