Gaming The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

I posted about a month ago saying I was finding this pretty difficult, and it hadn't quite 'captured' me yet. Well I turned the corner a couple of weeks ago and I'm addicted.

Feck me. I'd say once the game opens up (after the Griffin slaying and the trip to that big castle), it's just utterly, mind-blowingly good. I'm currently Level 13, most recent missions include the Keira Metz subplot and I've just met up with Triss in Oxenfurt. Too much to praise, and it's all been said before but a few personal highlights for me.

- It's bigger than fecking space, and there is so much to do.
- Combat is fun. Different enemies require different tactics. I'm playing a mix of swords and signs (well, just Quen and Igni, with a bit of Axii for dialogue options) and I feel pretty well balanced. Most of my points have gone into the quick attack and strong attack, as well as Quen and Igni.
- Having only experienced forests and a few small villages here and there (the Barons Castle was cool too), I was blown away when first entering Oxenfurt. It had a completely different feel, the sounds, the atmosphere, the increased number of people, the things to see and do. Really, really impressed.
- I found it to have a steep learning curve, but I've not only improved, but understand the mechanics of repairing, potions, crafting etc that bit better. That said, it's still always challenging, and even against a pack of drowners, if you try to be cocky and don't take them seriously you can end up taking a beating.

Anyway, those are my thoughts, not sure how far through I am yet but I'm fecking loving it.
I posted about a month ago saying I was finding this pretty difficult, and it hadn't quite 'captured' me yet. Well I turned the corner a couple of weeks ago and I'm addicted.

Feck me. I'd say once the game opens up (after the Griffin slaying and the trip to that big castle), it's just utterly, mind-blowingly good. I'm currently Level 13, most recent missions include the Keira Metz subplot and I've just met up with Triss in Oxenfurt. Too much to praise, and it's all been said before but a few personal highlights for me.

- It's bigger than fecking space, and there is so much to do.
- Combat is fun. Different enemies require different tactics. I'm playing a mix of swords and signs (well, just Quen and Igni, with a bit of Axii for dialogue options) and I feel pretty well balanced. Most of my points have gone into the quick attack and strong attack, as well as Quen and Igni.
- Having only experienced forests and a few small villages here and there (the Barons Castle was cool too), I was blown away when first entering Oxenfurt. It had a completely different feel, the sounds, the atmosphere, the increased number of people, the things to see and do. Really, really impressed.
- I found it to have a steep learning curve, but I've not only improved, but understand the mechanics of repairing, potions, crafting etc that bit better. That said, it's still always challenging, and even against a pack of drowners, if you try to be cocky and don't take them seriously you can end up taking a beating.

Anyway, those are my thoughts, not sure how far through I am yet but I'm fecking loving it.

I think you mean Novigrad, that's the huge city to the north, Oxenfurt is relatively small in comparison, situated to the east, but yeah, it's amazing. My favourite game of all time. And you've barely scratched the surface, still about 30-40 hours or so of the main story left, then you add in side quests (which can be just as good as the main story), witcher contacts & treasure hunts, you'll be good if you finish it by Xmas!
I think you mean Novigrad, that's the huge city to the north, Oxenfurt is relatively small in comparison, situated to the east, but yeah, it's amazing. My favourite game of all time. And you've barely scratched the surface, still about 30-40 hours or so of the main story left, then you add in side quests (which can be just as good as the main story), witcher contacts & treasure hunts, you'll be good if you finish it by Xmas!
Shit I do mean Novigrad! :lol:

Wow. At this rate there's no way I'll be done in time for Fallout 4 - I spent an hour last night purely investigating about 7 or 8 or those question marks around one of the coasts. So much fun.
Sailed to Skellige and stopped playing.

I'll go back after MGS and finish it before I buy Fallout.
Got tomorrow off Uni so I'm going to put some hours into this expansion. Already looks pretty awesome.
This is CD Projekt for you. This is apparently around 10 hours of gameplay too, for less than €10, with added locations.
just started on this myself last night, already spent couple of hours exploring new areas northeast of novigrad and I haven't even started the main quest for the dlc yet.

It'll be nice when I eventually beat eredin and get to play the dlc :lol:
Can you switch your build? or are you stuck for good at that part of the quest? (i.e. no backup saves)
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Loving hearts of stone so far. I know it can be played at any time but it is definitely for those post game. Level aside it's more difficult and that first boss took me by surprise, especially after toying with eredin.
Loving hearts of stone so far. I know it can be played at any time but it is definitely for those post game. Level aside it's more difficult and that first boss took me by surprise, especially after toying with eredin.

Same. Playing it on death march and he was definitely the hardest boss in the game for me. Regarding the DLC, I can't believe how much is it, for such a low price. I'd easily being happy paying €14.99 for it. And I still have a decent chunk of it to go.

Also, that Shani sex scene.

