Transformers Revenge of the Fallen

And for the people stressing about differences from the animated original - IT WAS A 30 MINUTE TOY ADVERT FFS.
Fingers crossed, if theres a third one, Unicron, Hot Rod and the world of junk need to be in it.
Love that song aswell. The animated film had a brilliant soundtrack
For what it was, I loved it. It was a fun summer movie. I wasn't looking for anything deeper than that.
Looks like Star Trek is going to be the most fondly thought of of 2009's summer blockbusters, as GI Joe looks like a right turd.
I thought it wasn't very good. The first one was much better than this effort.

The sound and the CGI was unreal, thats all that impressed me.

The film was about 45-60 minutes too long and the storyline didn't really flow very well, often dragged out in parts (like when Sam was running towards Prime at the end), the end scene must have lasted about 30 seconds if that, and there was often parts where i was left thinking "why did that happen" like his parents getting taken to Egypt. Also the need of the constant close up's of the robots made the fight scenes garbled.

People might say why do you expect a story line, i don't think the story line was the issue, its just the way it was depicted and pieced together would be the main issue.

I'll watch the third, i just hope Bay takes enough notice to recognise the need of how to tell the story as opposed to papering over the cracks with the effects.
Looks like Star Trek is going to be the most fondly thought of of 2009's summer blockbusters, as GI Joe looks like a right turd.

I liked Terminator and the X-men film

I enjoyed this slightly more than Star Trek, but only because there were more explosions, and the bad guys weren't quite as shit/pointless. Both felt like a waste of my time

Has there ever been a year with four films as undeniably cheesy as these though? All four of them could almost be parodees of themselves
I liked Terminator as well, but as far as brainless summer movies that make even less sense the more you think about them go, I liked Star Trek more, brainless time travel plot that made even less sense the more I thought about it notwithstanding. At least it wasn't completely miserable like Terminator.
Star Trek bored me. I didn't care what was going to happen, and I already knew anyway, and then it happened in a completely undramatic way. Some of the characters were just appaulling.

That said, it definitely seems to have gone down a lot better with most people than it has with me.

Transformers was like watching a film made for eight year olds, by an eight year old. How is it even possible to make a film about giant transforming war robots from outer space, and have it end up being that crap? Michael Bay needs punching
I refuse to watch this cause it'd only encourage Hollywood to make more brainless shite for $300 million.

Are the twin autobots as racist as I've read about?
Are the twin autobots as racist as I've read about?

No, not by a long shot. It might play to some stereotypes, but thats only if you're uptight about it. They made me laugh a few times mind
I watched this for a second time two nights ago, and actually didn't find it as bad on a repeat viewing. I think it's because I went in expecting it to be shite and was therefore able to gloss over the retarded childish moments (which make up a huge chunk of the film), just like I did when I watched the first one again. Doesn't make either of them good, though, just slightly more... bearable.
I loved the first one because it was great brainless fun. I'm hoping the second will be the same since my 10yo son will insist on seeing this one.
I loved the first one because it was great brainless fun. I'm hoping the second will be the same since my 10yo son will insist on seeing this one.

I actually thought the first one was quite enjoyable, not that much of a plot, but certainly enough to string along the action, from what I hear that is not true of this one sadly.
The first one had a plot?

I just remember lots of great action, Megan Fox and a wanking joke.
I hope the second one is as much fun. That is all you need from such a film even if a decent plot would make it much better.That said TMNT was a real let down due to the lack of conherent plot so that isn't always the case.
The first one had a plot?

I just remember lots of great action, Megan Fox and a wanking joke.

A small one amongst the myriad of action scenes are heard it is just LeBoeuf and Fox running around (Fox in slomo of course) and a ton of different robots fighting.
The story in RotF kicks the first film's story's ass. Even though this one started off a bit weak, it developed well enough, whereas the first movie was more like - "my grandpa did some shit and now these robots are after me"

SPOILERS (in white)

The movie was a bit cheapened by the crappy genitals joke and the extremity of the mother's character.

The story in RotF kicks the first film's story's ass. Even though this one started off a bit weak, it developed well enough, whereas the first movie was more like - "my grandpa did some shit and now these robots are after me"

Thanks Jez I am quite pleased to hear this
The story in RotF kicks the first film's story's ass.

The "story" isn't capable of kicking anything's arse.

Firstly, there basically isn't one, beyond the necessity to write some more characters in and make a weak attempt to explain why there's a sequel to the first film.

Secondly, what there is of it, still manages to contradict itself, and make no sense. "Oh no, we haven't been around long enough to know what happened thousands of years ago, but that other robot, who hasn't even existed for the duration of this film, he'll know"

The first one had a plot?

I just remember lots of great action, Megan Fox and a wanking joke.

I saw it a couple nights ago. This would also describe Revenge of the Fallen.

I'd say if you like the first one, this one is definitely worth watching. I'd say the two movies are on par with each other.
I saw it a couple nights ago. This would also describe Revenge of the Fallen.

I'd say if you like the first one, this one is definitely worth watching. I'd say the two movies are on par with each other.

True. In a way that the dump I took this morning is on a par with the one I had yesterday morning.
You seem upset about this.

Its a movie, based on a cartoon that was made to sell toys, and is about giant robots, that act like people and fight each other and blow things up....and your giving out because it didn't have a good plot or and enthralling story?

Get over it....its a leave your brain at the door movie sfx fest, your delusional beyond belief to expect anything other than that.

It doesn't pretend to be anything else since the whole idea behind it is ridiculous beyond belief.
You seem upset about this.

Its a movie, based on a cartoon that was made to sell toys, and is about giant robots, that act like people and fight each other and blow things up....and your giving out because it didn't have a good plot or and enthralling story?

Get over it....its a leave your brain at the door movie sfx fest, your delusional beyond belief to expect anything other than that.

It doesn't pretend to be anything else since the whole idea behind it is ridiculous beyond belief.

Is this at me?

It didn't have any story at all. But this isn't my major gripe with it. I actually thought the first one was ok and went to this at least thinking it'll be a good popcorn movie but it wasn't.

I can forgive anything in a movie except being boring. And this was dull. So dull I fell asleep for 15 minutes (not that it mattered).

And when I awoke and saw John Turturro staring up at a pair of giant robot testicles I thought "My God, not only is this boring, a crass waste of money but also really quite inappropriate for it's intended target audience of 10 year olds"
Absolute garbage, was it me or was the last 45mins simply a load of overly dramatic slow motion and people shouting 'noooooooooooooooo'

Should've watched Terminator
I refuse to watch this cause it'd only encourage Hollywood to make more brainless shite for $300 million.

Are the twin autobots as racist as I've read about?

Well its mainly Michael Bay's fault, hes more interested in making a movie with state of the art CGI effects rather than a state of the art storyline. I havent seen this second one but the first one IMO was watchable and nothing more. And the usual trend in follow up movies is they arent as good as the first so i do fear for this one...
Michael Bay should be an inspiration to all of us. If he can become a big-shot movie director, then anyone can.