I didn't dislike the ending off BB. In fact I thought it was quite good, but like RiP said about the Shield elevating itself with it's finale, I felt BB missed it's chance to, and if anything ever so slightly undervalued itself. It shouldn't have ended in ambiguity or futility like The Sopranos or The Wire because it was always a very singular story that needed a resolution, so that was fine, but it didn't feel like the ending was anything only the writers of BB could've written. It was a very standard ending for that story that really anyone could've come up with (and which in the end they'd painted themselves into a corner with the flashforwards, the gun and the ricin) and in the end none of the other characters got much of a resolution.
If I was being really harsh, I'd say what could've ended as a great Greek tragedy (or even a nihilistic feck you) ended as a big dumb cowboy film, which sort of undersold the depth of it up to that point.
If anything you could say those last 5th seasons were the antithesis of each other. BB's was fantastic with a mediocre landing, whilst the The Wire disappointed on it's run up, but nailed the finish.