Television Tho Prop Grops Throps

You think that Charlotte and even Ric Flair had no say in that promo? Charlotte was even the one who set up that line.

I think she had some say but not sure to what extent. Could have been pressurized into going with it since she is tanking pretty bad out tehre.
I think she had some say but not sure to what extent. Could have been pressurized into going with it since she is tanking pretty bad out tehre.

Perhaps, but it was leaked that something along those lines was going to be said a few days ago. They would of asked Charlotte and Ric and even they wouldn't of been OK, they wouldn't of gone with it. Same as how they asked Paul Bearers sons before the Undertaker/CM Punk story.

The fact everybody is pissed off by it, shows the line worked.
Learned to accept that Paige divides opinions. She get's quite a bit of undeserved criticism, nowhere near as bad of a talker as people try to make out.

The real issue lies with the booking. You're giving two women the final segment on Raw? That's fantastic. However it's not going to be all that effective if prior to that you've had countless months of shit booking in the build up. It would work great if a large portion of this story and 'divas revolution' hadn't been a clusterfeck. The writing has been shit for the women yet they're the ones who will no doubt take the flack for it.
Lets be honest, they (Flair) pretty much went with it cos its a pay cheque. Do you honestly believe if Stephanie (for example) had a miscarriage they would work that into a storyline? Of course not.

Actually, im questioning that now that I think about it given whos in charge :nervous:

Perhaps, but it was leaked that something along those lines was going to be said a few days ago. They would of asked Charlotte and Ric and even they wouldn't of been OK, they wouldn't of gone with it. Same as how they asked Paul Bearers sons before the Undertaker/CM Punk story.

The fact everybody is pissed off by it, shows the line worked.

Yep. She came across as the local council estate slag.

Guaranteed she'd had big dave and the lads have a go on her back when she lived in Norwich.
Sorry I didn't see said post, otherwise I'd have backed you up. I've also said in this thread before that I think Paige is horrible at promos. Why she feels the need to deliver everything in an incredibly sarcastic tone I have no idea. Not only that, but she more often then not doesn't seem to pay attention to what other people are saying to her/ the storylines are when she's retorting.

The funny thing is, I liked her stuff with AJ. Shes just a bit weird at times (like that time she had a go at New York cos the fans were bored of her 3 on 3 match) even though it was a fck all match that was boring (and happens to Male matches as well).
The funny thing is, I liked her stuff with AJ. Shes just a bit weird at times (like that time she had a go at New York cos the fans were bored of her 3 on 3 match) even though it was a fck all match that was boring (and happens to Male matches as well).
God, I hated that stuff. The lesbian stuff was cringeworthy. At least when Mickie/Trish did it, one of the characters was unhinged.

Sooner WWE sees sense and throws Sasha into the mix, the better.
They need to stop being catty (though not sure Vince would permit that). You can be a evil heel without resorting to such stuff.

1) Del Rio needs to go. Only thing worse than his matches is the Mex-Americana storyline. Kalisto was quite entertaining and still the match was dreary.
2) Neville. I feel sorry for him. He deserves better than superstar jobber stuff. They should put him in a tag team with R-Truth and maybe Damien Sandow.
3) Ambrose, Cesaro and KO need to be in the main event mix more frequently.
The Legends with JBL panel talking about 'Taker with HHH, HBK and Stone Cold is excellent viewing. Could happily watch those 3 talk about anything together mind you.
Survivor Series card looks pretty lightweight. No traditional Survivor Series matches. No matches announced for pre show. Tag Team titles not likely to be defended either.

The three tournament matches, BoD vs Wyatts and Paige vs Charlotte. Only one less than last year, but considering the main event last year went nearly 45 minutes it's a short card unless they have something planned.

On another note, TLC next month and i hope they put Kevin Owens in a TLC match, because that match will nailed on guaranteed to be amazing.
Survivor Series card looks pretty lightweight. No traditional Survivor Series matches. No matches announced for pre show. Tag Team titles not likely to be defended either.

The three tournament matches, BoD vs Wyatts and Paige vs Charlotte. Only one less than last year, but considering the main event last year went nearly 45 minutes it's a short card unless they have something planned.

