Thiago Alcantara | Signed for Bayern Munich

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That ass. :drool:

If you like balding, middle-aged men in blue shirts.

(To each his own, I guess.)
All Spanish NT players play down transfer speculation when they are training. If you go back and look at transfer speculation for most of these players, they say virtually the same thing - focus on the tourney, talk afterwards

Personally, there's a lot to Thiago's transfer speculation, IMO - sadly, unlike that for Cesc. In fact, the mere fact that the player has to defer talk about it until after the tourney suggests that there's something to talk about in the first place. For a player not going anywhere, what would he need to discuss before/after a tourney? There's definitely something there and MD (Which is closest to the board, IMO) continues to play up that he is indeed on the market.

I wrote this earlier, I think there's a standoff between the board & Thiago/Mazinho - waiting to see who blinks first. August 1 his buyout goes back to €90 million
The standoff is mainly related to playing time, right?

What kind of assurances can Barca give him for next season? Xavi's minutes in the team next season? or Iniesta's?

If I am reading the situation correct, one of him or Cesc will most likely leave Barca this summer.
Strangely enough Barca don't see too intent on keeping him. Maybe kinda like how we weren't 100% focused on keeping Pogba.

From the outside looking in it does appear that Barcelona are almost accepting that he wants to leave. Maybe they don't want to stop him or aren't going to try.
The standoff is mainly related to playing time, right?

What kind of assurances can Barca give him for next season? Xavi's minutes in the team next season? or Iniesta's?

If I am reading the situation correct, one of him or Cesc will most likely leave Barca this summer.

In many ways something like this was coming to a head regardless of Laporta or Rosell. Culés like myself have been discussing this for a couple of seasons now in terms of what/how to contend with the up & coming youth players. What to do with their minutes and how they'd fit into the team when the club always focuses on at least 1 or 2 marquee signings each season or so.

That's why Cuenca, Bojan and Fontas are on loan. Muniesa & JDS were pushed into loans but the former got injured and the latter refused. I think the board sees more coming down the pike and has formulated ideas on how to move forward. There's still Bartra, Montoya, Roberto, Rafinha and a few on the cusp from Barcelona B. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be counting on the youth players the way Pep did.

So with Thiago, minutes were already a concern when Cesc was signed although Pep used Alcantara more than many thought he would. The reverse transpired in year 2 with Cesc although Thiago came into the season injured and suffered another medical setback in late Fall. From there, he was rarely making appearances. Of course, Tito was on the shelf during this time and one could argue the club decided to not rotate too much under Roura - that backfired for a variety of reasons.

As for assurances going forward, I think that plays into the club's hardline stance. They don't want to have pressure from players over minutes and are, seemingly, letting them see the door if they insist or try to unsettle things. Just what I'm gleaning from the goings on of late - playing devil's advocate, if you will. Obviously, it's a risky position to take as you not only risk losing key talent but unsettling other cantera players, IMHO

For example, Neymar's signing is now rumoured to have unsettled an already difficult situation with Tello whose contract was being renegotiated - this after he was assured that both Deulofeu & Cuenca would be going on loan rather eat into any of his minutes.

So, Tito's illness and handling of the youth has had a domino effect and the club is trying to spin it in from a position of strength and count on the player's allegiances to stay on or be profited on in sales - albeit for far less than they are worth, IMO.

The other theory as I've also pointed out before is that Rosell is moving from a cantera focused team to big name signings ala most of the other big clubs in Europe
Can people stop linking to the same quotes? That's the third separate time it's happened now. We've seen those ones.

Presumably FCBarca the one thing which definitely won't happen is Thiago and Fabregas both leaving?
We will sign one of them IMO. Not sure who will be easier to sign, or who we need more actually. Years after being deprived of a CM, all of a sudden we get a pick at two of the finest in Europe.
It's like offering a man dying of thirst a choice between Dom Perignon and Grande Cuvée. It really doesn't matter.

The only deciding factor for me is that Thiago is four years younger, so he'd be my slight preference.
Years after being deprived of a CM, all of a sudden we get a pick at two of the finest in Europe.

