Watched the first five eps last week after the bajillionth person saying it's the best thing since swiss cheese ice cream.
Overall a bit 'meh'. The latest in a line of 'dark-gritty-deep' shows worshipped by pimple-faced kids and a generation of lapsed (insert religion here) who don't realize why they so gravitate towards these shows. But technically it's very well-executed, so I poked around and read a few articles and two things stuck out.
First was an interview where the writer seemed to imply that they're out to sublimate crime show cliches; there's really only one way you can do that - and even that's a bit hackneyed. Long story short it points to X-Files-ing the ending. Fair enough. If they're going where I think they're going, the last ep is going to be a visual feast. These kidults are going to go absolutely nuts, foaming at the mouth and climbing over each other to proclaim it as the bestest thing evar. Also then 'the affair' isn't just a link in the paint-by-numbers chain. It heavily influences the finale.
Second was an interview where the writer says - with a straight face - that McConaughey's monologues are 'so much more than bland freshman year dorm room discussions' (paraphrased). Now that is an absolutely monumental red flag, considering A. his description is exactly what those monologues are, and B. that sort of gaffe is a classic symptom of the Lindelof generation. They put up their hands and say "No, seriously, you're not hearing me; this shit is, like deep." I doubt very much HBO would let stuff like that slide without having a kick-ass ending, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Hope they finish strong but that second quote is more than a bit troubling.