You expected a story line?
I saw the film last night and this was all that I enjoyed.
Megan fox
Looks like Star Trek is going to be the most fondly thought of of 2009's summer blockbusters, as GI Joe looks like a right turd.
Are the twin autobots as racist as I've read about?
Michael Bay needs punching
I loved the first one because it was great brainless fun. I'm hoping the second will be the same since my 10yo son will insist on seeing this one.
The first one had a plot?
I just remember lots of great action, Megan Fox and a wanking joke.
The story in RotF kicks the first film's story's ass. Even though this one started off a bit weak, it developed well enough, whereas the first movie was more like - "my grandpa did some shit and now these robots are after me"
The story in RotF kicks the first film's story's ass.
The first one had a plot?
I just remember lots of great action, Megan Fox and a wanking joke.
I saw it a couple nights ago. This would also describe Revenge of the Fallen.
I'd say if you like the first one, this one is definitely worth watching. I'd say the two movies are on par with each other.
True. In a way that the dump I took this morning is on a par with the one I had yesterday morning.
And in the same way, if you enjoyed that dump, I would suggest you take another similar one today. If not, wait on it.
You seem upset about this.
Its a movie, based on a cartoon that was made to sell toys, and is about giant robots, that act like people and fight each other and blow things up....and your giving out because it didn't have a good plot or and enthralling story?
Get over it....its a leave your brain at the door movie sfx fest, your delusional beyond belief to expect anything other than that.
It doesn't pretend to be anything else since the whole idea behind it is ridiculous beyond belief.
I refuse to watch this cause it'd only encourage Hollywood to make more brainless shite for $300 million.
Are the twin autobots as racist as I've read about?
For what it was, I loved it. It was a fun summer movie. I wasn't looking for anything deeper than that.
Should've watched Terminator