Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

Yeah, but they’ve gotta have the Senate to convict.

The impeachment system wasn’t created with political parties in mind.

To actually remove him you mean. Any criminal proceedings would only begin after he leaves office. Like Nixon, I'd imagine Trump would agree to resign in exchange for no further prosecution.

And blame the libs of course.

Yes, I say “convict” because that is the language used in Article 1 of the Constitution...

Whoever thought that insanity could be so boring?
The Dems should not impeach him even if they take control.
Let the investigation be concluded.
Once he is out of office try him as an ordinary citizen on all charges including Treason.
Apply the maximum sentence.
Then go after every person in congress who aided him.

Show no mercy.
Ah, the old 'but they did it too' argument. The most popular way of shifting blame by your average 3-year old and now also the go to strategy of the President of the United States.

The issue is still the Trump campaign knowingly making use of stolen emails or working with Russia/WikiLeaks to release them to his benefit and, potentially, offering a quid pro quo in exchange. "Seeking dirt" isn't a crime, the other stuff is.
Obviously trump's campaign colluded but he kind of has a point there

Not really, Trump has allegedly conspired directly with an American adversary who successfully launched an illegal attack on a government official in order to leak private and classified government data to harm a political opponent.

Clinton on the other hand hired an American firm to investigate her opponent in order to gain an advantage. The firm that researched and produced the dossier did so though completely legal means and were not an enemy of the United States attempting to influence American policy.

There’s a huge difference.
Not really, Trump has allegedly conspired directly with an American adversary who successfully launched an illegal attack on a government official in order to leak private and classified government data to harm a political opponent.

Clinton on the other hand hired an American firm to investigate her opponent in order to gain an advantage. The firm that researched and produced the dossier did so though completely legal means and were not an enemy of the United States attempting to influence American policy.

There’s a huge difference.

I dont think it's an exact comparison but it's close. Russia is not an adversary, as Obama constantly reminded us. I don't claim to know the legal details, I'm just talking about morally.

How is it morally different? I think the answer is 1) it was stolen and 2) Russia is supposedly an enemy.

1 doesnt carry a lot of weight with me because countries do that to each other all the time, including allies. 2 doesnt really move the needle IMO either. Large and powerful states like the US and Russia have a complicated and ever changing series of alliances with other countries and even contradicting alliances with multiple factions within a country. Unless a war is declared I'm not inclined to take that at face value.
The fact he is getting more and more unhinged shows how effective Mueller has been and how close he is getting to the traitor.

Yep. Blitzer and Co are currently squeezing all they can out of Giuliani quickly attempting to squash the meaning of Trump tweets this morning. He is either going to try something soon or else the pressure of the inevitable is starting to get to him.
The issue is still the Trump campaign knowingly making use of stolen emails or working with Russia/WikiLeaks to release them to his benefit and, potentially, offering a quid pro quo in exchange. "Seeking dirt" isn't a crime, the other stuff is.
Nah, the issue is the obstruction. The quid pro quo will be almost impossible to prove, even with regards to his blatantly deviant business dealings in prior years.
Not really, Trump has allegedly conspired directly with an American adversary who successfully launched an illegal attack on a government official in order to leak private and classified government data to harm a political opponent.

Clinton on the other hand hired an American firm to investigate her opponent in order to gain an advantage. The firm that researched and produced the dossier did so though completely legal means and were not an enemy of the United States attempting to influence American policy.

There’s a huge difference.
Wasn't it all instigated by the Republicans looking in to trump and then the Clinton campaign hired the same company who just dived deeper.
I can't wait for the moment a desperate Trump hijacks Air Force 1 and demands to be flown to Russia. :lol:
And then Mike Pence puts on his DMZ face to say "get off my plane" right before mother Pence pushes Trump off the plane.
I dont think it's an exact comparison but it's close. Russia is not an adversary, as Obama constantly reminded us. I don't claim to know the legal details, I'm just talking about morally.

How is it morally different? I think the answer is 1) it was stolen and 2) Russia is supposedly an enemy.

1 doesnt carry a lot of weight with me because countries do that to each other all the time, including allies. 2 doesnt really move the needle IMO either. Large and powerful states like the US and Russia have a complicated and ever changing series of alliances with other countries and even contradicting alliances with multiple factions within a country. Unless a war is declared I'm not inclined to take that at face value.

I'd say what's makes it different in a major way is that he seems to have colluded with a state, which can now expect favors in return and which now holds something over him (pee-tape or not).
Something is about to drop. Trump and Giuliani trying to get ahead of the curve.
I have never seen an investigation where the defence keeps leaking as much as this. Almost everything we know about the investigation has been from Trump's lawyers.
Think it's cause they know he can't be indicted.