Television Tho Prop Grops Throps

Agreed, PPV overall wasnt bad. The main event was good, I do understand why they went with that finish, it just sucks seeing it in a main event. The crowd were terrible.

Ryback winning was pretty decent I thought. New day retaining made most sense. Owens vs Cena was close to perfection in terms of match and booking of it.

Worth staying up.

The reason the crowd was terrible was due to it originally being a house show. So it was mostly family and kids, not the hardcore fans that spend top dollar to attend a taping or PPV.
I thought that was a great PPV overall. About time Ryback won a title, best match of the year by far between Owens and Cena.

It's obvious they put a great show on a Network exclusive event to try to attract more subscribers, but they have really got their work cut out to keep that standard up. That was better than most of the actual PPV events outside of Wrestlemania the Rumble and SummerSlam.


The ending was horseshit though, and how many matches has the ref been replaced and the result still stood?

Piss poor yet again.

You are aware how a heel authority figure works, right?
The segment between Ryback and Bryan was classy. I like how Bryan in interviews etc always calls him THE Ryback.

Decent PPV, Owens / Cena the standout. The mic's were really loud all night though, could hear spots constantly being called.
Feck off with that stupid feckin' ending... makes neither guy look good.

Also, it doesn't make any sense... lucky they were in front of a shit crowd... a more lively audience might have actually rioted.
The reason the crowd was terrible was due to it originally being a house show. So it was mostly family and kids, not the hardcore fans that spend top dollar to attend a taping or PPV.

Ive been to plenty of house shows which have had great fun crowds (normally better than normal shows / tapings). It was just one of those places where it was terrible.
Feck off with that stupid feckin' ending... makes neither guy look good.

Also, it doesn't make any sense... lucky they were in front of a shit crowd... a more lively audience might have actually rioted.

It would only have been worse if Falcao came out and took the title off Ambrose and gave it back to Rollins.
Tbh, the more I think of it...the more I like the ending.

I think this is a tester to see crowd reaction on Ambrose having the title. It also gives them 2 weeks worth of Rollins Chasing/Ambrose running story to fill till MitB...where I think Ambrose will win it. That way, we'll also see a true Ambrose vs Reigns vs Rollins extravaganza. Add in Lesnar and I'm having high hopes for SummerSlam!
Reigns wins MITB. Ambrose gets screwed over by the Authority at MITB. Lesnar beats Rollins for the title.

Reigns cashes in on Lesnar and wins. Feuds with him. Then has a few filler feuds till Mania.

They are building towards a Shield Triple Threat, and this is how I see it going down. Reigns will hold the belt until Mania, and they'll do something screwy in the rumble with Ambrose and Rollins both winning it.
Yeah even the haters are starting to appreciate his hard work and commitment.

I'd hope they'd always appreciated those things to be fair - just not been a fan of his character.

Anyone questioning Cena's work ethic and/or his ability to put on great matches is a crazy person.
Each to their own I suppose.

Someone who last came out on top when the Shield were still a team should not be beating the champion. That much is blatant. He shouldn't even be anywhere near the title right now.

That's not to say I don't think they dropped the ball on him, or that he's more than capable of getting back up there, but right now he should not be in that position.
We will see Owens v Lesnar at some point within the next two years and it will be glorious.
Someone who last came out on top when the Shield were still a team should not be beating the champion. That much is blatant. He shouldn't even be anywhere near the title right now.

That's not to say I don't think they dropped the ball on him, or that he's more than capable of getting back up there, but right now he should not be in that position.

I can understand that completely but that's the way they have gone since fecking everything else up. Rusev could be up there, Lesnar should be still there, Wyatt could have had a shot and Reigns was pushed too, so many more options too. Instead they continued with the Authority angle and pushed Seth to the forefront. I don't mind that so much, I do however mind the way it's being done. This whiney, pathetic, reluctant to fight, shit scared Seth who always relies on help is pretty poor, predictable and frustrating to watch. It also does nothing for Seth or his wrestling ability. He used to be the most exciting member of The Shield.
Will be interesting to see how he/WWE addresses that.

Rematches are usually for former champions or someone who was cheated. Cena lost clean as a whistle. Would be a bit dumb if Cena came out like "We go again."

Almost everyone who loses the title gets a rematch. The clean loss was more than what WWE usually delivers. Don't think it'll happen a second time. Anyway if they want a feud, Cena needs to win some too! Owens is good, but him burying Cena would be a stretch.
Last nights match wasn't for the US Title. Cena has challenged everyone every week, but last night the title wasn't on the line.

But still they are having the rematch, right?

