Transformers Revenge of the Fallen

1. He recognised the language, like some people might recognise latin without being able to read it. Also Wheelie (the little remote control truck) was not one of the robots that was created from appliances by the shard. Allspark energy being used on everyday objects only creates mindless savage robots - for a Transformer to be self concious and sentient they generally have to have a 'spark' (soul/heart), whereas the kitchen appliances did not.

Looked like he came from the shard to me, and if not, then it's a perfect example of how poorly put together the movie was. I don't have anything against Transformers, but this movie has convinced me that Michael Bay is an action film muppet with the mental capacity of a three year old.

Another point. What's so scary about the Transformers, if a few blokes with a tank can hold off and defeat the entire deceptacon army?

mate, watching a piece of shit float in a bucket for 2 hours would be better than watching T3.

T4 was only marginally better, biggest load of boring bollocks i've ever seen, interspersed with Christian Bale doing his Tom Cruise shout a lot to wake you up every now and again

Christian Bale doesn't know how to act angry.
Looked like he came from the shard to me, and if not, then it's a perfect example of how poorly put together the movie was. I don't have anything against Transformers, but this movie has convinced me that Michael Bay is an action film muppet with the mental capacity of a three year old.

I agree. There was so much stuff in RotF that could easily have been explained or made clear if certain scenes were slightly re editted or put in a different order (in this case, have Wheelie snooping about visibly before the appliances went nuts, so you know he's separate from them).

Another point. What's so scary about the Transformers, if a few blokes with a tank can hold off and defeat the entire deceptacon army?

Yeah as for that bit... well I've got nothing. The humans were fecking them up pretty badly in the final battle in both TF2 and TF1. Maybe they kept them around for the big ones like the massive wheel robot at the beginning?
It was stupid when the one-shotted Devastator with that railgun, it was just something they pulled from their arses randomly to get him out of the picture (even though all the Constructicons were killed individually anyway....). And they gave Devastator balls, that was bloody stupid.
Worst shit I ever saw. Megan Fox better get nude for the 3rd movie to ever happen. Gay jokes and animals fecking each other. Is there really anyone out there laughing at such things anymore? I mean, laughing so hard that tears comes out your eyes. SO BORING!

The movie starts with explosions and ends with explosions. Inbetween there are explosions. I think they got bored of animations so they ended up in a desert where they didn't need to animate destroyed buildings.

And least of all. Could the Americans and their army just ... Who the feck needs their army of men when they are fighting ROBOTS FROM OUTER SPACE? It's such a waste of space and irritating for both eyes and ears to hear all that shit they do for their country.

Overall rating 1/10
Sexual rating 3/10
Well, I finally saw it. Maybe it was because I had such low, low expectations following all the reviews I read - but I actually liked it. There, I said it! It wasn't clever or deep and it had plot holes, but I liked it.
Anyone who values sexy females, lots of explosions and special effects over story, character development and a plot that makes 100% sense, is going to like the movie. The only people who are going to dislike it are the ones who paid some amount of attention to detail.
Worst shit I ever saw. Megan Fox better get nude for the 3rd movie to ever happen. Gay jokes and animals fecking each other. Is there really anyone out there laughing at such things anymore? I mean, laughing so hard that tears comes out your eyes. SO BORING!

The movie starts with explosions and ends with explosions. Inbetween there are explosions. I think they got bored of animations so they ended up in a desert where they didn't need to animate destroyed buildings.

And least of all. Could the Americans and their army just ... Who the feck needs their army of men when they are fighting ROBOTS FROM OUTER SPACE? It's such a waste of space and irritating for both eyes and ears to hear all that shit they do for their country.

Overall rating 1/10
Sexual rating 3/10
Yeah, I saw it a couple of days ago, and I pretty much agree. At certain points during the "exciting battles", I was lying down and checking my watch. The movie needed some serious editing down to 90 minutes.

One thing, though. I think it was technically a multinational army, because one guy had a Union Jack patch on his uniform. But I bet you anything Michael Bay doesn't know who the Prime Minister of Britain is ("Um...Blair, right? No, the chick, Thatcher!")

What I really hated were the oh-aren't-I-so-clever winks to better movies or even previous shitty movies. Like they introduced John Turturro's character with a line about "knishes", which is a reference to his role in Rounders. Or when Shia started writing on the walls in his room, and one of the posters was Bad Boys II, which Bay directed. This movie is too shitty to talk about other movies like that.
It was stupid when the one-shotted Devastator with that railgun, it was just something they pulled from their arses randomly to get him out of the picture (even though all the Constructicons were killed individually anyway....). And they gave Devastator balls, that was bloody stupid.

:lol: wtf was that?
The child angle worked well, some fecking retard kid was asking his dad every 5 seconds what the fecking Deception who is a get would say when it was that cryptic language with subtitles I didnt say anything, but I did take a call during it for retaliation.

I thought the first one was actually not bad, it was entertaining and had some story to it. This one was awful, just blowing shit up etc
Both movies were utter shite. 2nd one was even worse. Michael Bay does not deserve to live
I'm really starting to hate The Beef. His roommate was a cnut too...they both spoke so quickly I could barely understand what they were saying.
If you want a Kermodian self righteous apoplectic rant then I prefer his review of Sex in the City 2..

Right on comrade...

or indeed Pirates 3

For a massive ponce...he is occasionally riotously funny