I feel like there's something wrong with me because I'm onto episode 3 of Season 5 and I'm still waiting for it to get good. I know everyone says it's a slow burner but ...
I think it's probably because I went into it with the wrong expectations. It was pitched as a gritty and realistic show when, in fact, it's a black comedy a la Breaking Bad. The weird mix of genres just doesn't work for me ... one minute it's a brutal cop show, the next it's Starsky and Hutch (the Ben Stiller version) and then it becomes West Wing and then it turns into Dangerous Minds.
Don't get me wrong, I still kind of enjoy it, but not in a "wow" way, more in a 6.9 out of 10 way. I'm just about to watch the Sopranos and considering what everyone says about that I'm a little worried. If I don't like that either then I'm putting myself into a school for special children.