Television Tho Prop Grops Throps

Not really, it just shows that the booking team is quite lazy and they will stoop quite low get any reaction. Its quite sad too, they really struggle to build up any worthwhile storylines either, when was the last time RAW ended with a storyline that left you feeling like a week was too long to get to the next RAW?

This hardly does that at all.
Nexus, Punks Promo...can't think of much else. I miss big dramatic cliff-hanger endings.
I wouldn't do it that way persay, but I do like the idea of Regins missing out on the title again and losing his shit over it (I'd have him lose to Ambrose in the final and he can't bring himself to congratulate his friend).

Either Ambrose or Reigns should turn at the PPV for me (failing that, Owens should win)... it's a huge opportunity for WWE to make a top heel and give them instant credibility.

I'd go with Ambrose winning the championship with Reigns in his corner. Reigns enters the ring, hugs Ambrose in a brotherly embrace before superman punching him to the canvas. Sheamus' music hits and he runs to the ring. Ambrose starts getting back to his feet with a hurt quizzical look on his face as he stares at Reigns with a "What the feck bro?" Look. He turns round and bang, he gets hit with a brogue kick. The suitcase gets passed to a ref and then 123 he's the new champ.

Triple H's music hits and he too enters the ring. The camera looks over the shoulder of The now regaining consciousness Ambrose as we/he sees Triple H holding both Sheamus and Reigns arms aloft. End of PPV.
I'd go with Ambrose winning the championship with Reigns in his corner. Reigns enters the ring, hugs Ambrose in a brotherly embrace before superman punching him to the canvas. Sheamus' music hits and he runs to the ring. Ambrose starts getting back to his feet with a hurt quizzical look on his face as he stares at Reigns with a "What the feck bro?" Look. He turns round and bang, he gets hit with a brogue kick. The suitcase gets passed to a ref and then 123 he's the new champ.

Triple H's music hits and he too enters the ring. The camera looks over the shoulder of The now regaining consciousness Ambrose as we/he sees Triple H holding both Sheamus and Reigns arms aloft. End of PPV.

That'd work. How're you having Del Rio go over Reigns though? Have The Authority cost him the match as to make the heel turn more 'shocking'?
That'd work. How're you having Del Rio go over Reigns though? Have The Authority cost him the match as to make the heel turn more 'shocking'?

That could definitely work too mate.

Maybe have a segment early in the show in the locker room while Reigns is preparing for his match and have the authority enter and proposition him again. The segment could end with Reigns cutting a real face response like "there's the door, either walk out or get wheeled out".

This leads to your angle where Reigns is screwed by the authority and loses his match to Del Rio.

This would then lead on to the Ambrose double cross and his affiliation with the authority.

He could cut a real heel promo the next night on Raw claiming that fighting against the authority had become futile and that he didn't give a damn what the stupid fans or his "brother" Ambrose thought of him and that it was all about getting the gold and that the authority would make that happen.
Sheamus ending the PPV as champion. That will turn things around :P
Does Sheamus blow Vince? I can't understand why he keeps getting pushed. Nobody noticed he was gone when he was injured for like half a year. That alone was very telling. Making him Money in the bank and inevitable WWE Champ seems a bit strange to me.

Maybe a Sheamus fan, or general WWE fan can tell me why I'm wrong?
Does Sheamus blow Vince? I can't understand why he keeps getting pushed. Nobody noticed he was gone when he was injured for like half a year. That alone was very telling. Making him Money in the bank and inevitable WWE Champ seems a bit strange to me.

Maybe a Sheamus fan, or general WWE fan can tell me why I'm wrong?

Have to agree on this, his character is boring, his promos are boring and for being Mr MITB he's just sitting around mid card teaming with another mid card in King Barrett (KOTO used to mean something for the superstar also)

I've seen him Live a number of times over the past couple of years and his ring work is slow and predicable. Even with the character change it has to done much
Does Sheamus blow Vince? I can't understand why he keeps getting pushed. Nobody noticed he was gone when he was injured for like half a year. That alone was very telling. Making him Money in the bank and inevitable WWE Champ seems a bit strange to me.

