"It's like..."
1. He recognised the language, like some people might recognise latin without being able to read it. Also Wheelie (the little remote control truck) was not one of the robots that was created from appliances by the shard. Allspark energy being used on everyday objects only creates mindless savage robots - for a Transformer to be self concious and sentient they generally have to have a 'spark' (soul/heart), whereas the kitchen appliances did not.
Looked like he came from the shard to me, and if not, then it's a perfect example of how poorly put together the movie was. I don't have anything against Transformers, but this movie has convinced me that Michael Bay is an action film muppet with the mental capacity of a three year old.
Another point. What's so scary about the Transformers, if a few blokes with a tank can hold off and defeat the entire deceptacon army?
mate, watching a piece of shit float in a bucket for 2 hours would be better than watching T3.
T4 was only marginally better, biggest load of boring bollocks i've ever seen, interspersed with Christian Bale doing his Tom Cruise shout a lot to wake you up every now and again
Christian Bale doesn't know how to act angry.