Television The Walking Dead

The next big conflict is woolly-hat bloke and Carol.

Golly, how exciting. They'll drag it out for three episode and she'll beat him in a fistfight.

Carl and the lezzer-slotting, psycho kid are destined to be married.
I've just realised, humankind has lost the last source of the recipe for magic elderberry tea.


we need Morgan Jones to come back...

"You will be torn apart by teeth or bullets. You and your boy. Your people, but not me. Because I'm not gonna watch that happen again."

they probably go on his way now, so he can watch it again. fecking Dave ahha
The one they ran into on the way to get supplies at the start of the season, yet for some reason have refused to even mention it.
I've only just got round to watching the previous episode yesterday. I said to myself I was done with it after episode 6, but reading about all the action in the mid-season finale, I fired up episode 7. God is it horrible! :lol:

For some reason this show remains amusing, but more in a watching-Geordie-Shore-laughing-at-dumb-people kind of way than anything else. The mid-season finale is up next for me, I'll probably piss myself laughing at the writing in that one. Can't wait!
Don't know if that's sarcasm, but he was impaled by a katana, while being surrounded by dozens of zombies, not to mention a gun being pointed at his head before a bullet promptly being fired... You don't exactly come back from that.

You do in a world full of people coming back from the dead...
Just how many bullets got fired and nobody got hit! :wenger:

You don't think that's believable? Most of them haven't fired guns much, yet alone automatic rifles. What irked me was how the Guv could so easily make a headshot like that with one missing. I'm not sure he was the worlds finest shot before he lost an eye but with depth perception I can imagine he'd be useless with a gun.
You don't think that's believable? Most of them haven't fired guns much, yet alone automatic rifles. What irked me was how the Guv could so easily make a headshot like that with one missing. I'm not sure he was the worlds finest shot before he lost an eye but with depth perception I can imagine he'd be useless with a gun.

Maybe he's extremely lucky
I'm glad the governor is finally dead, although the 2 episodes prior just seemed to drag on and be pointless. Fair enough they set up for the final episode, but they were still boring as feck.

I'm sure everything that I would have said has been said but I had 2 main gripes. Firstly, as if that guy would just start following the governor blindly after he's just killed his brother, that's not realistic at all is it.

And secondly, forgetting that the sheep followed the governor to the prison. I don't get how they continued to follow him after they've just witnessed the governor chopping the head off an innocent, old man. Especially when Rick had told the whole group that they can come and live at the prison too, why in the hell would they just start shooting at the prison, it made absolutely no sense.

Lets bear in mind that they were a peaceful group only a day before, violence wasn't part of their strategy for survival and they were offered the chance to live in the prison, so yeah it doesn't make sense.

Another thing that gets me, why did Rick not tell this group of people what their leader was like. He told them all that they have some people from the governors old group, he should have told them all what the governor did before when he massacred his sheep.
You guys are still watching this then? Fair play to you. You've got more patience than me.

Meh, I'm invested now. The only show I ever recall abandoning was touch, that was so slow and pretty shitty. The other show I wish I abandoned was flash forward, but you kind of had to stick with it to find out hat happens in the end, basically it was shit.
The problem with these last few epdisodes is that they were incredibly rushed. We can only guess what these people's motives were, as we certainly can't determine it from what was shown. That part about the guy whose brother was killed is pure insanity. Oh he killed my brother in cold blood, that's a man I want to put my life on the line for. If they'd put more time into these characters they might've built up some motivation, but at the same time 2 Governor centric episodes was already more than most of us could take. The writers created an terrible mess for themselves by not killing off the Governor last season and these last few episodes paid the price for it.

Thankfully, they cut their losses and the outcome is pretty positive. A few main characters dead, including the guy who's been the main villain for what seems like an eternity now. An most importantly, finally a change of scenery. We've got separated groups and everyone will be on the move for at least a while, so that's something to look forward to.
Just finished the first season. I quite enjoyed it. Loved the use of Bob Dylan's "Tomorrow is a long time" in the final episode
The problem with these last few epdisodes is that they were incredibly rushed. We can only guess what these people's motives were, as we certainly can't determine it from what was shown. That part about the guy whose brother was killed is pure insanity. Oh he killed my brother in cold blood, that's a man I want to put my life on the line for. If they'd put more time into these characters they might've built up some motivation, but at the same time 2 Governor centric episodes was already more than most of us could take. The writers created an terrible mess for themselves by not killing off the Governor last season and these last few episodes paid the price for it.

Thankfully, they cut their losses and the outcome is pretty positive. A few main characters dead, including the guy who's been the main villain for what seems like an eternity now. An most importantly, finally a change of scenery. We've got separated groups and everyone will be on the move for at least a while, so that's something to look forward to.

