Gaming The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

I think the thing will have 'everyone happy' will be inventory related. They'll save the NewGame+ until the end.
If it's not fixed in the next two weeks I probably won't even have time to finish it before I go away.
I wonder if that something is a storage thing
Yeah, most likely. It'll either be some storage chest in Kaer Morhen or Dandelion's Inn, or some revolution to the inventory menus - put food/potions/decotions at the front and piss off all those books/notes elsewhere. Too soon for NG+, no?
Really? DAI felt so generic and levels below TW3 for me. Far too much fetch questing and barely any character development. I guess - judging by your favourites - that you're more into the free roam and true non-linear RPG's like Skyrim. Understandable. But for me, the sophisticated plot lines and immersive character control is what I really prefer. Skyrim was the pinnacle at its time but I think Wild Hunt has elevated the bar for RPG's.
I'm a huge dragon age fan and played Inquisition for 120+ hours but from what I've seen of Witcher 3 so far it looks to be a better game. The side quests also seem to be far better than DAI. I just hope it has a strong story which is where I think Inquisition kind of fell apart with it going open world.

How much bigger are the other areas compared to White Orchard? I looked at the Velen map and it looks massive
If it's not fixed in the next two weeks I probably won't even have time to finish it before I go away.
Are you not up for just power replaying up until that point? I understand why, because I probably wouldn't do the same but that may end up the only solution.
Ah was hoping to met Iorveth at some point at least...oh well
Many hold hope that the new expansions (one in October, one early 2016) former in Oxenfurt, latter in Touissant, will include Iorveth/Saskia. Not sure I buy into it. I think Shani and some more Fringilla Vigo time will happen though.
How much bigger are the other areas compared to White Orchard? I looked at the Velen map and it looks massive
W.O is just the 'tutorial level', really. Velen is pretty big, Novigrad is beautifully put together - the atmosphere is excellent, and Skellige is massive. Loads of Novigrad-sized Islands all in close proximity. The game is pretty big.
Are you not up for just power replaying up until that point? I understand why, because I probably wouldn't do the same but that may end up the only solution.

Nah no chance, I'd put so many hours in.
Really? DAI felt so generic and levels below TW3 for me. Far too much fetch questing and barely any character development. I guess - judging by your favourites - that you're more into the free roam and true non-linear RPG's like Skyrim. Understandable. But for me, the sophisticated plot lines and immersive character control is what I really prefer. Skyrim was the pinnacle at its time but I think Wild Hunt has elevated the bar for RPG's.
TW3 > modded Skyrim > DA:I > console Skyrim.
Just completed the game.

Got the ending where Ciri lives on as a witcher but Geralt ends up alone. Damn me wanting to bang Yen and Triss
Just completed the game.

Got the ending where Ciri lives on as a witcher but Geralt ends up alone. Damn me wanting to bang Yen and Triss
I think that second part is true for most of us. I was frantically searching for guides on the internet after that scene with both.
So, I was contemplating buying either this or Batman AK. I chose the former, have I made the right choice?
Just bought this and from the first impression, this has the potential to be the best next-gen RPG/open world game I ever play.
So, I was contemplating buying either this or Batman AK. I chose the former, have I made the right choice?


Arkham Knight is nothing special IMO, I'll get flamed for this but I see it as another generic open world game thats a 7/10 offering at best.

Witcher 3 on the other hand is probably the best game to be released this gen so far.
Just started skellige. How far away am I from completing main story? Definitely one of my favourite games and difficulty has just stayed hard enough to make it challenging on the highest setting. Would have liked one more difficulty rung though.
Just started skellige. How far away am I from completing main story? Definitely one of my favourite games and difficulty has just stayed hard enough to make it challenging on the highest setting. Would have liked one more difficulty rung though.

Just started Skellige as in completed the quest destination skellige? Your not even at the end of Act 1 yet.
I saved my game last night just when you arrive at Skellige, at the shore. I'm at Level 17, one above the recommended so I should be ok. Dying to get home from work to continue.

Mind you, I feel like I've left a ton of content behind at Novigrad. Suppose I can always go back?
Yeah just started, shit really? :lol: I thought I'd be half way through at least!

Act's 2 and 3 aren't quite as long or atleast didn't seem so, end of Act 1 is probably around about the halfway mark.

I saved my game last night just when you arrive at Skellige, at the shore. I'm at Level 17, one above the recommended so I should be ok. Dying to get home from work to continue.

Mind you, I feel like I've left a ton of content behind at Novigrad. Suppose I can always go back?

You can go back at anytime and you will have to, the story goes back and forth.
I can't believe just how big this game is. I'm 50+ hours in and just got to Skellige leaving a ton of content behind that I'm planning on going back to. The side quests are so good, that I haven't tired of the game at all. Most of them feel like part of the main quest. Also love Gwent.

Two things I fecking hate though: Igniting candles which always seem placed close to a door, something I want to pick up or someone I want to talk to. That and "Woah there, Roach".

Anyways, this is going to be my GOTY for certain.
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I can't believe just how big this game is. I'm 50+ hours in and just got to Skellige leaving a ton of content behind that I'm planning on going back to. The side quests are so good, that I haven't tired of the game at all. Most of them feel like part of the main quest. Also love Gwent.

Two things I fecking hate though: Igniting candles which always seem placed close to a door, something I want to pick up or someone I want to talk to. That and "Woah there, Roach".

Anyways, this is going to be my GOTY for certain.

The bold fecks me off a treat but I love this game and it eats the hours away, I'm only at level 17 but I'm now dispatching randoms with ease. However I still cant defeat Jenny o'woods or whatever the feck she's called..I'm doing something wrong but I fight that bitch for what seems like hours and get nowhere even with the magic traps so I gave up. Still not got on a boat to Skellige yet but I did just bang the ginger in a lighthouse...Geralts a proper man whore!
I hate Roach full stop, I generally just run anywhere. Rarely use that stupid four legged freak.

When I whistle he is always stuck behind some obstacle and then get's all glitchy. He actually walked across water the other day, some serious bugs going on in the game but it was quite funny!