I think you misunderstand me. I absolutely rate his ability. Excellent technician, very good seller, very good on the mic. I heavily dislike him, and while I do rate him ability wise, I don't think he's close to the level *he* believes his is/was. As in, WrestleMania main eventer, equal draw to the likes of The Rock and The Undertaker. Especially the last year of his WWE run, where he phoned in a lot, which was odd, when he was trying to fight for a WM main event, and was clearly capable of a whole lot more.
But if what he says is true, he spent that year working through injuries and being forced into shit programs. They should never have put HHH over him, they should never have had Nash text himself, they shouldn't have put him in with rybeck, the series of program's they put him in were horrendous, Jericho aside which was a very good feud. I think that after the infamous pipe bomb promo and him walking out the company with the title, they booked him terribly, but he still carried the company for a year, he totally deserved to main event mania.
I will go so far as to say this. Turning punk heel and having him drop the title to The Rock was a slap in the face to every wrestling fan in the world. Did the cena vs Rock rematch need the title?
Fast forward a year, punk still working through injuries, Batista and orton is being booked into the mania main event and punk is being shoe horned into another match with HHH, I'm not convinced I would have put up with it to be honest.
But here's a thought....
Is it conceivable that we're all being worked? Let's just say punk had a fair few injuries and wanted time off, isn't it weird that after he turned face and was fed to Brock that they didn't have storylines for him? It seems odd to me that on the road to wrestlemania Beyan had his run going and Batista was chasing ortons title, undertaker had wrestled punk the year before and punk seemingly had nothing? Then he sits at home for the best part of a year before actually saying anything about his departure.....just think about that, cm punk the voice of the voiceless waits 11months before opening his mouth and coincidently, when he does finally say something, vince returns to TV a few weeks before and The Authority have been removed from power.
Perhaps I'm thinking too much about it but it all adds up in my head. I'm thinking that we will see a punk return sooner rather then later, the rumble perhaps or the night after on raw. It just makes sense to me that he will be outspoken for the next few weeks and then return to be the saviour.
That's how I'd book it.