Television Tho Prop Grops Throps

Any interference negates a win being clean - if a match is 1-on-1, no matter if it's a ladder match, a cage match or a Judy Bagwell on a pole match, and someone other than the 2 men involved influences the outcome of the match, it's not clean.
Any interference negates a win being clean - if a match is 1-on-1, no matter if it's a ladder match, a cage match or a Judy Bagwell on a pole match, and someone other than the 2 men involved influences the outcome of the match, it's not clean.

Thank you :)

Nail on the head!

Edit: Judy Bagwell on a pole match, worst gimmick match ever? :lol: definite contender!
Orton beat him clean in ladder match too
Just a thought, since it looks like Bryan is missing Money in the Bank how would people look at putting the strap on Seth Rollins?

I'm thinking that would be a great choice personally. Shows a clear progression for him and a reason for him to have left the Shield, really puts some emphasis on him and gives us a champion that we know will put on one hell of a match with Bryan when he's back, whoever goes over.
Thank you :)

Nail on the head!
Just a thought, since it looks like Bryan is missing Money in the Bank how would people look at putting the strap on Seth Rollins?

I'm thinking that would be a great choice personally. Shows a clear progression for him and a reason for him to have left the Shield, really puts some emphasis on him and gives us a champion that we know will put on one hell of a match with Bryan when he's back, whoever goes over.

We'd really need to see some strong singles action from him outside of NXT, he'd need to go over a few big names first rather than just taking it off Bryan without much of a build up.
admit it...your reeeeeeeeeeeally struggling to find people who have beat him clean aren''t you?

It's the same with Hogan early on (84-91)... only warrior ever beat him clean as far as I can recall... everyone else stared at the lights!
I honestly don't care, it was just the flippancy with which you made your statement. I'm not a Cena fan. How many top faces got beat clean in AE?
Just a thought, since it looks like Bryan is missing Money in the Bank how would people look at putting the strap on Seth Rollins?

I'm thinking that would be a great choice personally. Shows a clear progression for him and a reason for him to have left the Shield, really puts some emphasis on him and gives us a champion that we know will put on one hell of a match with Bryan when he's back, whoever goes over.

Good question, if Bryan can't make MITB it looks like Cena will be involved in the title match anyways, Rollins be interesting alright... Wyatt could be added too. Wyatt could redeem himself after being buried (sorry had to add that in there) by Cena with a win in the ladder match! :)
In my eyes yes, if the face was put in say a 2v1 or 3v1 situation then its outside interference. For me any 3rd party being involved would deem it a dirty win regardless of match rules.

Since the AE, I appreciate its near impossible to get clean wins these days however.

In my eyes Cena has only ever once or twice lost clean off the top of my head (since his super man days started) and that was to The Rock at WM 28! That of course has been leveled out now with WM 29 where Cena won. Bryan at Summer slam, but sure that was more down to the fact he was injured and had to take time actually I take that back!

Look, Cena is a by product of his character and the era he is in now. Similar to Hogan he is the super hero kids looks up to in the product, until that changes he will continue to go over whomever he faces. Ultimately of course Vinnie Mac is number one in the decision make still, although some responsability has gone to trips lately... I'm sure Cena has a lot of input, awful lot in his feuds and how it plays out so he is in part a lot to blame as well for stars he faces being kept back...

Ascension should join the Mean Street Posse
The Posse man, dey wuz berried!
For every exclamation point Cantonarright put uses, I am going to suggest a different wrestler to join the shield.

Good question, if Bryan can't make MITB it looks like Cena will be involved in the title match anyways, Rollins be interesting alright... Wyatt could be added too. Wyatt could redeem himself after being buried (sorry had to add that in there) by Cena with a win in the ladder match! :)

The Berserker should join The Shield.
I thought this forum excluding leroy hated cena anyway.

I was hoping for that... I've learned the hard way they all very much love Cena! I've no idea why they love him so much, I can only assume (IWC mentality to aid me) every poster on here is 12 years old!

There you need to give me 2 new members for the sheild duffer :)
Ok theres one...

I think Horace Hogan should join The Shield

EDIT: And 2 more

I think Vampiro should join The Shield
I think Headbanger Mosh should join The Shield
Game of Thrones tv spoilers with a wrestling twist

They should bring Sandow out dressed as Oberyn and have Big Show interrupt.
Sounds epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy counting :lol:
You've gotta be kidding me...

Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Road Dogg, Prince Iukea, La Parka, Raven, Dean Malenko, Earth Quake, Brother Love, The Sheik, The Iron Sheik, Sabu, Chavo Guerrero, Finlay, Ahmed Johnson, Bobby Lashley, Gillberg, Goldberg, Blue Meanie, Fake Kane, Fake Undertaker, Fake Diesel, Fake Razor Ramon, Red Rooster, Road Warrior Hawk, Road Warrior Animal, Heindreich, Snitsky, Eugene, Simon Dean, Charlie Haas, Jamie Noble, Nidia, Torrie Wilson, Major Gunns, Lash Laroux, Kaz Haiyashi, Even Karagious, Suger Shane Helmes, Meat, Chainsaw Charlie, The One Billy Gunn and Giant Gonzalez should join The Shield.
You've gotta be kidding me...

Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Road Dogg, Prince Iukea, La Parka, Raven, Dean Malenko, Earth Quake, Brother Love, The Sheik, The Iron Sheik, Sabu, Chavo Guerrero, Finlay, Ahmed Johnson, Bobby Lashley, Gillberg, Goldberg, Blue Meanie, Fake Kane, Fake Undertaker, Fake Diesel, Fake Razor Ramon, Red Rooster, Road Warrior Hawk, Road Warrior Animal, Heindreich, Snitsky, Eugene, Simon Dean, Charlie Haas, Jamie Noble, Nidia, Torrie Wilson, Major Gunns, Lash Laroux, Kaz Haiyashi, Even Karagious, Suger Shane Helmes, Meat, Chainsaw Charlie, The One Billy Gunn and Giant Gonzalez should join The Shield.

Hey you wanted to play a game :lol:

That line up looks like the NWO.
just for he record, i have a lot of time for dean ambrose, reminds me a lot of brian pillman

He's probably my favourite of the last year now that Punk has left. Not that I've watched recently as it's always horrible for a while after wrestlemania.
Remember kids, wrestling is fake and gay. Watch MMA for real fighting...or something.