Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

This is obstruction of justice in itself. It could easily be argued that they almost had a criminal plead guilty to charges until Trump offerered him a pardon to stop him cooperating.
Trump has to do something drastic now if he knows he's been caught lying.

Probably about time to get DoD and the defense contractors into a frenzy on some kind of nuke program or rogue tribal terrorism shit. Hmm. Maybe with AQ/Taliban surging back in Afghanistan... or perhaps Iran can be the scapegoat.
They need to be a bit careful if they refuse a plea deal or lie because they have agreed a pardon with Trump.

Suppose something happens to Trump before he can pardon them.
Mueller will have them by the balls. This guy seems 10 steps ahead at any time, and Trump? Well...he doesn't. Mueller will surely have this scenario in mind and will have set up to counter them.
They need to be a bit careful if they refuse a plea deal or lie because they have agreed a pardon with Trump.

Suppose something happens to Trump before he can pardon them.

At 68, if you were offered:

A 100% chance of serving 12 years and knowing your family is likely to be a target if the gangsters you are ratting on.


A 30% chance that you could be pardoned, all charges go away and your gangster mates welcome you into open arms for being loyal.

Which would you take?
At 68, if you were offered:

A 100% chance of serving 12 years and knowing your family is likely to be a target if the gangsters you are ratting on.


A 30% chance that you could be pardoned, all charges go away and your gangster mates welcome you into open arms for being loyal.

Which would you take?
At 68 I’d take a chance on the pardon. If I was a lot younger I would take the plea deal.

Either way I’d bear in mind that Trump and his cronies may not be around for long.
This guy seems to have been passed around like a joint by everyone who wanted a piece of the Trump show.
No indication if this is in any way Trump/Russia related yet but....


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He has agreed to a new plea deal including offering new "testimony potentially damaging to Trump".
That’s a wrap guys.

Over to the spineless Senate.
:lol: Should be a fun next 48 hours. Expect Drumpf to whip some quality diversion on Friday evening to mitigate all of this.
Trump is going to react like Henry Sellers, late of the BBC.
Remind me, is this Cohen news related to the Mueller investigation or to Cohen's other legal problems with the Stormy Daniels thing? Or are they kind of inseparable at this stage?
Remind me, is this Cohen news related to the Mueller investigation or to Cohen's other legal problems with the Stormy Daniels thing? Or are they kind of inseparable at this stage?

This is Mueller. His previous guilty plea for Tax fraud etc. was through the SDNY and also included a campaign finance violation relating to the pay off of Stormy Daniels.
Remind me, is this Cohen news related to the Mueller investigation or to Cohen's other legal problems with the Stormy Daniels thing? Or are they kind of inseparable at this stage?
It seems like the Stormy stuff got Cohen into enough trouble to bring him to the table and the Special Counsel had enough evidence on his role in Trump/Russia to compel him to cooperate. Today, he's gone public with that cooperation and it seems to be potenailly very damaging for Trump especially on the heels of his written Russia-related submissions to Mueller's team
This is Mueller. His previous guilty plea for Tax fraud etc. was through the SDNY and also included a campaign finance violation relating to the pay off of Stormy Daniels.

Thanks. Hard to keep track of all this.
The investigation costs have risen by $10m since yesterday, according to renowned truth-teller Donald Trump.
That's 10 million well spent then. I wonder how much the Orange Toad has cost the average taxpayer whist sauntering around golf courses?
Trump told reporters that he “passed” on the Trump Tower Moscow deal.
Oh, the hilarity. And he did say 'passed', btw.
It's going to be funny when Trump agrees to a plea himself to avoid jail

If he is saying that Cohen is pleading to avoid a harsher sentence does that mean he has knowledge of what Cohen has done? If he was innocent shouldn't he not have any knowledge of the extent of Cohen's crimes?
Wow, clearly Mueller knew Trump would likely lie about the Trump Tower Moscow deal. Will those written answers constitute perjury if they contain lies? And if not can Mueller use the fact that he lied to pressure for a face to face interview?

Wow, clearly Mueller knew Trump would likely lie about the Trump Tower Moscow deal. Will those written answers constitute perjury if they contain lies? And if not can Mueller use the fact that he lied to pressure for a face to face interview?

It's almost as if he's really, really good at this and Trump et al are morons. Who coulda guessed, right? :D