Frankly, I always enjoyed the "road trip" style more than I did the "settled" style, even if the second one seems more realistic in the setting. It means you can nearly do a sort of "monster of the week" thing and still keep it interesting.
Don't know if that's sarcasm, but he was impaled by a katana, while being surrounded by dozens of zombies, not to mention a gun being pointed at his head before a bullet promptly being fired... You don't exactly come back from that.
Yeah, not everyone gets to come back.
Why do some of you bother watching this to then tell everyone how shite it is? Sounds like a waste of time where you could be doing stuff you actually enjoy.

On topic, I think we might see a few new characters after the break. There's bound to be a villain of some sort show up, or at least someone everyone dislikes.
The walking Nev!
Yeah I like it. I've only really gotten into it over the last month and watched the first 3 series on Sky on demand. I'm up to date now and admit that I enjoy it. Yeah, it's flawed and you laugh at how silly much of it is, but you know that pretty early on. It doesn't try to be intelligent or high brow, it is what it is.
It's so terrible Nev that its fun to watch. It's like watching 1 star films mate.
That's fair enough I guess. I like it, but then I like the Living Dead series of films and anyone who has seen them will know that The Walking Dead series, whilst based on the comic, makes quite a few nods to them. It's almost like a homage at times, and I think is deliberately silly.

(I haven't read the comics so have no idea if they are of the same style as the TV series, with nods to Romeros films throughout, though I've read that the CDC at the end of Series 1 isn't in the comic, and that's clearly lifted from Day of The Dead, and they then nodded to again with The Governors mate and his experiments in Woodbury).
I think people get pissed off with this show so much because it has so much potential, yet constantly fecks up.

I have no creative writing experience but I am certain I could write a much better story than this.

Plus they put absolutely no effort into writing these characters, nobody is interesting and thats proven by me only being able to remember 5 or so characters names from the show. I remember after watching the first season the only names I remembered was Rick's and T-dawg's.

Yet I have never thought about stopping watching the show, its weird, I quit loads of shows in the past half way through or walked out the cinema half way through a few movies but this is different. I guess this is what they call a love/hate relationship.
Funny how they can all headshot zombies every time, yet when they're shooting at an even more static human stood still there's a bit of a stormtrooper thing going on.
The characters can be a bit shallow and the plot does have holes which I'm happy to ignore but I eagerly await the next episode. The season finale was great fun.
Yeah I like it. I've only really gotten into it over the last month and watched the first 3 series on Sky on demand. I'm up to date now and admit that I enjoy it. Yeah, it's flawed and you laugh at how silly much of it is, but you know that pretty early on. It doesn't try to be intelligent or high brow, it is what it is.

That's the thing though, while intelligent or high brown aren't exactly the right terms, it certainly tried to be grittier and more character driven than your average zombie flick. But at some point the writers just lost their way and now the series meanders between the gritty, character driven stuff of the first few episodes and the incredibly silly and inconsistent stuff we've seen too often the past few seasons. And that's where most of the complaints come from. The ironic twist is that I can barely watch the character driven stuff anymore because it's become so cheesy and I'm just itching for more straight up action and adventure type stuff. It's like Neil_Buchanan said, there was so much potential early on but they keep messing up. I want to stop watching but at the same time hope the writers redeem themselves and I keep getting disappointed. I suppose it's the same for many others. So we have a rant about it, that's what this thread is for right?
It is very flawed, but feck me we've got a lot of cynics on here. People were complaining about how boring and melo-dramatic so many episodes have been and when there's a lot of action in the mid-season finale, everyone goes on about how implausible some of the things that happened were.
It is very flawed, but feck me we've got a lot of cynics on here. People were complaining about how boring and melo-dramatic so many episodes have been and when there's a lot of action in the mid-season finale, everyone goes on about how implausible some of the things that happened were.

I think the complaint is that the writing for both types of episodes is shit.
Why do some of you bother watching this to then tell everyone how shite it is? Sounds like a waste of time where you could be doing stuff you actually enjoy.

On topic, I think we might see a few new characters after the break. There's bound to be a villain of some sort show up, or at least someone everyone dislikes.

Why do you watch United? hehe
I think people get pissed off with this show so much because it has so much potential, yet constantly fecks up.

I have no creative writing experience but I am certain I could write a much better story than this.

Plus they put absolutely no effort into writing these characters, nobody is interesting and thats proven by me only being able to remember 5 or so characters names from the show. I remember after watching the first season the only names I remembered was Rick's and T-dawg's.

Yet I have never thought about stopping watching the show, its weird, I quit loads of shows in the past half way through or walked out the cinema half way through a few movies but this is different. I guess this is what they call a love/hate relationship.

They really could do a lot better with better writers. However, like Cina said, the budget puts limits on it's potential. Mostly regarding the zombies. So it makes sense for them to be in a place that doesn't have a lot of them coming at you all the time.
Why do some of you bother watching this to then tell everyone how shite it is? Sounds like a waste of time where you could be doing stuff you actually enjoy.

On topic, I think we might see a few new characters after the break. There's bound to be a villain of some sort show up, or at least someone everyone dislikes.

So true. The Caf are littered with film critics.

I quite enjoy it still.