Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

As I said before, Trump and Russia is a smokescreen. Mueller is really going after the Trump empire cause that's all Trump cares about.
It's impossible to separate the two. Trump is beholden to Russia cause he's financially entangled with them.
I think there's a decent chance he's looking at prison after his presidency.
Didn't Argentina say they would arrest MBS on Human Rights charges if he went to Argentina?
They have asked Turkey for details of the crime against Khashoggi and have agreed to investigate him for war crimes re Yemen. Those investigations will take some time to complete and I did read somewhere that they can’t arrest him because he has Diplomatic Immunity.

(He landed in Argentina on Wednesday)
As I said before, Trump and Russia is a smokescreen. Mueller is really going after the Trump empire cause that's all Trump cares about.
Not just that, the Feds really don't want to charge a President with treasonous acts, their entire political system would be dragged through the mud and that's not a good look.

Best to get him with financial misdemeanours and then forget he ever happened.
Seems things are building. Multiple possible developments and Trump's been caught completely on the hop. Beautiful.
Is Pence still alive? I mean is he even real? I can't remember the last time I saw or heard from him.

Yes he had to scurry to the Senate to be the deciding vote on a Trump judicial nominee yesterday after the likes of Flake decided to vote against them to protest the protect Mueller bill getting stalled.
It's impossible to separate the two. Trump is beholden to Russia cause he's financially entangled with them.
I think there's a decent chance he's looking at prison after his presidency.

Yeah but not for collusion. He'd be on the hook for all his financial crimes and I think Mueller and co are waiting till after the 2020 election.
They are all interconnected.

True but why waste time trying to prove collusion during his presidency when we all know it happened. What he can really be on the hook for are his financial crimes which would implicate his kids as well. As much as we all know Russia did try to help him get elected, he's gonna be caught between a rock and a hard place if or when the charges against the Trump empire are brought. If he's still President and tries to interfere there, then he's royally screwed.

I unfollowed Abramson ages ago, but in fairness to the multi-tweeting cnut the Trump Tower angle has been his pet theory for at least 18 months and now looks to have some legs.
"No one is more honest than me, everyone will tell you that. Maybe I lied, maybe I didn't, what is perjury really. It's all a witchhunt anyway, so perjury - and I'm not saying there is perjury - it wouldn't, the perjury, be really perjury because the witchhunt and the mainstream media and the 47 angry dems - that's the real collusion by the way , and I mean the worst the world has ever seen, truly, people tell me all the time why don't you go after the real collusion and I - you know it's in my power to - but then someone says nah you shouldn't - but you know what maybe I will."
Not bad ;)
I wonder what Mueller’s actual intentions are.

Is he so straight that his job is simply to file a report and let congress deal with it as appropriate.

Or is he so straight that this level of criminal activity and soiling of the office of POTUS boils his blood and he will want to ensure that the fraud that conned his way into office will not have the protections a legitimate president is afforded.
I wonder what Mueller’s actual intentions are.

Is he so straight that his job is simply to file a report and let congress deal with it as appropriate.

Or is he so straight that this level of criminal activity and soiling of the office of POTUS boils his blood and he will want to ensure that the fraud that conned his way into office will not have the protections a legitimate president is afforded.

Mueller is an American first.
He will go beyond his job to do what is right.
Remember when Cohen was lounging outside the courthouse with his mates, smoking big fat cigars? Looked very different today.
What happens if the administration of ignores Congressional requests and subpoenas?
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Just incredible that they were held back. You’d think that it would be standard procedure.

It also goes a long way towards showing the relationship the Special Counsel has with the GOP members of house intel.
We still haven't gotten to the bottom of what happpened at that convention.