Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

Just a hunch, but I have a feeling the reason he was trying to delay his prison sentence is because he didn’t want to uphold his side of the plea deal. If he served the minimal sentence, the admission of guilt would be set in stone and if he went on to refuse to appear as a witness as per terms of the plea deal they would start the entire process again and pursue the maximum sentence for him.

By putting it off, I think he’s waiting for Trump and Whitaker to play their hand.
Maybe Trump is going to pardon them all so they don’t need a plea deal. Can see Trump abusing that Presidential privilege because he abuses most of the rest of his privileges.
Maybe Trump is going to pardon them all so they don’t need a plea deal. Can see Trump abusing that Presidential privilege because he abuses most of the rest of his privileges.

Of course it’s possible. I still think Mueller is prepared for the pardons though, he will have State AG’s lined up with parallel sealed indictments.
How do those work?

Presidents have privilege to pardon over federal crimes. Similar crimes, or crimes which occurred collaterally can still be tried at state level. Or, co-conspirators of the same crimes can be tried and the pardoned can be called as a witness with no right to plead the fifth.

If he was subpoenaed as a witness against Trump for instance, he would have to appear in court and if he lied or refused to answer any questions he could be done for perjury or contempt of court.
Incoming Trump tweet bemoaning the 'terrible, terrible' plight of the guy he's never met, and only met once when Manafort was briefly employed as a pencil sharpener by the Trump campaign.
Tweets by Seth Abramson:

Mark my words: Trump witness-tampered with Manafort directly/indirectly. Manafort had nothing to lose by cooperating with Mueller—only gain—and Mueller was asking him about Trump, and Manafort lied. So he was expecting a pardon. Which means somebody let him think it could happen.

2/ When all you have to do is *tell the truth*, and if you don't it could give you *many more years in prison*—to the point of making your sentence a *life sentence*—what would it take to get you to lie? There aren't many possibilities beyond the promise of a presidential pardon.

3/ And let's be clear (and I say this from experience): Manafort's lawyers would've *explicitly and repeatedly* told him *not to lie* to Mueller. So Manafort had to be getting entreaties from *other sources* besides his lawyers to make him agree to lie to Mueller about collusion.
He'll be getting pardoned, along with any other major player who gets caught up in this.
Well it's entirely possible he lied knowing he'd be doing it in behalf of the one person who could pardon him. Of course that same person also *just* submitted their own answers to the special counsel. Not a stretch to see Trump lying in his responses thinking Manafort already had gotten away with it.
Well it's entirely possible he lied knowing he'd be doing it in behalf of the one person who could pardon him. Of course that same person also *just* submitted their own answers to the special counsel. Not a stretch to see Trump lying in his responses thinking Manafort already had gotten away with it.

Like Toobin said earlier....if you're Trump you are pretty nervous right now as to how Mueller knew Manafort was lying. The amount of info he is sitting on right from many different sources now must be staggering
Like Toobin said earlier....if you're Trump you are pretty nervous right now as to how Mueller knew Manafort was lying. The amount of info he is sitting on right from many different sources now must be staggering

He was sitting on those questions for 6 months before finally submitting them less than 2 weeks after installing his own guy as AG. Call me cynical but I think those questions were answered confidently after his lawyers were afforded a very dubious form of discovery.
Manafort is hiding something very big to risk dying in jail.
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Tribe seems to think Mueller must have evidence he's been tampered with.
He was sitting on those questions for 6 months before finally submitting them less than 2 weeks after installing his own guy as AG. Call me cynical but I think those questions were answered confidently after his lawyers were afforded a very dubious form of discovery.
If Mueller has evidence of collusion, perjury might not mean anything. Trump could have answered the questions truthfully and still be in a world of shit.
Imagine Trump pardons a man he himself has referred to as a mobster?
He will not get impeached but I think his presidency will be finished. The government will shut down beacte the legislature and executive will be in open warfare.
I'd actually hope that arrogance has made Trump overplay his hand here. I'd wager that Mueller and his team are a lot smarter than Trump, Whitaker and whatever ragtag group of lawyers are still on Don's payroll.
The fact that keeps giving me hope this will turn out as it shouldn is that through it all, Donald Trump has remained extremely arrogant and extremely stupid.
The fact that keeps giving me hope this will turn out as it shouldn is that through it all, Donald Trump has remained extremely arrogant and extremely stupid.
Problem is that oversight is provided exclusively by the GOP so far, so even though he is clearly committing crime, it doesn't matter if those tasked with holding you to account don't care.

It's like speeding while you're in charge of paying the traffic enforcers.
Imagine Trump pardons a man he himself has referred to as a mobster?
He will not get impeached but I think his presidency will be finished. The government will shut down beacte the legislature and executive will be in open warfare.

Imagine Trump bows down to putin at a public press conference and discredits his own law enforcement/intelligence agencies to suck up to him? He will not get impeached but I think his presidency will be finished. The government will shut down beacte the legislature and executive will be in open warfare.
Imagine Trump bows down to putin at a public press conference and discredits his own law enforcement/intelligence agencies to suck up to him? He will not get impeached but I think his presidency will be finished. The government will shut down beacte the legislature and executive will be in open warfare.
:mad: Get your point but this this is a whole new level.
As unsurprising as it would be but it could be that Mueller is the one playing 4d chess afterall! Baits Trump into perjury and possible witness tampering in one maneuver.


Wonder who the "serial fabricator" they are referring to here is. Someone from the Embassy, ex-wikileaks staff, Corsi, Roger Stone even?

Edit: From the article it would appear that at least one source is from the embassy.
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As unsurprising as it would be but it could be that Mueller is the one playing 4d chess afterall! Baits Trump into perjury and possible witness tampering in one maneuver.

This is the kind of narrative I hope for. Trump and his cronies thinking that they've snookered Mueller and consequently letting their arrogant natures shine when in fact, he is far far smarter than them.
The Guardian say Manafort visited Assange in March 2016 and now there is this too.

Problem is that oversight is provided exclusively by the GOP so far, so even though he is clearly committing crime, it doesn't matter if those tasked with holding you to account don't care.

It's like speeding while you're in charge of paying the traffic enforcers.
Of course, but as we know, that's about to change. And as we also know, those same GOP members are, for the most part, only interested in themselves. Once it becomes politically difficult to keep supporting Trump, the tide will turn. The Dem House being able to investigate deeper over the next two years is going to ramp that up.And of course, they'll have the ability to bring the articles of impeachment forward which is a game-changer. If that happens, it's no longer just Mueller working in secret with Trump ranting against unknowns. The spotlight will be fully focused on Trump and that's when I'd expect him to crumble.