Trump/Russia/SDNY investigation

Could Mueller use his son as a bargaining chip?

e.g insist the President speaks with him on Mueller's terms else Don jnr is up on all kinds of charges?
Could Mueller use his son as a bargaining chip?

e.g insist the President speaks with him on Mueller's terms else Don jnr is up on all kinds of charges?
I don’t think he’d hesitate to throw Jr under the bus, the only person in the world he cares about (other than himself) is Ivanka.
I don’t think he’d hesitate to throw Jr under the bus, the only person in the world he cares about (other than himself) is Ivanka.
He doesn't have to throw any of his family under the bus. He has unlimited pardoning power. Except Kushner. He will definitely throw him under a bus, or a train.
He doesn't have to throw any of his family under the bus. He has unlimited pardoning power. Except Kushner. He will definitely throw him under a bus, or a train.
If he pardons his son, his son can’t plead the 5th when charged by NY on state level crimes
Pardon will be related to federal crimes only. So he will be able to plead the 5th at state level.

Double jeopardy. If he’s already admitted guilt at federal level and been pardoned for it, he can’t be tried again for the same crime hence why he can’t plead the 5th.

What they can charge him on however is contempt of court. If he decides he doesn’t want to talk or tries to get away with lying, he can be charged for that.
Double jeopardy. If he’s already admitted guilt at federal level and been pardoned for it, he can’t be tried again for the same crime hence why he can’t plead the 5th.

What they can charge him on however is contempt of court. If he decides he doesn’t want to talk or tries to get away with lying, he can be charged for that.
Is double jeopardy even valid for federal/state crimes? I mean, aren't they actually different crimes?
Is double jeopardy even valid for federal/state crimes? I mean, aren't they actually different crimes?

Most state laws mirror federal laws and therefore are considered the same crimes. There are certain crimes which could technically be pardoned at federal level and then with a bit of imagination tried under a different law at state level but it’s likely that it would go all the way up to the Supreme Court and they would have a strong argument that admitting guilt in return for accepting a pardon only to have that admission used against them at a later date would completely go against the spirit of the 5th amendment and the presidential pardon.

What’s to stop the presidential pardon being used as a trap to coax admissions of guilt if it happened even once?
there is more chance of Lord lucan or Shergar remains turning up in these coffins then fallen US soldiers. seemingly they have only one Soldiers tag coming home with them.
Most state laws mirror federal laws and therefore are considered the same crimes. There are certain crimes which could technically be pardoned at federal level and then with a bit of imagination tried under a different law at state level but it’s likely that it would go all the way up to the Supreme Court and they would have a strong argument that admitting guilt in return for accepting a pardon only to have that admission used against them at a later date would completely go against the spirit of the 5th amendment and the presidential pardon.

What’s to stop the presidential pardon being used as a trap to coax admissions of guilt if it happened even once?
Not sure how credible this is, but it appears that currently the SC does allow prosecution in that case.

The Double Jeopardy Clause of the Fifth Amendment states that no person shall be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy life or limb. The Clause does not distinguish between State versus federal government. The United States Supreme Court has interpreted this clause as not barring prosecution in State and federal court on the theory that each is a separate sovereign entity. The three petition for Certiorari all ask the Court to revisit this doctrine.
He'd drive the bus to prove that he caught the traitor and take all the credit.
Double jeopardy. If he’s already admitted guilt at federal level and been pardoned for it, he can’t be tried again for the same crime hence why he can’t plead the 5th.

What they can charge him on however is contempt of court. If he decides he doesn’t want to talk or tries to get away with lying, he can be charged for that.
The pardon power and double jeopardy clause are very interesting.

Some states have statutes that prevent state prosecution if you’re pardoned federally, but others do not.

Also, if you are pardoned before you stand trial at all, you’d definitely only be tried one time once it hits the state level.
Hypothetically, if Trump is completely innocent, is there any good reasons why his lawyers would be against him talking to Mueller in that case?
Hypothetically, if Trump is completely innocent, is there any good reasons why his lawyers would be against him talking to Mueller in that case?
It's technically possible for an innocent person to be done on perjury.

damn rich people are stupid as hell

Dunno what the relevance is, but the prosecution has apparently had to justify it as the Judge told them to stop going down that route, as its not a crime to be rich.