Maybe a Sheamus fan, or general WWE fan can tell me why I'm wrong?

He is/was HHH's workout buddy. So I think he is very big on him and that would explain why he is pushed. Also he has the size that Vince likes in his performers so that would probably contribute.
I actually think Sheamus and Barrett make a good team (and would be good for the tag division). As champion though, I dont see it. Hes had a run or two before and he hasnt really improved since then. The evolution of Sheamus is basically a hair style change.
I actually think Sheamus and Barrett make a good team (and would be good for the tag division). As champion though, I dont see it. Hes had a run or two before and he hasnt really improved since then. The evolution of Sheamus is basically a hair style change.
This hits the nail on the head. Like the idea of that heel team but don't care about Sheamus as a singles wrestler - would actually rather Barrett get the push.
:lol: Yeah, what an idiot, commenting on the company using his dead son as basically a marketing tool for a shit pay-per-view.

I hate this sort of stuff the company does. WWE has been shit for a really long time, since Wrestle mania practically, and this cheap bullshit writing really turn me off the company.

Sometimes the smartest thing to do is bite your tongue. Instead he's thrown his daughter to the wolves. Not a smart move in my book, regardless of my thoughts towards Charlotte.
Sheamus is one of the best workers in the company
The positives from raw:

Cesaro vs reigns was a good match, enjoyed it.

Ziggler vs Ambrose was good too, some actual mat wrestling was good to see.

The nagitives:

Using David like that, doesn't surprise me but still sickens me.

Taker/Kane and the Wyatts angle was just fecking lazy.

No Sasha, No Becky.

Michael Cole stood in the ring during the contract signing looking like a potential rapist.

No contract actually being signed, it annoyed me.
The positives from raw:

Cesaro vs reigns was a good match, enjoyed it.

Ziggler vs Ambrose was good too, some actual mat wrestling was good to see.

The nagitives:

Using David like that, doesn't surprise me but still sickens me.

Taker/Kane and the Wyatts angle was just fecking lazy.

No Sasha, No Becky.

Michael Cole stood in the ring during the contract signing looking like a potential rapist.

No contract actually being signed, it annoyed me.
David Flair isn't dead, was his other son, Reid I believe?

Agree, I have no interest in the BoD vs Wyatts match.

No Sasha is criminal at this point.

The Heidreich incident clearly rubbed off on Cole.

Believe there was a post-raw segment where at least Charlotte signed the contract.
This is Sashas own fault for getting popular from being so good in NXT - this isnt what WWE wanted so she must be punished with no Air time on Raw.
Brother @Big-Red is absolutely right, Sheamus is very good. In fact if I was booking a show of WWE guys and needed a match to fill however long that just couldn't be bad Sheamus would be one of my two guys.

You'd think with the current writers being former Hollywood writers, they would know that too..but no,its the same lame endings each week.

Law of diminishing returns. Cliffhangers every week lead to them not meaning anything anymore. A bit like how blood became meaningless in wrestling in the early 2000's.

Other than that, interested to hear that Melty has said that Lana has heat for selling her engagement to TMZ. Now where have I heard that before…
And the gimmick continues.

You'd think with the current writers being former Hollywood writers, they would know that too..but no,its the same lame endings each week.

Only one man in charge, eh? I think every writer who has left has had the same complaint, all pointing to Vince.
Sheamus is a very good worker... that's not an outlandish statement at all. He's a good big-man who's more than capable of putting on good matches if given the chance.... he just suffers from a) having a poor character build (as a face he was just happy go-lucky Irish bloke ... basically came across as Cena-lite and as a heel... well seemingly the only reason he's a heel is that he looks funny... he's not really been able to flesh out his heel gimmick in any way) and b) having to face the same opponents until death... I mean, it's not his fault they that booked him and Randy Orton to face each other 1000 times in 2015.

