Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

Reasons why he is where he is:

1. Trump is incredibly ignorant of things and won't admit it to himself.
2. He is used to doing transactional deals and short term gratification..
3. He is used to doing things his way and not had any oversight. Trump Org is essentially a mom and pop outfit. In any other company he would be a PR director or Sales manager at best.
4. Most critical, he had not expected to win. And was probably most shock what the Russians were able to do.
5. Had no idea of how his own country and its government functions.
6. He wAs way over his head and still doesn't know it. The old kruger-dunning effect.
Roger Ailes mentioned John Boehner to trump as a C.O.S. at the end of 2015 and he didn't even know who he was. That makes him the most politically illiterate novice to ever run for public office never mind winning the biggest of them all.
Like I said yesterday, there's a decent chance he spends his last years in jail.
What i find interesting is how the GOP will try and wash their hands off him after his presidency and pretend as if he was never their candidate.
That's why I think if Muller brings a lot of criminal charges against them and the house does vote to impeach we will be closer to three quarters of the Senate then people realize. Probably won't get there because the GOP are pretty much a hate group at this point but how can Senators from one party ignore the copious amounts of criminality and do nothing. He is basically a money launderer for the Russian mob and a real estate fraudster.
I think people get carried away with their hopes for impeachment or even prosecution.
If push comes to shove he will hand out pardons like candy and if that fails he will get offered a slap on the wrist deal because the people in power don't want a painful trial about how corrupt their democracy is. I think the best one can hope for is him resigning his office or leaving politics after his first term finishes, depending on Müller's timing.
The damage has already been done anyway.

I think this is probably the closest I’ve seen to a feasible answer on the above.

Mueller won’t be expecting this Senate to impeach Trump and we are half way through this presidency already anyway. If he can’t go after Trump directly, he can definitely go after Trump Corp and all it’s filthy minions which is what he’s been doing.

He can start dismantling it and charging those guilty of money laundering, freeze accounts and basically cripple the Trump criminal empire. That process isn’t going to be done in 2 years so when Trump is a private citizen again, he will be fair game for subpoena’s and perjury charges.

As far as the GOP go, if they don’t impeach despite good cause, it will surely be very difficult to support him as a candidate for another term. Especially if there are investigations and prosecutions still ongoing.

The Senate does not impeach. The House will have the numbers to any time they want once the newly elected representatives take office.

(Sorry for being pedantic...this has become one of my pet peeves in this discourse.)
The Senate does not impeach. The House will have the numbers to any time they want once the newly elected representatives take office.

(Sorry for being pedantic...this has become one of my pet peeves in this discourse.)

Yeah I realise that, I mean if the majority Dem House impeaches Trump, which they will, the majority GOP senate has absolutely no chance of convicting him.

On top of that, I expect the senate hearings to be absolute joke affairs, mostly behind closed doors. All procedure will be out the window.
That’s a corker of a photo, really captured everything beautifully. The confident, jovial and relaxed body language of his counter parts. The distant, stone faced vapid look on his face. A chancer, completely out of his depth with the weight of the world on his shoulders for all the wrong reasons.
He looks absolutely broken in both those pictures.

If they were both on or eHarmony, the two respective dating sites' algorithm would match the both together.

So much in common. Both fabulously rich, both like sunsets, walks by the beach/sands and both have killed journalists.

100% match.
Cohen knows everything and just completed 70 hours of testimony with Mueller. Same with Weiselberg. He knows the end is near.

I still can’t help but think he will be “too big to fail”, like he was when his casinos went bust.

Although, in the same way his trial is in the court of public opinion rather than criminal while he’s president, I actually think that’s absolutely fitting for Trump. If his dirty washing is hung out in public, it will kill him.

There’s our state level charges, shrouded in just the right amount of mystery.

It basically makes it impossible for Don to pardon anyone at this point. On the one hand it could be seen as obstruction so there is the political fall out for that. Then on the other it would likely come back to bite him in the ass by merely removing the subjects 5A rights when they are called to testify against him or his family for the state level charges.
There’s our state level charges, shrouded in just the right amount of mystery.

It basically makes it impossible for Don to pardon anyone at this point. On the one hand it could be seen as obstruction so there is the political fall out for that. Then on the other it would likely come back to bite him in the ass by merely removing the subjects 5A rights when they are called to testify against him or his family for the state level charges.

If he can deliver Trump's head on a platter (legally speaking of course) to Mueller, then he shouldn't serve any time imo. It would also be great leverage for Mueller in dealing with Cohen about how much he wants to reveal.

If he can deliver Trump's head on a platter (legally speaking of course) to Mueller, then he shouldn't serve any time imo. It would also be great leverage for Mueller in dealing with Cohen about how much he wants to reveal.

Agree with that. If he provides enough key information to bring down the criminal Trump empire then any crimes he committed in his role within that criminal empire should have full clemency on those crimes.

If they find he’s guilty of crimes outside of his remit as a Trump employee then I think he should have to serve some time for those.

It’s like a retroactive undercover job.
The craziness of this all hit home today when I was ambling around waterstones and saw that a Seth Abramson book about Trump was on prominent display.