Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

Trump is at 60% disapproval and just lost big in midterms yet repubs aren't speaking out against him. Don't count on those spineless weasels for anything.
Mueller is more than likely to have access to numerous Intelligence agencies, not only in the USA but around the world. Trump won’t have such access. CCTV is everywhere in London and I’m sure the Ecuadorian embassy will have multiple cameras in/around it.

Trump, Manafort and the rest should really bear that in mind when attempting to mislead through lying.

I do wonder if Ghoul’s tactic is to casually reveal damaging information so when it comes to light down the line they can say “big deal, we were open about that”. At the end of the day this is an unusual case in that there is basically no criminal jeopardy for his client. The only court is public opinion so it’s beneficial to be the one to break information like this and frame it as nothing unusual.
Of course, but as we know, that's about to change. And as we also know, those same GOP members are, for the most part, only interested in themselves. Once it becomes politically difficult to keep supporting Trump, the tide will turn. The Dem House being able to investigate deeper over the next two years is going to ramp that up.And of course, they'll have the ability to bring the articles of impeachment forward which is a game-changer. If that happens, it's no longer just Mueller working in secret with Trump ranting against unknowns. The spotlight will be fully focused on Trump and that's when I'd expect him to crumble.
Certainly hope that's how it pans out!
This could be kind of a big deal.

Wonder who the "serial fabricator" they are referring to here is. Someone from the Embassy, ex-wikileaks staff, Corsi, Roger Stone even?

Edit: From the article it would appear that at least one source is from the embassy.
I keep thinking about this. Doesn’t make sense. The Guardian have very good investigative reporters who tend to thoroughly check their sources. Point is...if Manafort didn’t meet Assange (and he could very well have met him) then who did he meet at the Ecuadorian embassy and why did he meet them? More to this Manafort stuff than we are realising right now.
This sounds like bullshit to me

Visitors normally register with embassy security guards and show their passports. Sources in Ecuador, however, say Manafort was not logged.

You can't just walk into an embassy, any embassy without signing in after making an appointment.
This sounds like bullshit to me

You can't just walk into an embassy, any embassy without signing in after making an appointment.

Of course you can. It’s up to the country running the embassy. If they want to accommodate that sort of meeting and leave no record of it, they will have no trouble doing so.
Of course you can. It’s up to the country running the embassy. If they want to accommodate that sort of meeting and leave no record of it, they will have no trouble doing so.

Yeah but what does Ecuador get out of it? They have none whatsoever to gain from going out of their way to facilitating this meeting in secrecy. Its not even like there aren't a million eyes watching Assange already.
Manafort is scheduled to be sentenced in February for his conviction on the eight counts of bank and tax fraud in his Virginia criminal trial. He faces a maximum of 80 years in prison in that case alone, but experts have said he likely won’t get that much time. Judges often allow sentences for separate charges to run concurrently. Federal prosecutors said in an earlier filing in that case that Manafort was likely to get eight to 10 years alone for the tax fraud charges.

In his plea deal to avert a second trial in D.C., Manafort pled guilty to two felony charges related to his foreign lobbying. In violating the agreement, he eviscerated his chance to get a lighter sentence for the charges in D.C. and Virginia.

Wu said prosecutors now essentially hold the keys to his prison cell.

“Without leniency on the part of prosecutors … that’s going to be a heavy hit for him particularly at his age,” he said.

Experts say Manafort has also opened himself up to potential new charges. Prosecutors could now charge the 69-year-old with lying to federal officials.
Now why would someone facing all this (plus all but one of his expensive properties to the tune of millions) ballsup his plea deal by lying. If it’s a pardon then we’ll find out. But if it’s not a pardon then he’s covering up for something or someone he’s frightened of, which is very interesting indeed.
Let’s say Manafort is pardoned Friday afternoon. It is pretty well verified information that Mueller has provided the key district courts in which Manafort committed the crimes Mueller has uncovered / was prosecuting were committed. When would the district courts, especially the New York & Virginia ones, begin their quests or would they have been working since the day they apparently received the info from Mueller?
It would also be a big step for Trump to pardon Manafort- not sure he wants to waste that card on Manafort.
It would also be a big step for Trump to pardon Manafort- not sure he wants to waste that card on Manafort.

What card? He has a whole fecking deck mate. He can pardon as many people as he likes. He's already pardoned Paedo Sheriff Joe and more.

He's going to wield the pardon hammer like Thor. That's what Mueller is waiting for though imho and that's what he hopes Trump will do because then he really will have him for collusion, obstruction and hopefully treason too.

Trump is playing snap while Mueller is playing 5D Mahjong!*

He fecking better be. If he isn't we are all fecked and might as well just give up now.
It would also be a big step for Trump to pardon Manafort- not sure he wants to waste that card on Manafort.

He doesn’t have a pardon limit. Timing will be key.

If everyone that has been indicted & helped, Manafort obviously has the most incriminating evidence on Trump. A pardon may have to be produced as a potential last resort at that particular time. I don’t think Manafort is reneging in his agreement for Trump’s pardon, though.

A pardon of Manafort could also start the first real fraying of the Senate, that will be interesting to observe.
Its pretty obvious that Manafort will get pardoned. Key question now is the timing of the pardon and how soon Trump will wait to issue it.
:lol: According to the forthcoming book by the totally believable former Infowars reporter. Sounds suspiciously similar to the stuff Trump has been spouting about the inner workings of the investigation too.

Edit: And right on cue

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:lol: According to the forthcoming book by the totally believable former Infowars reporter. Sounds suspiciously similar to the stuff Trump has been spouting about the inner workings of the investigation too.

Edit: And right on cue

One of the worst things to happen with social media is that morons like this have managed to turn their grifting into a full time job

Posobiec I mean, but obviously that goes double for Trump
All he is doing here is purposely dividing the country even more and causing more hatred and resentment. He really must be the most divisive President the USA has ever had.
Trump was dumb to answer any questions at all, but he walked into it himself early on by going on about how he'd love an interview with Mueller.
That’s a Grade III listed perjury trap right there.