A cynic would say "that's EA for you".
Why? DLC done this way is essentially just an expansion pack, which has been done for decades. The EA way is day one DLC that contains a very interesting character that is a core part of the world you're playing in (i.e. Mass Effect 3). Also look at Dragon Age Inquisition DLCs for a more direct comparison to this - it's not even a contest.
True but this is normal practice. Assassins Creed is not even out and it already has a tonne of paid DLCs announced.

For me personally, Ubisoft are worse than EA. At least EA has more games I actually want to play than Ubisoft. The whole Watch Dogs debacle was a shambles. Assassin's Creed is one of the most overrated game series around in my book.
Why? DLC done this way is essentially just an expansion pack, which has been done for decades. The EA way is day one DLC that contains a very interesting character that is a core part of the world you're playing in (i.e. Mass Effect 3). Also look at Dragon Age Inquisition DLCs for a more direct comparison to this - it's not even a contest.
I was just referring to EA's refusal (until DA:I) to lower DLC prices after years of them being out. A completely irrelevant jab considering nobody was talking about that. I must have been tired.
Why? DLC done this way is essentially just an expansion pack, which has been done for decades. The EA way is day one DLC that contains a very interesting character that is a core part of the world you're playing in (i.e. Mass Effect 3). Also look at Dragon Age Inquisition DLCs for a more direct comparison to this - it's not even a contest.

In that Dragon Age Inquisition is absolute miles ahead of Witcher's?
You still being an Xbox cnut on FIFA? Duffy misses you like feck.

Yeah still an Xbox wanker, but I shall be on next week sometime, on nights at the moment.

just started on this myself last night, already spent couple of hours exploring new areas northeast of novigrad and I haven't even started the main quest for the dlc yet.

Can you switch your build? or are you stuck for good at that part of the quest? (i.e. no backup saves)

I'm probably going to have to go pretty far back if I have a save but it may have to be done. I will give it another go this weekend I think.
In that Dragon Age Inquisition is absolute miles ahead of Witcher's?

If anyone thinks that then they're idiots. I literally just finished the Trespasser DLC for DA:I and it was mediocre. Felt rushed, buggy, low production values, boring, linear, uninspired. And it was twice the cost of the vastly superior Hearts of Stone DLC.
If anyone thinks that then they're idiots. I literally just finished the Trespasser DLC for DA:I and it was mediocre. Felt rushed, buggy, low production values, boring, linear, uninspired. And it was twice the cost of the vastly superior Hearts of Stone DLC.

I have got DA:I downloaded but I cant bring myself to play it after the masterpiece that is the witcher.
I'm probably going to have to go pretty far back if I have a save but it may have to be done. I will give it another go this weekend I think.
I would rather go back and replay parts of the game than keep doing the same thing being stuck over again for a long time anyways.

What's your build? I would highly suggest switching to alchemy build if you're not using that already.
I would rather go back and replay parts of the game than keep doing the same thing being stuck over again for a long time anyways.

What's your build? I would highly suggest switching to alchemy build if you're not using that already.

I don't have a "build" per say, I just banged points in whatever as it seemed pretty easy all the way through so didn't really feel the need to concentrate on a particular thing, I'd say I was closest to a brawler really, most points in the sword stuff.
If anyone thinks that then they're idiots. I literally just finished the Trespasser DLC for DA:I and it was mediocre. Felt rushed, buggy, low production values, boring, linear, uninspired. And it was twice the cost of the vastly superior Hearts of Stone DLC.
I liked Trespasser and thought it was a good DLC, especially compared to the other shitty stuff they released before. Although it should have been cheaper when you look at the price of Witcher DLC.

I need to go back to Witcher but I can't stop playing MGS. You can't really play them both at the same time as the jump from 60fps to sub 30 is too noticeable then. I think I was at the bit where you need to set up a play (I probably played it for 70-80 hours to get to that point, I wish the game clock actually worked!!)
I don't have a "build" per say, I just banged points in whatever as it seemed pretty easy all the way through so didn't really feel the need to concentrate on a particular thing, I'd say I was closest to a brawler really, most points in the sword stuff.
before you go back to your old save though though, try doing the boss fight with archgriffin decoction only if you happen to happen to have it. it's OP against bosses because it adds additional 10% of enemy health to your damage, making most tedious boss fights end quickly. I used it (along with other supplementary potions) to beat eredin on NG+ death march where he can kill you in 2-3 hits, though it took me a good 7-8 tries anyways (but the battles were very short).

but using a decoction means it's difficult to use potions because decoctions have high toxicity. If you still can't manage to beat eredin or if you don't have the decoction just go back to your previous save and try this build here (fill last 3 slots with whatever you want)