The whole 'feud' was poorly built and it's the wrestlers holding up the ball which creative totally lost. Without a proper story, it will progressively get weaker despite good matches coming out of it.
Theres been nothing wrong with how theyve built Owens vs Cena. Its a bit weird having a rematch (well a PPV) two weeks later.
I'm not a Cena hater but I'm surprised by all these comments saying he's on a hot streak of good matches on this US title run.

The matches he has been having for the US title are pretty much his standard PPV or TV matches aside from whenever he faces Lesnar or is some kind of gimmick match.

A lot of big moves, false finishes and kick outs of finishers until one finally finishes the match off.

They generally decent to good matches and last night was the first time he has faced Owens, so they worked in some of Owens's flashier moves from his ROH/Indy days which I've not seen him pull out in NXT but it was still a pretty tried and trusted formula.

I'd prefer Cena matches to have less emphasis on finishers being kicked out of so there actually is some element of surprise when one is hit.

That does not just apply to Cena btw.
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I'm not a Cena hater but I'm surprised by all these comments saying he's on a hot streak of good matches on this US title run.

The matches he has been having for the US title are pretty much his standard PPV or TV matches aside from whenever he faces Lesnar or is some kind of gimmick match.

A lot of big moves, false finishes and kick outs of finishers until one finally finishes the match off.

They generally decent to good matches and last night was the first time he has faced Owens, so they worked in some of Owens's flashier moves from his ROH/Indy days which I've not seen him pull out in NXT but it was still a pretty tried and trusted formula.

I'd prefer Cena matches to have less emphasis on finishers being kicked out of so there actually is some element of surprise when one is hit.

That does not just apply to Cena btw.

You've just managed to describe every single WWE match. They have their formula that is only deviated from (slightly) for Brock. Vince likes what Vince likes and we get what Vince likes.
You've just managed to describe every single WWE match. They have their formula that is only deviated from (slightly) for Brock. Vince likes what Vince likes and we get what Vince likes.

I'd say that it's far too much of a generalisation to say that all WWE matches follow that formula. Undertaker matches at mania certainly went that way and most of Cena's matches tend to end in finishers being kicked out of but it's not like every match on the card is like that. I'd agree, insofar it's something I expect from main event PPV matches these days.

Other matches, especially PPV matches in the middle of the card do not involve finishers being kicked out of and I think have enough variance to them in terms of pacing, and style. For example, Bryan vs Wyatt at the Rumble and Sheamus vs Cesaro Night of Champions were different to the type of match Cena vs Owens put on last night.

NXT is also a WWE product and they certainly don't follow that trend. Very rare that a finisher is kicked out on NXT which helps the entertainment and drama of their matches.
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I'd say that it's far too much of a generalisation to say that all WWE matches follow that formula. Undertaker matches at mania certainly went that way and most of Cena's matches tend to end in finishers being kicked out of but it's not like every match on the card is like that. I'd agree, insofar it's something I expect from main event PPV matches these days.

Other matches, especially PPV matches in the middle of the card do not involve finishers being kicked out of and I think have enough variance to them in terms of pacing, and style. For example, Bryan vs Wyatt at the Rumble and Sheamus vs Cesaro Night of Champions were different to the type of match Cena vs Owens put on last night.

NXT is also a WWE product and they certainly don't follow that trend. Very rare that a finisher is kicked out on NXT which helps the entertainment and drama of their matches.

Forget the finishers, they're irrelevant. I will describe to you a WWE match now, count how often you see this exact match on Raw.

Starts, heel takes control, beats down babyface, babyface comes back, starts building steam, gets cut off by heel, heel works over babyface, babyface comes back again. At this point you have 3 options, 1) babyface gets the win, 2) distraction/roll up or 3) they do it again until 1 or 2 occurs.

NXT very much follows this pattern too, although they do mix it up a tad more. The styles may be different but the matches are all exactly the same. PPV mixes it up a tad as heels are allowed to beat people who aren't total jobbers clean, such as with Owens Cena. It was still your textbook WWE match.
Ambrose and Rollins never disappoint in matches against each other. I marked out - my heartstrings were tugged, but then realised the following: this was a throwaway PPV so there was no way that Rollins was losing his title and Ambrose has done nothing to deserve the title. I suppose this is good way of testing how over Ambrose is with the crowd. On Rollins: he's been excellent for a while now and he's clearly mastered the right mannerisms (see reaction to him realising he is still champion). I do think WWE need to stop with this chicken heel version of him because it's not helping him at all. Obviously he's a heel, but it would have been better for his image if he won cleanly last night. Saying all that though, the Dusty finish worked. More heat for Rollins; sympathy for Ambrose; and Reigns is now involved which means the story expands.
Raw with a nice new fresh starting... an authority promo ¬¬
So glad they didnt turn Reigns heel. Just keep building him as a face and it will work :)

Also pissed of Rollins is great