:lol: Exactly. Would be such a fantastic situation to be in; picking between Fabregas or Thiago. Fabregas would give us an instant impact him being more matured and used to English football. Plus I'd want us to take advantage of the fact that RVP and Rooney(?) are supposed to be in their prime years. If we could add a midfielder who gives us an instant impact, we could well see the best of those 2 up front. I just think that Thiago has higher potential though.
Can Thiago pick a pass like Fabregas though? In terms of playing a pass to create a chance for an attacker, there are few near Fabregas' quality. One of the reasons he doesn't fit Barca is because he's always looking for that creative and incisive pass which doesn't suit their system so well but it would definitely do for us, because at our best we're always looking to get the ball forward quickly. And sometimes I think we don't because of our lack of strength in midfield.

I've heard that Thiago is gifted in terms of his technical ability and ball control and manipulation in tight spaces. But is he a great passer?
FC Barca, what do you think are the chances of us signing one of them?
Can Thiago pick a pass like Fabregas though? In terms of playing a pass to create a chance for an attacker, there are few near Fabregas' quality. One of the reasons he doesn't fit Barca is because he's always looking for that creative and incisive pass which doesn't suit their system so well but it would definitely do for us, because at our best we're always looking to get the ball forward quickly. And sometimes I think we don't because of our lack of strength in midfield.

I've heard that Thiago is gifted in terms of his technical ability and ball control and manipulation in tight spaces. But is he a great passer?

Can anyone? He's one of the best through ball passers I've ever seen. He can't spray them like Scholes can or dictate like Xavi can, but for pure penetration (gay) he's unbelievable.
I do like a good bit of penetration. Sign him up.
Can Thiago pick a pass like Fabregas though? In terms of playing a pass to create a chance for an attacker, there are few near Fabregas' quality. One of the reasons he doesn't fit Barca is because he's always looking for that creative and incisive pass which doesn't suit their system so well but it would definitely do for us, because at our best we're always looking to get the ball forward quickly. And sometimes I think we don't because of our lack of strength in midfield.

I've heard that Thiago is gifted in terms of his technical ability and ball control and manipulation in tight spaces. But is he a great passer?

Yes is the short answer. When you get up to these levels, its hard to make comparisons. He hasn't played enough for it to be fair to ask if he is 'as good' a passer as Fabregas. But he is a superb passer of the ball, with an excellent range.

This video seems more interested in his goals, but there are still a couple of good examples.
What if Barca sells Fabregas to United, then United activate Thiago's clause? Won't they be powerless to stop it?

If Utd signs Fabregas, Thiago presumably won't wanna come here because he will get games. While Barca would be powerless, Thiago could just decline to move.
:lol: Exactly. Would be such a fantastic situation to be in; picking between Fabregas or Thiago. Fabregas would give us an instant impact him being more matured and used to English football. Plus I'd want us to take advantage of the fact that RVP and Rooney(?) are supposed to be in their prime years. If we could add a midfielder who gives us an instant impact, we could well see the best of those 2 up front. I just think that Thiago has higher potential though.

Yea, with Fabregas we will suddenly be talked about as one of the favourites for the CL next year.

While with Thiago there is still that bit of unknown about him - but as an individual player has the higher potential possibly.
Can Thiago pick a pass like Fabregas though? In terms of playing a pass to create a chance for an attacker, there are few near Fabregas' quality. One of the reasons he doesn't fit Barca is because he's always looking for that creative and incisive pass which doesn't suit their system so well but it would definitely do for us, because at our best we're always looking to get the ball forward quickly. And sometimes I think we don't because of our lack of strength in midfield.

I've heard that Thiago is gifted in terms of his technical ability and ball control and manipulation in tight spaces. But is he a great passer?

Stylistically, Fabregas probably suits us more like you said he is more likely to send it forward then dribble with it.

I think Thiago is almost as capable of picking out a pass probably, just that his style means he isn't always going to look for that ball like Cesc likes to.
Balague posted this article via twitter just now. It doesn't really say anything new but he certainly likes to keep talking about it.

Thiago and Manchester United
Thiago is considering his future. The fact that he has not played 60 per cent of games this season (30 minutes of a match is, in his contract, considered a game, but he has only got to 47% of games played this season) means that his buy out clause will be 18 million euros… till the 1st of August. So the Barcelona midfielder would like his future sorted soon one way or another.

There is more than one club interested in him. United (and others) are definitely thinking of activating that clause but they have to be convinced the player will accept leaving Barcelona. And that is easier than they probably think.

