Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

I feel like his electorate want him to shut it down and if he does so they'll gleefully boast about it rather than getting infuriated and suddenly becoming decent people wanting to do the decent thing, which they've already be doing if that was the case. I think they all fully know he's a crook and accept it because he caters to what they want, and they'll take it as a victory if it happens and will gleefully tell the liberal snowflakes to get over it and that they lost.
There’s no reasoning with the deplorables, the only hope is to drive those in the middle further away from him.
It's too late for him to simply shut it down, else he would. He knows that if he does Mueller will simply turn everything he's found over to the FBI, probably ensuring that enough is leaked to the press to ensure that any attempt to lean on them by the WH cannot be allowed to be seen as successful. Trump now has little choice but to simply react. His 'go nuclear' option isn't really there any more. The time to shut it down was early on when there stood a fair chance Mueller only had limited information that at that point would have been easy to deny.

All this time later, dossiers of evidence, indictments drawn up, court cases currently underway....if Trump shut it down his only hope would be that he could learn on the FBI to suppress whatever Mueller hands over at the conclusion of his investigation that Trump prematurely decided to close. And Trump has few allies in that organisation who'd be willing to comply.
Don’t know if I’m just noticing it more today but there seems to be a hell of a lot of bots shitposting on Twitter and Reddit in Trump related threads. They seem to be out in force doing their best to obfuscate discussion.

It makes it obvious to me that not only did Russia actively work to get their man inside the White House, they’re also working their socks off trying to keep him there.
Don’t know if I’m just noticing it more today but there seems to be a hell of a lot of bots shitposting on Twitter and Reddit in Trump related threads. They seem to be out in force doing their best to obfuscate discussion.

It makes it obvious to me that not only did Russia actively work to get their man inside the White House, they’re also working their socks off trying to keep him there.

They overplayed their hand. It probably seemed really smart messing with the American democratic process at the time. If Mueller comes back with concrete proof though that Trump conspired with Russia to rig the election, then the anti-Russian counter-reaction is going to be terrifying. People forget sometimes that America is a MUCH more powerful country than Russia by almost every standard. You really, really don’t want them furiously angry at you.
They overplayed their hand. It probably seemed really smart messing with the American democratic process at the time. If Mueller comes back with concrete proof though that Trump conspired with Russia to rig the election, then the anti-Russian counter-reaction is going to be terrifying. People forget sometimes that America is a MUCH more powerful country than Russia by almost every standard. You really, really don’t want them furiously angry at you.

A lot of people dont give a feck, they are relishing being traitors.

This should help the investigation now that he's openly admitted to what he has been denying all along

Stay tuned, this should start to get very interesting:

RAWK said:
"There was no meeting with Russians at the fantastic Trump Tower, have you ever been there, it's amazing, everyone says it's the greatest building ever constructed, so there was NO COLLUSION, though my son could have been at a meeting, it was a fantastic meeting with some wonderful people, not about Crooked Hillary, FAKE NEWS, those Russians are fantastic people, better people than Lying Obama and the Democrats, we might have gotten some dirt on Hillary, better information than anybody's ever been able to get about anybody, the greatest information believe me when I tell you, but I didn't know anything about that or the 47 people we helped the Russians poison, FAKE NEWS, but if you're going to talk about the poison believe me Crooked Hillary has used far worse poison, the worst poison you've ever seen, NO COLLUSION!!!"
Sounds like they are tightening the case against Cohen in case he is having 2nd thoughts about flipping. The only missing piece would be a state level charge to prevent Trump from pardoning him.