On another note, TLC next month and i hope they put Kevin Owens in a TLC match, because that match will nailed on guaranteed to be amazing.
5 on 5 just announced, no word on the participants yet. Some kind of NXT vs WWE match could have been good fun.
Now that would be epic. Who are available from WWE: Neville, Ziggler, Ryback strike me as the usual suspects.
Breeze, Dudleys, New Day...Really it's who from NXT though, face/heel dynamics thrown out you have any 5 of maybe Joe, Balor, Corbin, Crews, Vaudevillians, Blake/Murphy, Mechanics, Enzo/Cass.
Survivor Series card looks pretty lightweight. No traditional Survivor Series matches. No matches announced for pre show. Tag Team titles not likely to be defended either.

The three tournament matches, BoD vs Wyatts and Paige vs Charlotte. Only one less than last year, but considering the main event last year went nearly 45 minutes it's a short card unless they have something planned.

On another note, TLC next month and i hope they put Kevin Owens in a TLC match, because that match will nailed on guaranteed to be amazing.

It's awful. Survivor Series has sunk so low, it has become a B+ PPV.
Random plan that will never happen on Sunday. Reigns loses then subsequently loses it from being close so many times. He costs Ambrose his match as he can't stand to see both his ex-shield team mates win the big one before him. Meanwhile, Owens wins the title and proceeds to take on all comers including a returning Cena at the Rumble and Fastlane. Reigns, now a heel, smarmily avoids a match with a psychotic Ambrose for months until they finally meet at Wrestlemania, on the same night as Owens defends his title against Royal Rumble winner Brock Lesnar.

Never gonna happen but I'd enjoy it if it did.
Breeze vs Ziggler has been announced for Sunday too.

Intrigued to see what the 5 on 5 match will be. My guess is:

New Day, Barrett and Sheamus vs Lucha Dragons, Neville, Uso's

But that would mean no Cesaro on the card. Maybe him instead of Sin Cara?
Random plan that will never happen on Sunday. Reigns loses then subsequently loses it from being close so many times. He costs Ambrose his match as he can't stand to see both his ex-shield team mates win the big one before him. Meanwhile, Owens wins the title and proceeds to take on all comers including a returning Cena at the Rumble and Fastlane. Reigns, now a heel, smarmily avoids a match with a psychotic Ambrose for months until they finally meet at Wrestlemania, on the same night as Owens defends his title against Royal Rumble winner Brock Lesnar.

Never gonna happen but I'd enjoy it if it did.

Wouldnt this mean Del Rio vs Ambrose in the final or Del Rio vs Owens... (depending on when reigns costs him)...

All from Flair's podcast... wasn't a fan of the angle yesterday when I saw it, definitely not a fan now. Pretty shit of the WWE to not run it by Flair.
That is pretty poor. Obviously she isn't going to say no to it either, knowing how political WWE are it could have hurt her career.
No surprise. This is the same company that does the tribute at the top of the show (classy), and finishes it with a cheap heat death remark because they think its edgy (bad taste). Of course Charlotte is not going to object to it, shes been there for a cup of coffee. But it says something when they need to resort to that to get a reaction. Viva la Revolution... bleh
A few things on this, the idea that Ric Flair is a reliable narrator is quite hilarious, but aside from that, this idea that Charlotte couldn't say no is ludicrous. Paige was leading a backstage revolt within 6 months of her debut, bit more than just saying no to use of your dead brother in a cheap angle. Vince McMahon infamously loves people who will stand up to him and say no, it's the reason Paige is so prominent, why Punk was so prominent, why the New Day are so prominent now, why the Shield were so prominent etc etc etc…

Aside from that, Ric showed once again how idiotic he is by feeling the need to comment. He's just done a huge amount of damage to his daughters standing in a company where she isn't thought that highly of anyway.

The angle didn't work because it didn't fit the feud, had no build and to be quite frank the Flair family means nothing to current fans, it's not like it's a dynasty, it's one great (possibly greatest) wrestler and his kids, none of which were any good.
Wouldnt this mean Del Rio vs Ambrose in the final or Del Rio vs Owens... (depending on when reigns costs him)...
Yeah, Del Rio vs Owens, cause I really cant see them putting the title on Del Rio, so it wouldn't work.
A few things on this, the idea that Ric Flair is a reliable narrator is quite hilarious, but aside from that, this idea that Charlotte couldn't say no is ludicrous. Paige was leading a backstage revolt within 6 months of her debut, bit more than just saying no to use of your dead brother in a cheap angle. Vince McMahon infamously loves people who will stand up to him and say no, it's the reason Paige is so prominent, why Punk was so prominent, why the New Day are so prominent now, why the Shield were so prominent etc etc etc…

Aside from that, Ric showed once again how idiotic he is by feeling the need to comment. He's just done a huge amount of damage to his daughters standing in a company where she isn't thought that highly of anyway.

