I don't think we need spoilers now, but don't read this if you haven't seen the finale.
Really enjoyed it. This show has taken us on an incredible ride in just 8 one hour episodes. The real journey for me was that of the two main characters, their own personal conflicts and problems, the relationship between them, and shared desire to finish the case. To me, that was more important than the need to conclude the case (in terms of catching everyone involved), and I did suspect that it would remain unsolved in some way. For me it was like 'Apocalypse Now' except with two Willard's on the same journey with slightly different paths, and Kurtz was even more fecked-up at the end.
I don't recall a show being so analysed and critiqued when it was so new, and still on-going before (perhaps Twin-peaks had this?). It felt so great to be immersed in the mystery of it all, reviewing articles and theories, re-watching episodes for clues, discussing with mates. And for that reason, I feel it was always going to feel at least a little underwhelming when it finished. It's impossible to satisfy everyone, because we all have different expectations and needs. So I don't blame the show for leaving us feeling that way, I just feel it's own brilliance created that impossibility of perfect closure. More than anything, I was just disappointed that it was over, that I'll never see these characters again.
I thought it was a bit cheesy at the end but I still enjoyed the 'twist' if you can call it that. That basically one of the most nihilistic characters ever created found some kind of meaning/solice in life. MM wrapped up all the awards with that closing scene, if it was ever in doubt.
Some scenes/lines in that finale were just straight-up terrifying to me, and it takes a lot to scare me. Cohle saying 'this is the place Marty' was one, that sister/lover woman telling Marty 'he's gonna get you mister, and he's worse than anyone'... was another. Pretty much every scene that involved the killer and his sister/lover scared the crap out of me if I'm honest. I just don't want to think about shit like that if I can help it.
Simply breathtaking television. The acting, writing, cinematography and music were all of the highest quality. It's hard to rank it because it's so different to every else, but I'd put it comfortably in my top 5. I suppose that is a conversation best left for when we have a few seasons to reflect on. True Detective has raised the bar.