Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

Hypothetically, if Trump is completely innocent, is there any good reasons why his lawyers would be against him talking to Mueller in that case?

I reckon that even an innocent person (not to mention someone who at times tweets like a senile narcicisst) can trip themselves up when being question by a well prepared expert interrogator about a complex matter and it's not just about avoiding a conviction for Trump, his side also has to be worried about the kind of political damage that can be done to him if he has to answer the wrong questions.

damn rich people are stupid as hell

This has J Peterman quotes begging...

--I know what you’re going through. I too once fell under the spell of Putin. It was 2013. I was traveling the Dnieper in search of an ostrich custom fitted vest. I had got to the market after sundown, all of the clothing traders had gone, but a different sort of trader still lurked about. “Just a taste,” he said. That was all it took.--
"Yeah my kid did this totally normal and absolutely legal thing THAT I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT!"
Crooks Do The Funniest Things
He and Rudy are eventually going to whittle down their excuses for Trump's crimes until all they'll have left is: "At least I have chicken."
These people are so stupid, vain and unthinking that #dumbwatergate is going to be their downfall. The only question really in my mind is if enough people will still care about it by the time the moment of judgement comes along or if they'll be able to brazen through their incontrovertible guilt.
Always great to wake up here and learn Trump has admitted his son conspired with the Russians to influence a US Presidential campaign. Now if he can kindly admit he wrote the press release aboard Air Force One, we can an mercifully wrap this up.
What kind of man needs his father to dactate a statement for him?
His statements are becoming more unhinged and desperate.
I think he knows his son is in serious trouble.
His statements are becoming more unhinged and desperate.
I think he knows his son is in serious trouble.

Absolutely. Kuschner isn't far behind Don Jr. either. Trump will at some point either shut it all down (political suicide) or pardon Don Jr (and probably Kushner as well).
Absolutely. Kuschner isn't far behind Don Jr. either. Trump will at some point either shut it all down (political suicide) or pardon Don Jr (and probably Kushner as well).
I have a feeling Mueller is thinking of a way of bringing state charges against both.
I can't see Trump shutting it down before the mid-terms. Most probably guarantees a Dem House win, then he's back to square one.
Absolutely. Kuschner isn't far behind Don Jr. either. Trump will at some point either shut it all down (political suicide) or pardon Don Jr (and probably Kushner as well).
Imagine the scenes if he somehow did get it shutdown before the midterms, only for Dems to take back House and restart their investigation with Mueller.
Imagine the scenes if he somehow did get it shutdown before the midterms, only for Dems to take back House and restart their investigation with Mueller.

Shutting it down would end his presidency one way or the other imo, since it would cause a massive blue wave and half the Republicans would jump off the ship and vote to impeach. Therefore he would only be delaying the inevitable impeachment. Pardoning the feck out of everyone would therefore seem more plausible since he could get his boys off the hook, discredit the feck out of Mueller's final report (however damning) and then take his chances with a reelection campaign (or else choose not to run again and attempt to pardon himself before leaving office).
Would it really cause a massive blue wave?

At this point it feels like Americans are too apathetic to actually care about it.
What kind of man needs his father to dactate a statement for him?

Donald probably had no choice because Fred was such a hardass so he probably treats his family the same and lords over them at every opportunity.
Would it really cause a massive blue wave?

At this point it feels like Americans are too apathetic to actually care about it.

Some degree of blue wave is already in play now. Just imagine how much stronger it would be if Trump infuriated the entire electorate by stopping the investigation and pardoning his son.
Shutting it down would end his presidency one way or the other imo, since it would cause a massive blue wave and half the Republicans would jump off the ship and vote to impeach. Therefore he would only be delaying the inevitable impeachment. Pardoning the feck out of everyone would therefore seem more plausible since he could get his boys off the hook, discredit the feck out of Mueller's final report (however damning) and then take his chances with a reelection campaign (or else choose not to run again and attempt to pardon himself before leaving office).

Shutting the investigation down = pardoning people involved. Two sides of the same coin.

Republicans will react to both or neither. One would hope it's the former but given their fealty to Trump we sadly can't rule out the latter.
Would it really cause a massive blue wave?

At this point it feels like Americans are too apathetic to actually care about it.
All about getting people who wouldn't have goes otherwise in the midterm elections out to the polls. The dislike of Trump is very high among Democrats and Independents, that alone should help. People that didn't like Hillary enough to get to the ballot box can also be targeted
Would it really cause a massive blue wave?

At this point it feels like Americans are too apathetic to actually care about it.
The deplorables will still vote for him, but it will drive Dem turnout like nothing else
I feel like his electorate want him to shut it down and if he does so they'll gleefully boast about it rather than getting infuriated and suddenly becoming decent people wanting to do the decent thing, which they've already be doing if that was the case. I think they all fully know he's a crook and accept it because he caters to what they want, and they'll take it as a victory if it happens and will gleefully tell the liberal snowflakes to get over it and that they lost.