Television The Wire

just finished season 4... this is so fecking good.

fecking Bodie... good old G. Really likeable character. The Wallace situation given poetic justice. shiiiiiiiiiiiett

haha... and Duquan... at one point of the episode i really said to myself, "this has to be the sweetest kid ever"... feck me :lol:

and Felicia "Snoop" Pearson!! feck... can you be more gangsta than that? she gives me the creeps everytime. brilliant casting.

ohhh i can't say enough... this left so many good feelings. Can't see how they fecked up in the final season...
I'm watching this again with the missus since she's never seen it before. I'm halfway through S02 and the great thing is that with it being five years or so since I watched it first time around I've forgotten almost everything that happens so it all seems kinda new to me. As things occur I remember them, but aside from a few of the major plot points if you asked me what was gonna happen next then I wouldn't know.
I'm watching this again with the missus since she's never seen it before. I'm halfway through S02 and the great thing is that with it being five years or so since I watched it first time around I've forgotten almost everything that happens so it all seems kinda new to me. As things occur I remember them, but aside from a few of the major plot points if you asked me what was gonna happen next then I wouldn't know.

Season 2 became my favourite season on 2nd viewing.
I'm watching this again with the missus since she's never seen it before. I'm halfway through S02 and the great thing is that with it being five years or so since I watched it first time around I've forgotten almost everything that happens so it all seems kinda new to me. As things occur I remember them, but aside from a few of the major plot points if you asked me what was gonna happen next then I wouldn't know.
Same. We're half way through 4.

Season 2 became my favourite season on 2nd viewing.

I liked 2 a lot more the second time through than I did the first time around, but I still prefer the others, especially 3 and 4.
2 has the best ending, bar the actual ending. It's only underrated by the masses because fat blue collar white guys in a dockyard aren't as cool and telegenic as mu'feckin' gangsta shit yo!
Yeah 2 is definitely better second time round, maybe because you know the change in direction is coming this time, where as when I first watched it, I felt it sort of got in the way of the B&B plot which I enjoyed so much in season one, and didn't appreciate how great a story is was in its own right.

Still think nothing will ever beat season four, best individual series of TV ever.
2 has the best ending, bar the actual ending. It's only underrated by the masses because fat blue collar white guys in a dockyard aren't as cool and telegenic as mu'feckin' gangsta shit yo!

I think this is true in part. Ziggy and his father are far more realistic and interesting characters than someone like Marlo, who the show used as it's main antagonist for nearly 3 seasons.
Season one finale was on TV tonight. Love the scene when they get D in and he's going to flip on everyone, when he talks about how this is just what life is like for people like him, and they give him the photo of Wallace.

Brilliant video here. Loved D'Angelo :(
Same here. I loved D'Angelo, what a great character he was, brilliantly cast.

That's what I loved about The Wire, though; the fact that the writers weren't afraid to kill off prominent characters. They trusted their writing and that the show could introduce new characters all the time which would captivate the viewers even more.

Superb show.
"All my people, man. My father, my uncles, my cousins. It's just what we do. You just live this shit until you can't breathe no more." GOAT.
"All my people, man. My father, my uncles, my cousins. It's just what we do. You just live this shit until you can't breathe no more." GOAT.

The greatest is the Omar court scene when he compares himself to Levy making the most out of the drug trade. It's not just one line it's the whole scene.

Honourable mention has to go to the "feck" crime scene scene where for 5 minutes McNulty and Bunk only say "feck".

There are so many poignant moments in this show that will resonate for ever.
Honourable mention has to go to the "feck" crime scene scene where for 5 minutes McNulty and Bunk only say "feck".
If I recall correctly, that scene is relatively early in the series, and it's the scene where I truly realized I was watching something exceptional.
If I recall correctly, that scene is relatively early in the series, and it's the scene where I truly realized I was watching something exceptional.

About mid way through first series. When they are trying to connect cold cases to the Barksdale crew.
The greatest is the Omar court scene when he compares himself to Levy making the most out of the drug trade. It's not just one line it's the whole scene.

Honourable mention has to go to the "feck" crime scene scene where for 5 minutes McNulty and Bunk only say "feck".

There are so many poignant moments in this show that will resonate for ever.

Oh yes. It's the subtle differences that make this better than any other TV show I have seen.
As for poignancy of scenes, one that really got me was the one in season three, I believe? Brodie and the boys are beefing with some other gang one morning, shots fired, and it cuts to a woman getting her son and daughter ready for school.