When you give him fresh opponents (such as Cesaro the other week) he is more then capable of having good/great matches... give him nothing matches and a bland character and nobodies going to care.
Spoilered because it's a rumor & potential spoiler for Survivor Series and the Championship.
Seems that they are considering giving Ambrose the title this Sunday. Not sure about it's trustworthiness.

I think

It was pretty much nailed for Reigns to win it off Rollins, and keep the belt through Wrestlemania season. A lot of 'insiders' saying that those plans had not changed, as Reigns and Rollins would have gone to do different stories, so Rollins being injured doesn't mean they have to change Reigns story.

How ever they do have to build a new main event heel, so make sense to give it to Ambrose and turn him at the same time. Although for me, Ambrose turn is predictable and meh...

The person who Rollins injured effects the most is Kevin Owens. He would've had a match against Ambrose at SS, and probably re-match at TLC, and given Owens + Ambrose hardcode backgrounds, that would've been amazing. Instead Ambrose will probably be in a story with Reigns and Owens will end up in a nothing feud.
Its true though.

Depends on your definition of a 'good worker'.

- Awfully boring. I can't remember any matches of his atm.
- Awful gimmick. His new look is stupid and hard to take him seriously.
- Awful heel. He does a good mean bully persona in the ring, but he can learn lots about being heel from Rollins, New Day and even KO.
- Awful promos. Does he actually do any? Comes out and trash talks for a few mins. Nothing worth remembering or noteworthy in any of his mic outings.
- Awful selling of hits. He does his staggering for a few seconds, and then proceeds to dominate after that. Bad transition.

He needs to upgrade pretty much of everything he is. It'd be a undeserving, uninspiring yawnfest if he does get the heavyweight belt.

In fact if I was booking a show of WWE guys and needed a match to fill however long that just couldn't be bad Sheamus would be one of my two guys.

Pretty much this. A mid card filler. Though I'd prefer to have Cesaro, KO, (Bad News) Barrett, Neville and even Bolieve above him in the same filler.

And no. I don't hate Sheamus. Not at all.
I think

It was pretty much nailed for Reigns to win it off Rollins, and keep the belt through Wrestlemania season. A lot of 'insiders' saying that those plans had not changed, as Reigns and Rollins would have gone to do different stories, so Rollins being injured doesn't mean they have to change Reigns story.

How ever they do have to build a new main event heel, so make sense to give it to Ambrose and turn him at the same time. Although for me, Ambrose turn is predictable and meh...

The person who Rollins injured effects the most is Kevin Owens. He would've had a match against Ambrose at SS, and probably re-match at TLC, and given Owens + Ambrose hardcode backgrounds, that would've been amazing. Instead Ambrose will probably be in a story with Reigns and Owens will end up in a nothing feud.
Aye, unless they swerve it all and have a Owens VS Reigns final. Anbrose has a reason to go after Owens (especially if he wins dirty) and he can still be a face. Reigns becomes the top babyface with the belt or KO joins the Authority after HHH whispers sweet nothings in his ear.

Or: They go for a Reigns win and heel turn. That would be the smartest move I feel, but that probably means it won't happen.
Sheamus is great. People hate him because they're doing the cool thing by sucking the dicks of the indie guys and hating anyone with a body that takes longer than 6 months to build because it's what Vince loves, and Vince has to be wrong about everything. Sheamus has a good physical style and works pretty stiff.
Great is an overstatement. Hes solid. Hes not bad either.

His biggest problem is hes not interesting and thats why I dont think they can have him leave with the title, especially with the slump they are in with ratings etc.
Law of diminishing returns. Cliffhangers every week lead to them not meaning anything anymore. A bit like how blood became meaningless in wrestling in the early 2000's.

But they never do it now, if done well and then followed by a good storyline logically each week, it would work. It doesn't have to be every week, rather it has to be good enough to catch people's attention for a couple of weeks.