Transformers Revenge of the Fallen

Bit late, just watched the 1st film on blueray. Pretty damn good, although the last 30 minutes got pretty messy. I enjoyed the first half of the film but it got a little lost in the final third.

At least Megan Fox was there to distract me (can't even remember who the main characters name was too busy watching her...).

The trailer certainly looks interesting, but I just hope that they calm down on the special effects and slow things down. It reminded me of the Bourne Identity where everything was moving so fast that it actually gave you a headache watching it.
Bit late, just watched the 1st film on blueray. Pretty damn good, although the last 30 minutes got pretty messy. I enjoyed the first half of the film but it got a little lost in the final third.

At least Megan Fox was there to distract me (can't even remember who the main characters name was too busy watching her...).

The trailer certainly looks interesting, but I just hope that they calm down on the special effects and slow things down. It reminded me of the Bourne Identity where everything was moving so fast that it actually gave you a headache watching it.

Megan Fox was :drool:
Megan Fox was :drool:

Such a good comment worthy of photos!

I used to think Shia LaBeouf was a good actor, but then I realised that he plays exactly the same character in all of his films.
I think he is a decent actor who does have talent, didnt even realize he was in transformers though for some reason
I used to think Shia LaBeouf was a good actor, but then I realised that he plays exactly the same character in all of his films.

I made this exact point the other week. The character he plays is also annoying, which just makes it more noticable. Still, he's young (I think?), so presumably will grow into other roles once he ditches the hyper-active thing.

Definitely going to see this. It's gay beyond belief (megatron, cybertron, "the deceptacons", "the cube" etc), but is allowed to be because it's about robots that go around exploding stuff.

[Cue Noodle and his anti-Shiantology rant...]

Only because I know it winds you up
No worries, I wont post anything Megan tells me ;)
Just got back from seeing this.

Somewhat disappointing I thought. It felt as if the whole thing had been rushed together at the last minute by the film equivalent of a transfer muppet.

Result being that despite the lack of any real plot, or follow ons, it was almost impossible to grasp what the feck was going on.
I would mostly agree with the Noodle man. It's too long as well, I went to an 11:10 PM screening and after the film as well as the mass amount of trailers etc, it was way after 2 AM when we left. My ass went numb. The crazy robot, long tongued lady at the college freaked me out as well.
I could all you a pretentious snob. But I must admit, i didn't think much of the first one. And I loved Transformers back in the day.

Oh I adored Transformers as a child. The problem with the first one was that the plot was far too garbled, and I hated all the stupid childish bits. Basically the entire middle part of the film was a children's slapstick comedy ("Oh Optimus, don't tread on the petunias!"; "Sowwwyy").

This second one sadly doesn't improve things any.
The first one wasn't a film. It was porn for SFX junkies...I don't expect this one to be any different
The first one wasn't a film. It was porn for SFX junkies...I don't expect this one to be any different

There's more than enough stuff exploding and mass robot fighting to please from that aspect.

The problem is its all so messy and jarbled. There's no build up to anything, it's like segments of the film have just been cut out, with no attempt to put any go-between in their place. Yet at the same time, there must be at least half hours worth of utterly pointless scenes.

The whole thing really feels like it's been rushed with very lttile thought or effort. Even the soundtrack's the same. They've got Linkin Park to rip off their own song from the first film, then they've used that one song for virtually the entire fecking thing.
I saw this yesterday and loved it, On a Par with the first. Its a bit too long though.

Soundwave is in it but doesn't really do much.
It's a popcorn movie, so all it's allowed to have faults.

Other than being too long, and not being able to tell which robot was which (same problem with the first film) I thought it was quite fun. Megan Fox has always been pretty fit but I've never thought of her as the fittest in the world. In this film though, when she was doing slo-mo running all I could focus on was her shirt potatoes bouncing up and down.
Got dragged along to watch this bunch of arse last night.

Jesus Christ. I haven't seen such a waste of money since the KLF set fire to a million quid (and on that scale this was about 200 times worse). And boy was it looooong. I fell asleep at one point. Not really sure where because the entire movie was just a plot less mess.

I think this should be the first movie where the rating works in reverse. You shouldn't be allowed in if you are over the age of 12 as that would be the limit you'd need to be to possibly get any enjoyment from it.

Michael Bay. Get to fcuk. And keep the fcuking camera still you gimp.
Action scenes were brilliant. Very big and very loud. 10/10

All that romance part and the dialogues were awful. Hated every second of it. 1/10
Action scenes were brilliant. Very big and very loud. 10/10

All that romance part and the dialogues were awful. Hated every second of it. 1/10

the action scenes were a mess, you could never tell what the feck was going on.

The romance part added some kind of decent sub plot which was needed, though I felt the parents were very unessesary.
Got dragged along to watch this bunch of arse last night.

Jesus Christ. I haven't seen such a waste of money since the KLF set fire to a million quid (and on that scale this was about 200 times worse). And boy was it looooong. I fell asleep at one point. Not really sure where because the entire movie was just a plot less mess.

I think this should be the first movie where the rating works in reverse. You shouldn't be allowed in if you are over the age of 12 as that would be the limit you'd need to be to possibly get any enjoyment from it.

Michael Bay. Get to fcuk. And keep the fcuking camera still you gimp.

Agree, I was shocked to see that it was only 2 1/2 hours! Felt like 3 1/2
the action scenes were a mess, you could never tell what the feck was going on.

The romance part added some kind of decent sub plot which was needed, though I felt the parents were very unessesary.

I didnt really have a problem with the action, it was kinda what I expected. But the romance and all the crying in slow motion, that was just terrible. Or the dialogue between Shia and his father. "No, you cant go". "Dad you have to let me go!" "No I cant let you go!" "Dad, you must let me go!" "No, you cannot go!" "Dad, I have to do this!" "OK, you better get back!".
Can anyone tell me without spoiling the entire movie, wether Optimus finally gets to be represented as he was in the cartoon series? In the first film, he was portrayed as physically weak to Megatron, but everybody who watched the cartoon knew Prime was always the equal if not better then Megatron.

Enough of this pussy crap, Optimus is the shit!
Can anyone tell me without spoiling the entire movie, wether Optimus finally gets to be represented as he was in the cartoon series? In the first film, he was portrayed as physically weak to Megatron, but everybody who watched the cartoon knew Prime was always the equal if not better then Megatron.

Enough of this pussy crap, Optimus is the shit!

Saw it last night, and i enjoyed it. And Optimus is the shit, hes a badass in it.

Shia LeBoeuf (sp?) can feck off.Theres a number of terribly cheesy scenes and he was in all of them. Spoiling all the buzz. Hes a shite actor, and hes ruining everything i held dear as a child.Transformers, Indiana Jones, wouldn't be surprised if he decided to remake Predator or Total Recall.
It's a popcorn movie, so all it's allowed to have faults.

Other than being too long, and not being able to tell which robot was which (same problem with the first film) I thought it was quite fun. Megan Fox has always been pretty fit but I've never thought of her as the fittest in the world. In this film though, when she was doing slo-mo running all I could focus on was her shirt potatoes bouncing up and down.

I saw the film last night and this was all that I enjoyed.

Megan fox