Thiago is a very ambitious young man, who has already declared in the past that it will be no problem leaving Barcelona and continuing his career somewhere else. His dad and agent, the former Brazilian international Mazinho, has put in his head that sometimes it is better to be the leader in a smaller club or to go abroad to reach your targets (be a regular with the national side, for instance). Mazinho, who used to play for Celta when he became a regular with Brazil, would not mind Thiago going abroad at a top club to be able to play in the 2014 Brazil world cup (even though Thiago would play with Spain) and also to play regularly, something he is not getting at Barcelona. He is seen in the Catalan club as a replacement for Xavi but his preferred position is closer to goal, more like an Iniesta then.

So the club that decides to activate the clause has a very good chance of convincing the player too. Barcelona will try to keep him of course, but with such a cheap buy out clause, it is all down to the footballer who will have to be convinced he will be a more important part of the Barcelona team next season to stay at the Camp Nou.

Notice, I AM NOT SAYING HE IS GOING TO UNITED, but that there are clubs willing to pay his buy out clause and the player considering his options. That is the stage we are in at the moment
I'd pick Fabregas anytime. Same feeling as the one I had with RvP, you never ever thought you'd be able to sign him. But if the opportunity comes, you have to pull out all the stops to get him. Thiago could be anything, Fabregas is already proven in the Premiership.

I still rate this rumour as "highly unlikely" though. Too many ifs, but then again I never thought I'd see Van Persie in a United shirt either.
I'd be fecking delighted with either of them, but bringing Fabregas in would be an amazing upgrade on what we have. Keep Rooney and Nani and we could be looking at a front six of Carrick, Fabregas, Nani, Kagawa, Rooney and RVP. Holy crap balls! :lol:
I'd be fecking delighted with either of them, but bringing Fabregas in would be an amazing upgrade on what we have. Keep Rooney and Nani and we could be looking at a front six of Carrick, Fabregas, Nani, Kagawa, Rooney and RVP. Holy crap balls! :lol:

To go with a back 5 which is already one of the best around :)
What if Barca sells Fabregas to United, then United activate Thiago's clause? Won't they be powerless to stop it?

If Barca's management isn't completely braindead, they just give Thiago a new long term contract with a crazy release clause the moment they sell Fabregas to ensure his longterm future at the club. They won't sell Cesc without that. But it really looks like Thiago is the one who's leaving.
His potential as a player is much higher than Fabregas, he's more versatile i.e. you could even deploy him on the wings and he'd have more years to give. That said Fabregas is a strong midfield presence and an established player in that position... tough call, as long as we sign one of them and a hardman i.e. a wanayama/fellaini, this next year is going to be so exciting. I'd like another winger too, but surely asking for the above and Bale is muppetry to the extreme... is there any other more cheaper wingers on the market?
His potential as a player is much higher than Fabregas, he's more versatile i.e. you could even deploy him on the wings and he'd have more years to give. That said Fabregas is a strong midfield presence and an established player in that position... tough call, as long as we sign one of them and a hardman i.e. a wanayama/fellaini, this next year is going to be so exciting. I'd like another winger too, but surely asking for the above and Bale is muppetry to the extreme... is there any other more cheaper wingers on the market?

Think we are OK on the wings. Surely the wingers can't have a season like the last one, both Young and Nani were unlucky w injuries too. Not to mention Kagawa, Welbeck will fill in there throughout the season and we also signed Zaha.

Just bring in Fabregas/Thiago!
His potential as a player is much higher than Fabregas, he's more versatile i.e. you could even deploy him on the wings and he'd have more years to give. That said Fabregas is a strong midfield presence and an established player in that position... tough call, as long as we sign one of them and a hardman i.e. a wanayama/fellaini, this next year is going to be so exciting. I'd like another winger too, but surely asking for the above and Bale is muppetry to the extreme... is there any other more cheaper wingers on the market?

Is his potential really MUCH higher than Fabregas'? What, so he has the potential to be as good as Ronaldo? Because Fabregas is a brilliant footballer.
We don't need a winger even if we lose Nani. We have Zaha coming in as the unpredictable and (potentially) inconsistent winger. Welbeck and Kagawa can play wide, and I'm really hopeful that we'll see Januzaj and maybe even Lingard play a few games there next year. We should be concentrating on those positions where we are short and don't have the same level of talent in the reserves, which is centre mid.

I also don't think we need a physical player as Nick Powell is a sodding big unit himself and should hopefully get a few games in the first team next year. Plus, as much as we moan, the players we already have did ok this year. One exceptional midfielder will probably do it.
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