Archie Leach
@Eboue is a witch. Burn him!
...all of a sudden people coming out the woodwork to proclaim BB as 'not actually all that' now that it's finished.
Oh boy that was good. That fight was intense, there was real hatred in that.
Looking forward to what happens to Rev. Tuttle. As someone said above, it's been established that his house gets robbed and he dies of an 'overdose'. I think Rust/Marty were involved in that. Clearly Rev. Tuttle wasn't the head honcho if it's still going on in 2012...
Tuttle died in 2010 and apparently Rust and Marty just talked to each other for the first time (in 2012) since 2002. I'm not sure of anything but if one was involved in it directly or indirectly, it can only be Rust.
Did the lawnmower at the school had any visible scars on his face ?
He's also due to appear in the final two episodes according to IMDB
Thanks, that guy is probably the green eared spaghetti monster mentioned in episode 1 and maybe I sight pbs but I can't see if he has visible scars. I'm just wondering if the green eared monster and the man with the scars (the giant) are one and the same.
The "tall man" had burns on his face, which LeDoux didn't. At least that's how the people at the revival church described the one hanging about Dora Lang.LeDoux was the giant, no? The guy was 6"7
They must be loving the product placement, feck it, even I want to have one.
I think Maggie was just trying to drive Marty away and going through Rust was the only way to absolutely break him.Yep. It was pretty obvious from the get go. Just as it was obvious Marty was banging that clerk and Tuttle was a villain from the first time you saw them in episode 1. Like the writer says, the show isn't trying to trick you. You're not going to get extra fan points for noticing these thing, it's just playing them out expertly.
This gives me the most reassurance it wont dissapoint. It's not a Broadchurch style "lets make it the least likely person and obfuscate everything to keep suspense" whodunnit. I don't think it's going to throw us a curve ball. There is a conspiracy, it involves the church and a big man with scars on his face, Rust & Marty will get back together to solve it. Lets just see it done well.
Maggie's motivations didn't bother me, only that she dropped Rust in it. It wouldn't have taken much to at least say she threw herself at him. Especially if her purpose is to goad Marty. The way she did it seemed to be wilfully pitting them against each other.
The only other tiny thing that bothered me was the "slow minor key classical piano music in a mental asylum" trope which seemed a bit naff for such a good show musically. Tiny nitpik though, and absolved by the great version of "Sign of the Judgment" at the end.
He's also due to appear in the final two episodes according to IMDB
I agree. Could do without even knowing you could see that on IMDB to be honest! Now I'm just tempted to see who appears in the last two to try and mould a cogent theory on where the show is going.Am I the only one who has a problem with this? Posting a picture from an episode with a theory is fine, but don't post who is going to be part of which un-aired episode. You've got to understand that's not okay.
You posted it in a spoiler, but people have been using spoilers in this thread just to discuss certain episodes, or post theories. At least mark it.
Am I the only one who has a problem with this? Posting a picture from an episode with a theory is fine, but don't post who is going to be part of which un-aired episode. You've got to understand that's not okay.
You posted it in a spoiler, but people have been using spoilers in this thread just to discuss certain episodes, or post theories. At least mark it.
Not trying to trick you. Unless of course, he's trying to trick you.
Here's the great version of Sign of the Judgment from the end of the ep too.
Oh yeah, that's a given. But I feel the same objective could've been reached by being truthful about her intention to "use" him. She left everything up in the air (and to Marty's imagination) about the nature of it, which was needlessly harsh on Rust IMO. But then, I suppose that "imagination" angle could've easily been part of the ploy. It becomes a lot more bitchy though.
Also, I felt it worth noting that a "a man's game charges a man's price" is a fantastic line.
Here's another good track from the OST.
Would Cohle have accepted to do her if he knew her true intentions (despite being drunk) ?
No, but I mean more truthful to Marty, in an attempt to lessen the blame on Rust. Sort of. Most men's minds work very tribally in that kind of situation, he was always going to go after Rust, she could've at least softened his paranoia and hatred by ruling out the idea Rust pursued her, or was deepening the betray by going behind his back etc etc, all of which would be very natural thoughts to a man like Marty in that situation.
I hope they can keep the same cinematographer at least, and T Bone Burnett.Unfortunately I've just read that Cary Fukunaga will not be director of series 2. He will stay on as executive producer though, which can mean anything really.
Fair enough. Will be interesting to see how they do that.Next season is a brand new start with brand new characters. Nothing to do with this season I think.
Fair enough. Will be interesting to see how they do that.
Next season is a brand new start with brand new characters. Nothing to do with this season I think.
If you read the previous post you should've known not to clickAm I the only one who has a problem with this? Posting a picture from an episode with a theory is fine, but don't post who is going to be part of which un-aired episode. You've got to understand that's not okay.
You posted it in a spoiler, but people have been using spoilers in this thread just to discuss certain episodes, or post theories. At least mark it.