I've just reached Toussaint. It looks beautiful.
How large is the area?
I've just reached Toussaint. It looks beautiful.
I'm currently in a mission so I'll free roam a bit later, but at the moment it seems about the size of Velen, with a lot more population.How large is the area?
I've been going for a run "after this quest" since about 10am. I'll now do the quest I'm on then go after lunch...I'm working at home and fighting with my conscience over whether I should just play it anyway. 5 minutes couldn't hurt right. Or maybe 5 more. Or half an hour... Who am I kidding? If I fire this up that's it in terms of productivity for the day.
One of them is really funny, it's called 'Skellige's most wanted'.I like how they've given 4-5 free downloadable quests that get added on to the main game. I'm sure you've all played them and I doubt they're very extensive but still a nice touch.
Yeah, I actually think it could be the whole size of Velen, and maybe even Novigrad included.Wow... this map is pretty big!
Yeah it's doable. Keep stunning it with aard and samun bombs then smacking it around. The more it's stunned the less damage it can do to him.Is there any way to keep that other guy alive when you're fighting that rock thing in the arena? Every time the thing goes into the ground and spins around the other guy dies in my game...
How does the Skellige deck compare to the other four?Spent about 4 hours yesterday just running around playing Gwent.New decks fun though.
Spent about 4 hours yesterday just running around playing Gwent.New decks fun though.
How does the Skellige deck compare to the other four?
Apply some...something something...oil and he's toast. I want to say necro? Seems so long ago now...Is there any way to keep that other guy alive when you're fighting that rock thing in the arena? Every time the thing goes into the ground and spins around the other guy dies in my game...
I started yesterday, I had it on the 2nd hardest (saving death march for when I finally do a 2nd playthrough).
Problem is my Geralt is level 39 and I'm absolutely butchering bosses so far, though I've only done 3, the giant and the rock thing and the naked woman. Hopefully it gets harder or else I may need to use the pre-made level 34 one.
what difficulty you doing it on?I found her absolutely impossible to the point of giving up. I realise that she's effectively a re-skinned wraith but as soon as she gets down to half health she does this ridiculous quick attack on me that kills me from half health....
what difficulty you doing it on?
I found her absolute piss with Quen + Vampire oil. Though my weapons & armor now are really good from the previous expansion.
I found myself holding block a lot more than I normally do when fighting vampires now, they are fairly tough, but doable. Use Black Blood, Moon Dust, Quen and I think Aard might stun her. Going straight at them trying to attacking got me smacked around the place.Same as you I think, but possibly Death March can't remember off the top of my head.
I think my main problem is I skipped Heart of Stone (bought the expansion pass yesterday) so although I'm level 34 should probably go back and do it before diving into this properly.
I got my first good boss fight not long after what you described, and I started at level 40. It's just a side questI started yesterday, I had it on the 2nd hardest (saving death march for when I finally do a 2nd playthrough).
Problem is my Geralt is level 39 and I'm absolutely butchering bosses so far, though I've only done 3, the giant and the rock thing and the naked woman. Hopefully it gets harder or else I may need to use the pre-made level 34 one.
If, like me, you somehow missed vampire oil then upgrade it along with black blood. They've created some encounters where the generic Quen + fast attack build won't bail you out, so enhance any bombs you've got and prepare to use them. Don't forget your oils; lubrication makes everything easier.anyone care to refresh me on the basics of this game in preparation for B&W? it's been way too long since I played this game.
You can turn that off now on any platform.Been so long since i played last, i've forgotten most of the story.
I've decided I'll try again to play through it soon, but I'll do it from a new game so I can get the whole experience again. Just hope the blurry-ness of the senses won't give me a headache this time around. :/
feck yes!!!!! That means i can actually put a ton of hours into the game!!!!!!! Always thought it was awesome, but the senses made it impossible for me to play after i got to that island.You can turn that off now on any platform.
Though they also said something about an option for neutral Gwent cards which I haven't found yet.
anyone care to refresh me on the basics of this game in preparation for B&W? it's been way too long since I played this game.
I'm playing on deathmarch and the first few bosses have been just as easy for me too. Ekimara decoction, quen, whirl rune boosted, AND the new mutagen stuff is a bit too strong at the minute.I started yesterday, I had it on the 2nd hardest (saving death march for when I finally do a 2nd playthrough).
Problem is my Geralt is level 39 and I'm absolutely butchering bosses so far, though I've only done 3, the giant and the rock thing and the naked woman. Hopefully it gets harder or else I may need to use the pre-made level 34 one.
start looking to build northern realms deck. switch to nilfgaard after you have collected most cards.Senses?
I'm actually trying to take Gwent seriously on my second playthrough. It seems like a lot of fun, but what are good areas to start? Everyone seems to have a far better pack than me.