I think it's by far the best game of all time, I don't think there's even any serious competition. Why? Because there are so many factors that make it so, it's not just one component that's excellent and fun. Literally everything.
Storyline, the world, graphics, combat, quests, humor, mini-games, and simply for the way it just pulls you in and really makes you feel like you're in that world and are emotionally affected by decisions and events. For example, I remember once spending about a whole hour just roaming into random houses in a village, opening chests to find notes that are completely meaningless with regards to the overall story but extremely interesting. I also had no problem spending so much time just listening to the villagers having conversations and just immersing myself into the world.
When someone says they can't imagine a player coming along that's better than Messi, someone can say, well it's possible that a taller, stronger Messi appears. The thing with this game is, I genuinely cannot fathom how any other game in this generation can come close. It's just far too good in all aspects. It's like a regen on FIFA being 6"3 and a 99 in all attributes.
Simply unbelievable game.