Really powerful scene, for me. What would cause my adrenaline to go sour in my system and give me the shakes and leave me distraught was just another morning in the hood to them.
I've mentioned it in the book thread, but The Corner by David Simon (creator of The Wire) and Ed Burns (former Baltimore police detective,) is an absolute must read. It's a year in the life of the West Baltimore open air drug markets, with a particular focus on one family. It's easy to see which real-life characters inspired their Wire counterparts, and the older son of the family, DeAndre McCullough, actually had a small role in The Wire as Brother Mouzone's (sp?) right-hand man, Lamar. Tragically, he passed away a year ago from a drug overdose. Anyway, the book is powerful shit.
Season 2 became my favourite season on 2nd viewing.

Watched The Wire only one time, and the second season was my favorite. Interesting enough, I didn't liked that much season 4 (compared to the first three). For me it was 2 > 3 > 1 > 4 >>>>>>> 5. Though again all first four seasons were great and the fifth one despite not being in that level, still it wasn't shit (if you can for a moment not compare it with the other seasons of this show).
Week off and I was supposed to lend season 1 to someone before I left and didn't so decided I'd finally rewatch this shit again.....1+2 done in like 3 days, feels good man. Not having seen it in like 4 years or so. Hell I've never rewatched season 5. Completely forgot Sydnor disappears for a whole season.

A week off could be spent worse right? Pretty sure I'll be though all 5 seasons by the time I return on Tuesday......not good.
I recently blasted through this in about 3 weeks and boy what a show. Really does deserve all the plaudits it gets.

I don't think I've ever watched a show with such a bunch of consistently well rounded and interesting characters. I know that some people have a hard time getting hooked on it but I think it roped me in from the moment that Prez pistol whipped that boy in Season 1 and him Herc and Carver started getting bombarded from the apartments.

I'm sure all it's merits have been done to death in here but it's pretty hard to rank the seasons when you plow through them all in quick succession. It becomes just one sprawling epic crime drama. Loved it.

The first scene connects extremely well with the death of Bodie. He was the pawn throughout the series - thus he didn't have many options and was glued and imprisoned within the system. When you view the second video, Chris and Snoop move diagonally, like Bishops, while Bodie remains somewhat restricted, like a pawn. Subsequently, O-Dog is the knight, and moves in a L-shape manner. There is no show that is better, it's the subtle brilliance that makes The Wire the best show ever. You only start to notice the genius and creativity of writing when you view it more than once. I want it in HD, though it's not going to happen!
Rewatching series 5, it's true the whole mcnulty serial killer thing is painfully ludicrous. I can't remember it annoying me so much the first time.

I watched it recently for the first time and that was the only thing about the whole show I didn't like, it just didn't seem to fit in with anything else.
The only bad thing about The Wire is that it is so good that everything else just pales in comparison. Whenever a friend is all excited about a show, I am all "Yeah, it's a pretty good show, but it is not The Wire". I've watched the whole show at least 5 times and I have watched my favourite scenes countless times on YouTube. And yeah, the more often you watch it and read about it the more details you pick up.

I like the chess analogy and how they kill Bodie using chess movements. One other small thing I like is how Spiros Vondas tells The Greek at the end of season 2 that "my name is not my name" (and of course, The Greek is not even Greek), while exactly 3 seasons later Marlo shouts "my name is my name", emphasizing the difference between the Greeks simply caring about business and Marlo (as well as Avon) caring about their street rep.
I'm about 3 episodes into season 2 and if I'm honest, I'm underwhelmed. Now I'm going to keep watching and hope I enjoy it a bit more but I expected more. Don't get me wrong, it's very good and better than most other things I have watched but as a big Sopranos, Breaking Bad, House of Cards fan, I had expected to enjoy this a little more. I'll report back at the end of Season 2 to let you know if things have changed.
Season 2 became my favourite season on 2nd viewing.

Watched The Wire only one time, and the second season was my favorite. Interesting enough, I didn't liked that much season 4 (compared to the first three). For me it was 2 > 3 > 1 > 4 >>>>>>> 5. Though again all first four seasons were great and the fifth one despite not being in that level, still it wasn't shit (if you can for a moment not compare it with the other seasons of this show).

My favourite too.

The most underrated series of the five.

You are all patricians. S2 is my favorite too.
Poor Frank :(
