Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

I’m sort of in love with her...

I don’t get tongue tied around chicks, but, if I bought her a drink at the bar, I wouldn’t know what to say that would remotely interest her. Reporters like her have so much more information ready to be put into print, they are a bit like Mueller in that they are so far ahead of the public.

I would just hope that she either liked United or wine.
When Trump was asked about the sanctions on Russia early in the campaign during a Vegas rally where he indicated he would drop the sanctions, the woman who asked the question is now in prison for being a Russian agent. I really can't wrap this around my head. It's something out of the TV show The Americans!
I don’t get tongue tied around chicks, but, if I bought her a drink at the bar, I wouldn’t know what to say that would remotely interest her. Reporters like her have so much more information ready to be put into print, they are a bit like Mueller in that they are so far ahead of the public.

I would just hope that she either liked United or wine.
Just open it up with “so that Mueller guy eh...”
the scab is going to be cleaned.
What I am more interested is how many of his enablers in Congress are also going to prison.

Impeachment seems certain now. There would have been some doubt had the Democrats not won the House, but now that they have articles of impeachment are inevitable in my view.

How history with look at the GOP will be interesting. It's likely to be so clear cut when all the evidence is lay out that it'll be hugely condemning of them too. That's not to say he'll actually be impeached, of course - there's every chance the senate will remain crooked and not do it.
Impeachment seems certain now. There would have been some doubt had the Democrats not won the House, but now that they have articles of impeachment are inevitable in my view.

How history with look at the GOP will be interesting. It's likely to be so clear cut when all the evidence is lay out that it'll be hugely condemning of them too. That's not to say he'll actually be impeached, of course - there's every chance the senate will remain crooked and not do it.
The senate will 100% not convict him. If it comes to it, they'll tell him to resign with a promise of being pardoned.
Impeachment seems certain now. There would have been some doubt had the Democrats not won the House, but now that they have articles of impeachment are inevitable in my view.

How history with look at the GOP will be interesting. It's likely to be so clear cut when all the evidence is lay out that it'll be hugely condemning of them too. That's not to say he'll actually be impeached, of course - there's every chance the senate will remain crooked and not do it.

politically it is better not to impeach.

The slow death is always better.

the entire party needs to be destroyed. That can only be done with evidence.
When Trump was asked about the sanctions on Russia early in the campaign during a Vegas rally where he indicated he would drop the sanctions, the woman who asked the question is now in prison for being a Russian agent. I really can't wrap this around my head. It's something out of the TV show The Americans!

That was Butina that asked that?
The senate will 100% not convict him. If it comes to it, they'll tell him to resign with a promise of being pardoned.

But if expected state-level charges are hanging out there they can't fully protect him, so what's in it for Orange Clown McFukstick to take a deal?

He'll go nuclear on the whole thing.
The state charges are for trustfund and charity fraud. He'll negotiate a fine there.

Nobody knows exactly what the charges are for. It’s a fact that he sold properties to Russians in New York for twice their market value so it’s feasible they could have him on money laundering charges which carry a sentence of 25 years in New York. That could be 25 years for Trump, Jr, Eric, Ivanka and Kushner.

New York State is basically blue right across the board, so there will be no political protection from Republicans. If they don’t comply, there is plenty of Trump and Kushner properties leveraged with questionable debt all over New York just ripe to be ceased. If they somehow refuse to submit to jail time, they could be easily crippled financially. I doubt Russia would be as quick to throw money towards an agent whose cover is well and truly blown.
Nobody knows exactly what the charges are for. It’s a fact that he sold properties to Russians in New York for twice their market value so it’s feasible they could have him on money laundering charges which carry a sentence of 25 years in New York. That could be 25 years for Trump, Jr, Eric, Ivanka and Kushner.

New York State is basically blue right across the board, so there will be no political protection from Republicans. If they don’t comply, there is plenty of Trump and Kushner properties leveraged with questionable debt all over New York just ripe to be ceased. If they somehow refuse to submit to jail time, they could be easily crippled financially. I doubt Russia would be as quick to throw money towards an agent whose cover is well and truly blown.
All the Russian/Saudi/Chinese etc. money is going to be dealt with federally not by a state prosecutor. The New York stuff is to do with the Trump Foundation.
All the Russian/Saudi/Chinese etc. money is going to be dealt with federally not by a state prosecutor. The New York stuff is to do with the Trump Foundation.

In normal circumstances, that’s how it would work yes. But this isn’t normal circumstances and one of the subjects has the power to pardon. So where possible, Mueller is running parallel charges at state level and delegating whatever possible to state AGs who can bring charges outside of Trump’s authority.

I’m almost certain that Mueller is willing Trump to pardon someone so the state level charges become a formality and the they all fall like dominoes.
The 78-page document, asserting the existence of a “slow-motion coup against the president,” was filed to a range of top law enforcement officials including Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, D.C.’s US Attorney Jessie L and the Bar Disciplinary Counsel.
Corsi has filed a criminal complaint against Mueller.

(Had trouble posting this. Wouldn’t let me use a certain letter because it was text speak so had to remove 2 letters of Jessica’s surname and US was split into single letters.).
Roger Stone doesn't strike me as the kind of person who can do jail time. I think he'll flip very soon when it becomes a reality for him.
Corsi has filed a criminal complaint against Mueller.

(Had trouble posting this. Wouldn’t let me use a certain letter because it was text speak so had to remove 2 letters of Jessica’s surname and US was split into single letters.).
Can't quite work out what that means. Corsi is a nut job, but an extremely effective one, so wouldn't do that on a whim.
Can't quite work out what that means. Corsi is a nut job, but an extremely effective one, so wouldn't do that on a whim.

It doesn’t have to be a whim. It’s just extra fuel for the right wing case to cancel the investigation.
Could be another interesting week:

Could be another interesting week:

My favourite reply;

Seriously though, potentially big news. Could be entering a new phase of the investigation where we know as absolute fact what Mueller has evidence of and believes the Trump campaign did that was illegal.

Even with the investigation in progress, we could be hearing calls for impeachmentcoming from wider than a minority of democrats.
It will be a great move you get the evidence and supporting information out there to the public. They will not be able to cry foul over any sort of witch hunt, or 'no evidence,' anymore.
A bit on the nose, Fox News.

A bit on the nose, Fox News.



These clowns still don't understand that no one if or when Jesus was actually born, never mind that fact that Christmas is based on a pagan celebration. Mind-numbingly stupid.
Trump's morning rants are getting nuttier and more direct. I feel like he's running out of time and words. And that's concerning because we really don't know what depths he won't sink to to protect himself. Hopefully nobody gets hurt.
Despite virtually every piece of advice warning him against firing Mueller, I still believe Trump will do it.
Trump's morning rants are getting nuttier and more direct. I feel like he's running out of time and words. And that's concerning because we really don't know what depths he won't sink to to protect himself. Hopefully nobody gets hurt.
You think he'll barricade himself in the Oval Office hiding behind an overturned resolute desk with a butter knife to an intern's throat?
Have to do this: post number 10,000. Congrats thread.
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