I have over 200 toxicity, over 8000 health from 3 green mutagens, heal 2000+ health every time I drink a potion, 9 bombs... alchemy build is just so good for me to go back to a signs build. I would consider switching to this build even if you manage to beat eredin without using it.
before you go back to your old save though though, try doing the boss fight with archgriffin decoction only if you happen to happen to have it. it's OP against bosses because it adds additional 10% of enemy health to your damage, making most tedious boss fights end quickly. I used it (along with other supplementary potions) to beat eredin on NG+ death march where he can kill you in 2-3 hits, though it took me a good 7-8 tries anyways (but the battles were very short).

but using a decoction means it's difficult to use potions because decoctions have high toxicity. If you still can't manage to beat eredin or if you don't have the decoction just go back to your previous save and try this build here (fill last 3 slots with whatever you want)

I have over 200 toxicity, over 8000 health from 3 green mutagens, heal 2000+ health every time I drink a potion, 9 bombs... alchemy build is just so good for me to go back to a signs build. I would consider switching to this build even if you manage to beat eredin without using it.

Cheers, sounds like a plan, not sure I have the decoction though, probably going to have to go back and try that build.
New expansion is excellent so far. I'd wager I'm about 3-ish or so hours into the main quest and the writing is definitely stronger than last arcs. Gaunter O'Dimm is a fantastic antagonist, even. Plus I got to bonk Shani. :drool:

Only criticism I have so far is
How long the Wedding quest was. Whilst it was nice, it strung on a bit; reminiscent of the Dandelion girlfriend-fetching quest.
Decoctions/toxicity/mutagens just aren't making any sense to me. Also sign vitality. I only really feel I properly understand the damage of my swords and my armour rating :lol:
Toxicity is just the level of Geralt's resilience to the potions and decoctions (the green bar, below his health). For each potion or decoction you take, the green bar goes up. When it reaches a certain threshold - say 90%, you start losing health. Decoctions themselves are basically just stronger potions he takes to give you boosts. For instance, the ekimara decoction allows you to regain health for every hit you land on an enemy.

Sign vitality is just how much it can buff that particular sign - you know; Aard, Quen, Igni, Axii and Yrden. I don't really use the signs bar Quen so I haven't really much use for them.

It's funny you say that though, I was always under the impression the gear/skill points aspect of the game was pretty basic, other RPG's have a tendency to be far more in-depth than this.
In the expansion, how does it work?

Are you still Geralt? Does it start like a new game or continuation of the old?

You are still Geralt and it gives you three different options.

1) Start a new game and the mission comes available after you have completed White Orchard.

2) Load an existing game and the mission is available to you instantly as long as you have completed White Orchard.

3) Play Hearts of stone as a one of individual game with a specially built Geralt at around lv 32.

As soon as you have installed the game, the Novigrad region is expanded and you just have to go to one of the notice boards to start the mission.
Just finished it. Absolutely fantastic, it's quite possibly the best ever DLC I've seen in a game, it basically had everything you need a vanilla game - not just a DLC expansion. Agreed with what you said @DatIrishFella - very Pans Labyrinth in the final mission indeed.

Also, is it just me, or is Olgierd based on David Beckham? Spitting image.

One of the most annoying things about the first game was that you couldn't defeat an enemy unless you'd found the book that describes their weakness. Is it still the case in this game? The combat was also terrible- press the buttons when you see the sword glinting- and the sarcastic demeanour of every single character in the game.. well, it just made me angry. But seeing this exalted by so many people as an incredible game is making me curious. Have the things I've described been changed?
1) You can defeat enemies regardless of your literary tastes.

2) Combat is infinitely different from the first game. Real time dodge/parry/counter/signs/kill affair. You also get a shitty little crossbow and can make bombs.

3) The dialogue is well written compared to the first - although every character is essentially an arsehole still. There are some memorable back and forths during the game. One particular scene had me laughing aloud, which I can't recall ever happening in a video game before.

All in all it's a completely different game to the first and better in every single aspect. Well worth a play through, particularly with the new expansion (and another even bigger one to follow next year).

Cheers, mate. I'm all about Fallout 4 for the foreseeable future, but I could pick this up in 6 months time for a bit of a change.
Cheers, mate. I'm all about Fallout 4 for the foreseeable future, but I could pick this up in 6 months time for a bit of a change.
Aye to be honest it's not worth buying both in the same time frame - they'll both draw you in for hundreds of hours of playtime! Plus you'll be able to get TW3 + probably both expansions fairly cheap at that point, the ultimate bargain.
Just started playing this on pc and not really liking the controls so far. It all feels a bit clunky. Not a good first impression, I really liked the first few cutscenes though, they were awesome.
Just started playing this on pc and not really liking the controls so far. It all feels a bit clunky. Not a good first impression, I really liked the first few cutscenes though, they were awesome.
There was a patch for a alternative control scheme so you might want to change to that in the settings (Well there is on PS4). It's better but it's still clunky and not great