Wonder Pigeon
'Shelbourne FC Supporter'
The Q&A comes originally from this site which I visit fairly often: http://www.toplessrobot.com/index.php?page=7
Seen this the weekend it came out. What you just said pretty much sums up my entire thoughts on the movie including the parents. Wasn't fond of that part either.Saw it earlier tonight, and I thought it was tremendous.
Firstly I'd just like to say only an idiot wouldn't have been able to follow the story.
And for those who are complaining about a lack of a plot, did you realise it's a movie about HUGE FARQING ROBOTS FIGHTING EACH OTHER? I mean did anyone else notice those huge things blowing shit up? Because I'm pretty sure you don't need some deep seeded plot with political undercurrents when BIG FARQING ROBOTS ARE KICKING THE SHIT OUT OF EACH OTHER WITH SHIT GETTING BLOWN UP.
An really, what more plot do you need than - 'bad guy wants something the good guy has, needs said thing to commit extra bad deeds. Fighting ensues' - when coupling it with the above?
The effects were amazing, and the sound was simply incredible. I'm excited for the future of movies simply because of the quality animation and sound. Though the one thing I didn't like out of it was the parents being at the final battle, it was pointless and didn't make sense. I mean if the Decepticons were going to use them as bait then fair enough, but they didn't, and all of a sudden they were just there too. Rubbish decision on the directors part there.
Absolutely appallingly, mind-rottingly bad movie. Someone needs to put Michael Bay out of his (and our) misery and for God's sake somebody stop him from making such shit movies.
The imdb summary (now sadly removed) pretty much sums up everything that is so very wrong about this movie. For those who didn't read that summary before it was deleted, here it is:
(Stolen from imdb):
And why couldn't an Autobot translate these symbols?
Because Bumblebee is mute and the Racist Twins are poor black robots from the slums of Cybertron who never learned how to read. It's a sad commentary on Cybertronian society. Like The Wire, actually.
Where the hell are the other Autobots?
I don't know. Away. They seem to be unable to be reached. They're probably grieving about Optimnus still. Clearly, John Turturro is the reasonable solution here.
Not Optimus?
No! This way, Sam can get the symbols translated... so he can, er... find the ancient machine... that can, uh... possibly bring Optimus back to life.
Wait, what? Teleports?
Yes, teleports.
Transformers don't teleport.
Jetfire does.
No. No it is not. If they wanted to protect Earth, why did they leave the Matrix on the planet? They're a space-faring race, they could have hid it anywhere in galaxy! Second of all, what the hell does making a tomb of their own bodies do? Shouldn't they have stayed alive to protect the Matrix? Or finish off the Fallen? Or just not die and leave Earth and the entire Transformer race in jeopardy?
Of course they do. And I assume the Autobots just mysteriously disappear again until a second before a Decepticon is about to kill Sam.
Yes. Exactly.
Okay to start with some of the more obvious ones
It's the language of the Primes. Ancient. It's like asking the lay person to read ancient latin.
The military detained the other Autobots that didn't escape (the only ones that escaped were Bumblebee and the Twins).
Optimus' body, as well as the other Autobots were being detained by the military. Sam couldn't get to him, especially given that he was a fugitive at this point.
So did the Fallen. It's called a 'Space Bridge' and it even existed in the original cartoon.
The Fallen was more powerful than the other Primes. Making a tomb of their bodies (effectively locking him out and denying him energy) was pretty much their only option at the time.
Bumble drives off as a distraction (they go into a dustcloud and the humans get out and BB drives off). The Twins go with Agent Simmons to try and destroy the Sun Harvester.
Those are the easy ones that are given blatant on screen explanation in the movie.
It's the language of the Primes. Ancient. It's like asking the lay person to read ancient latin.
How come the little robot that only came into existence during the film, somehow knew loads more about it than the autobots?
Why has Megatron become smaller?
Okay to start with some of the more obvious ones
It's the language of the Primes. Ancient. It's like asking the lay person to read ancient latin.
The military detained the other Autobots that didn't escape (the only ones that escaped were Bumblebee and the Twins).
Optimus' body, as well as the other Autobots were being detained by the military. Sam couldn't get to him, especially given that he was a fugitive at this point.
So did the Fallen. It's called a 'Space Bridge' and it even existed in the original cartoon.
The Fallen was more powerful than the other Primes. Making a tomb of their bodies (effectively locking him out and denying him energy) was pretty much their only option at the time.
Bumble drives off as a distraction (they go into a dustcloud and the humans get out and BB drives off). The Twins go with Agent Simmons to try and destroy the Sun Harvester.
Those are the easy ones that are given blatant on screen explanation in the movie.
How come the little robot that only came into existence during the film, somehow knew loads more about it than the autobots?
Why has Megatron become smaller?
Optimus' body, as well as the other Autobots were being detained by the military. Sam couldn't get to him, especially given that he was a fugitive at this point.
The Fallen was more powerful than the other Primes. Making a tomb of their bodies (effectively locking him out and denying him energy) was pretty much their only option at the time.
