Some things to note about that statement:
1. We took our time about checking the contracts. Nothing wrong with that; we are entitled to do our due diligence on it.
2. After accepting the changes, Real took almost two hours to get DDG and Navas to sign their respective contracts, by which time the window was coming to a close. What happened that took so long? Took us less than 20 minutes to come to an agreement with Navas's people.
3. We got our documentation into the system on time, but Real couldn't. This seems like a flaw in the TMS, TBH.
4. Real were invited to register DDG, but elected not to, instead referring the case to the PFL. Hence the reports that no registration was made. I'm not sure why they couldn't have done both if they thought it contentious. It would at least have given them grounds for appeal.
The big thing for me is that 2 hours between us sending the revised contracts and Real getting them signed. If, as we were led to believe, both Navas and de Gea were ready to go, why did it take so long for one or both of them to sign their contracts? That's certainly not our fault!