Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

Sounds like they are tightening the case against Cohen in case he is having 2nd thoughts about flipping. The only missing piece would be a state level charge to prevent Trump from pardoning him.

Hopefully it's Cohen consolidating his position by wrapping as many of his felonies and misdemeanours as possible into a plea deal.

I can't imagine how extensive the evidence he would have to supply to meet those demands would have to be though.
Dear Mr. Assagne,

Please come to Washington so we can arrest and imprison you.

Best Regards,
The Government of the United States of America.
Dear Mr. Assagne,

Please come to Washington so we can arrest and imprison you.

Best Regards,
The Government of the United States of America.

Sessions could just put in an interpol red notice once he steps out for that
In their latest letter to Mueller’s investigators, the Trump team rejected Mueller’s proposed interview terms but suggested narrow conditions under which Trump would agree to talk, the New York Times reported. The lawyers did not want Trump answering questions about potential obstruction of justice, the report said.

“He has got all the information he needs. The interview would provide nothing in addition to what he already has so he can write his report. And we have been willing to cross it, in other words we have been willing to say this is the answer he will give,” Giuliani said. “And we’ll be stuck with it.”

Trump has a history of making false statements in public, and his lawyers worry he could get himself in trouble by answering questions in the Russia inquiry. Giuliani has warned the questions could be “perjury traps”.
:lol: We don't want him answering questions because we are worried he will lie :lol: But we are worried the questions will be perjury traps :lol:

Fml what a defence that is.
It's like telling people that a murder suspect insists on not being asked about the murder.
It's like telling people that a murder suspect insists on not being asked about the murder.

:lol: I just can't believe they can get away with this shit. It's just so blatant and obvious. It's really making a mockery of the USA in so many ways. If anything it shows the country has to seriously change it's rules and laws regarding the powers of the President or the conditions/requirements needed to actually become President in the first place.

Trump thought he was above the law before he was President. Now you can clearly see he thinks, like Judge Dread, he is the law! The disdain he shows for anything and everything and anyone else is fecking disgusting. I've never, ever known anyone be so blatant in their disregard for literally every rule or law in the world.

Again I will say that this is the most baffling part of this whole shitshow that I often have to remind myself that unfortunately it is real and not a movie. How the feck is he getting away with it all? If he gets off without serious jail time then the little faith in humanity i have left will be gone.
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I Can't Believe It's Not Bullshit™
Rodger Stone coming on AC360 looking like he just came off of the set for Mary Poppins
17 angry dems now?
It has been 17 for a while now.

Also can't you guys hurry up and get this done with. We need proper democracies leasing the world as examples. The way the US is going, China will be the world's leader or the Germans, which I don't mind so much but is still scary
By a Fortean Times poster:
In the 1990s Russia basically exported as many criminals to the USA as the USA was prepared to tolerate. This was a wave of mass infiltration of both the Russian Mafia and the KGB agents nested within those organizations, as the skill set is interchangeable. And who else was in that mix on a questionable visa? Melania "Knauss". Of course there were legitimate migrants at that time as well, so what makes Melania stand out is her relationship to multiple organized crime figures. She was basically trafficked into the USA in this period, and worked for a very interesting figure, Paollo Zampolli, whose name, surprisingly, hasn't been mentioned in all the Russiagate despite the fact he is a very influential and questionable person One must ask, how one goes from pimp (sorry, Modelling Agency manager), to senior diplomat for a Caribbean tax haven like Dominica
Of course all this is going on at a time when the Russian Mob is cutting deals in NYC with the old money Italian Mob, and who is in the middle of it? Why, our present POTUS. It is also interesting that Melania is the third of 3 wives, two of whom have come from Eastern Europe, and specifically from former Soviet puppet states.
It has been 17 for a while now.

Also can't you guys hurry up and get this done with. We need proper democracies leasing the world as examples. The way the US is going, China will be the world's leader or the Germans, which I don't mind so much but is still scary
At this point I'd take the Chinese, Germans or French over the muricans. Hell, I'd take Russia as well, seeing as It would be the same as the current US just without having to listen to the Donald.
At this point I'd take the Chinese, Germans or French over the muricans. Hell, I'd take Russia as well, seeing as It would be the same as the current US just without having to listen to the Donald.
I can see it being China in the near future.

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The bank and tax fraud trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was abruptly recessed Friday morning, casting doubt that the government could rest its case by day’s end.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III, who huddled privately with prosecutors and defense lawyers at the bench for most of the morning, excused the jury until 1:45 p.m., and did not reveal the reason for the delay.

Before adjourning, Ellis offered an unusually emphatic instruction to the jurors that they should not discuss the case with others or among themselves until all the evidence was in.

Ellis also reminded the panel that Manafort, who was seated at the defense table, is presumed innocent of the 18 criminal counts lodged against him.

The judge has not generally offered such pointed instructions during daily breaks.

On Thursday, prosecutors told Ellis that they were on course to wrap up their case, as they had planned to call at least four witnesses before concluding.

The witnesses are expected to provide testimony about the terms of another disputed 2016 loan from a Chicago bank.

I read an interesting article about Ellis’ performance during this trial. He’s basically been an absolute cock to the prosecutors at multiple times much to the delight of right wing publications who have unsurprisingly used it as a stick to beat Mueller with.

The article (which I can’t find now) basically said that while this generally can be his style, they also suspect that it’s intentional in this case because he’s an exceptional, seasoned and intelligent (and conservative) judge who will have recognised that the case against Manafort is a slam dunk and Ellis has no interest in being painted as the “deep state angry democrat judge” who sent Manafort down.
His English is the most terrible, disgraceful English in the history of English!!1!!!!