Bumble drives off as a distraction (they go into a dustcloud and the humans get out and BB drives off). The Twins go with Agent Simmons to try and destroy the Sun Harvester.
But wouldnt it have made more sense for Sam to tell the military that he has a piece of the shard that could bring him to life and defeat the fallen instead of travelling around to find this 'matrix' that could bring Prime back to life? I mean what if the matrix didnt spark prime back to life, sam just wasted the shard to bring Jetfire back from the dead. Also that special unit were more than ready to take Optimus' body to Eygpt i think they would have been happy to do it a easier way...
But wasnt the whole point of reviving Optimus so he could defeat the Fallen, i think it was Jetfire who said only a Prime could defeat the Fallen - are we to believe the 7 or so other Primes all those years ago couldnt take on the Fallen because Optimus made pretty easy work of him (he also took on Megatron at the same time and still came out a winner - before you say it yes i know Jetfire gave his life to give Optimus more power but it seems lazy story telling that the only thing the 7 Primes from before were lacking a little extra power... I mean it would have been 7 vs 1). Making a tomb of their dead bodies that could one day be found is just odd, more so when you consider that it only took one shot from Bubbleby to make a hole through their bodies and find the Matrix
Still wasnt much of a distraction because while they were hiding in the house they were very nearly caught, would have made more sense to drive as quick they can to Prime to revive him.
I suppose all these things were vital to making the movie more enjoyable and longer but i just found it to be a bit of lazy writing, but it is a M. Bay movie at the end of the day... "feck story add another explosion!"
Also, as was shown by the resurrection of Megatron, it isn't just a matter of throwing the shard of the Allspark at whatever you want to fix - Megatron still needed repairs and parts, and given how fecked up Prime got in that battle in the forest he'd still need to have been extensively repaired before the Allspark would have worked like that.
The only reason it worked first time on Jetfire is because he was entirely intact.
In fairness The Fallen had an army back then, as was shown in the flashbacks - it was hardly one to one combat with him and the Primes, and as both this and the previous movie showed Primes are not invincible in combat.
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the movie (went opening night with a large group of mates) but I'm more than happy to discuss it's faults, which I believe were down to poor editting and exposition mainly (as demonstrated by your questions above some things in the move weren't really explained that well).
yeah i kinda agreeSorry but I don't get how people love this. Yes, I adored the cartoons and collected the toys when I was a kid.
But I am 30 now and don't mean to sound like an old fart but there's a million better movies out there, IMHO.
yeah i kinda agree
its strange to hear people near-obsessed with a half-decent movie about a race of nice robots with feelings and a race of evil robots
Jesus Christ it feels like I'm in middle school again.
I added more to the post mate, didn't mean to come across as arrogant. "Chum" made me laugh, that's all.![]()
But wouldnt it have made more sense for Sam to tell the military that he has a piece of the shard that could bring him to life and defeat the fallen instead of travelling around to find this 'matrix' that could bring Prime back to life? I mean what if the matrix didnt spark prime back to life, sam just wasted the shard to bring Jetfire back from the dead. Also that special unit were more than ready to take Optimus' body to Eygpt i think they would have been happy to do it a easier way...
But wasnt the whole point of reviving Optimus so he could defeat the Fallen, i think it was Jetfire who said only a Prime could defeat the Fallen - are we to believe the 7 or so other Primes all those years ago couldnt take on the Fallen because Optimus made pretty easy work of him (he also took on Megatron at the same time and still came out a winner - before you say it yes i know Jetfire gave his life to give Optimus more power but it seems lazy story telling that the only thing the 7 Primes from before were lacking a little extra power... I mean it would have been 7 vs 1). Making a tomb of their dead bodies that could one day be found is just odd, more so when you consider that it only took one shot from Bubbleby to make a hole through their bodies and find the Matrix
Still wasnt much of a distraction because while they were hiding in the house they were very nearly caught, would have made more sense to drive as quick they can to Prime to revive him.
I suppose all these things were vital to making the movie more enjoyable and longer but i just found it to be a bit of lazy writing, but it is a M. Bay movie at the end of the day... "feck story add another explosion!"
I'll tell you what, it was miles better than the new Terminator movie
Sorry but I don't get how people love this. Yes, I adored the cartoons and collected the toys when I was a kid.
But I am 30 now and don't mean to sound like an old fart but there's a million better movies out there, IMHO.
Sharky, did you wtach it at iMax?
I went to Sydney for the weekend, and saw it there.... we went 10 mins early and had to sit in row 2...... It was the most painful expereince ever.... I got so dizzy from it...
You have to see it at imax. The whole point of the movie is for it to be epic, so why not make it even more epic by seeing it on a screen which you have to move your eyes around on?
By the way, does anyone know what the additional content at imax is?
But thats what you have to do. Imagine when you were a kid and somebody said, New live action Transformers!!!!. You'd have made the sex mess in your pants numerous times.
It's like what Richard Hammond always says about super cars. Don't think of them as an adult, but as a 12 year old boy how would you feel at that age.