The angle didn't work because it didn't fit the feud, had no build and to be quite frank the Flair family means nothing to current fans, it's not like it's a dynasty, it's one great (possibly greatest) wrestler and his kids, none of which were any good.

Oh yeah, I forgot about your inside knowledge of her being released instead of called up to the main roster ;)
Random plan that will never happen on Sunday. Reigns loses then subsequently loses it from being close so many times. He costs Ambrose his match as he can't stand to see both his ex-shield team mates win the big one before him. Meanwhile, Owens wins the title and proceeds to take on all comers including a returning Cena at the Rumble and Fastlane. Reigns, now a heel, smarmily avoids a match with a psychotic Ambrose for months until they finally meet at Wrestlemania, on the same night as Owens defends his title against Royal Rumble winner Brock Lesnar.

Never gonna happen but I'd enjoy it if it did.

I wouldn't do it that way persay, but I do like the idea of Regins missing out on the title again and losing his shit over it (I'd have him lose to Ambrose in the final and he can't bring himself to congratulate his friend).

Either Ambrose or Reigns should turn at the PPV for me (failing that, Owens should win)... it's a huge opportunity for WWE to make a top heel and give them instant credibility.
Perhaps, but it was leaked that something along those lines was going to be said a few days ago. They would of asked Charlotte and Ric and even they wouldn't of been OK, they wouldn't of gone with it. Same as how they asked Paul Bearers sons before the Undertaker/CM Punk story.

The fact everybody is pissed off by it, shows the line worked.

Not really, it just shows that the booking team is quite lazy and they will stoop quite low get any reaction. Its quite sad too, they really struggle to build up any worthwhile storylines either, when was the last time RAW ended with a storyline that left you feeling like a week was too long to get to the next RAW?

This hardly does that at all.
Bookmarks - Wrestling Observer, WrestleZone, Dave Meltzer's Twitter, Justin LaBar's Twitter.

You're right on one, but it's not where I get any info from.

EDIT: actually no, my Observer sub lapsed as I was hardly using it any more.

You're talking about him so it works

@phelans shorts ;)

I'm a heel, you're supposed to hate me. THEY'RE BEING WORKED BRO.
Last edited:
Everyone know Phelan is a mark for rovert
A few things on this, the idea that Ric Flair is a reliable narrator is quite hilarious, but aside from that, this idea that Charlotte couldn't say no is ludicrous. Paige was leading a backstage revolt within 6 months of her debut, bit more than just saying no to use of your dead brother in a cheap angle. Vince McMahon infamously loves people who will stand up to him and say no, it's the reason Paige is so prominent, why Punk was so prominent, why the New Day are so prominent now, why the Shield were so prominent etc etc etc…

Aside from that, Ric showed once again how idiotic he is by feeling the need to comment. He's just done a huge amount of damage to his daughters standing in a company where she isn't thought that highly of anyway.

The angle didn't work because it didn't fit the feud, had no build and to be quite frank the Flair family means nothing to current fans, it's not like it's a dynasty, it's one great (possibly greatest) wrestler and his kids, none of which were any good.

:lol: Yeah, what an idiot, commenting on the company using his dead son as basically a marketing tool for a shit pay-per-view.

I hate this sort of stuff the company does. WWE has been shit for a really long time, since Wrestle mania practically, and this cheap bullshit writing really turn me off the company.
standing in a company where she isn't thought that highly of anyway.

One of the first to have gotten to call up to main roster. First to get a decent feud of those called up. First to win the divas championship of those called up. I'd say she and Paige are the top 2 diva's atm. Quite good for someone with a bad standing, tbh.
Not really, it just shows that the booking team is quite lazy and they will stoop quite low get any reaction. Its quite sad too, they really struggle to build up any worthwhile storylines either, when was the last time RAW ended with a storyline that left you feeling like a week was too long to get to the next RAW?

This hardly does that at all.

I don't know.. It wasn't that long ago that Reigns and Lesnar were having a tug of war over the title to end RAW.. That had me hooked. :annoyed: