Television The Walking Dead

Indeed, I can understand Tank guy going through with it because he was a bit of a maniac himself. But the rest of them? Why did Lezzer army girl go through with it? Why did none of them think "alright, lets kill the Guv and then we can all chill out in the prison".

Killing him themselves isn't their MO, more likely flatly refusing to fight. I also don't understand why the Guvna said he had more people, I think I only ever saw about 8 of that group at once. Whereas the prison group had about 8 capable fighters alone, with a ton more women/children.
Killing him themselves isn't their MO, more likely flatly refusing to fight. I also don't understand why the Guvna said he had more people, I think I only ever saw about 8 of that group at once. Whereas the prison group had about 8 capable fighters alone, with a ton more women/children.

It's just a shame really, all this program ever really shows is Humans bad side. It's always kill or be killed, whereas in reality I don't really think that would be the case. It's all about strength in numbers in a situation like this. Oh well. Glad the Guv is dead anyway, I found his character frustrating to watch.
It's just a shame really, all this program ever really shows is Humans bad side. It's always kill or be killed, whereas in reality I don't really think that would be the case. It's all about strength in numbers in a situation like this. Oh well. Glad the Guv is dead anyway, I found his character frustrating to watch.

I think as resources get harder to find the smaller groups would resist merging into bigger groups. Plus you lose some mobility the bigger your group is, if you are trying to keep everyone together. In a situation where you could make a settlement, and would need to maintain it, plus do things like grow food, well then there would be some safety in numbers plus ease of dividing up the work.
I think as resources get harder to find the smaller groups would resist merging into bigger groups. Plus you lose some mobility the bigger your group is, if you are trying to keep everyone together. In a situation where you could make a settlement, and would need to maintain it, plus do things like grow food, well then there would be some safety in numbers plus ease of dividing up the work.

Like the situation where they had a farm and prison with plenty of room and relatively safe fences?
Like the situation where they had a farm and prison with plenty of room and relatively safe fences?

The farm had feck all for fences really though, when that massive wave of zombies came on, they just waltzed right in with nothing really to stop them. The prison, with the right amount of people and people actually doing the work might have worked out. Was really talking more hypothetically in terms of how people would behave as if you notice in the post I responded to the poster was talking about how the show always focused on the bad side of how people might act.

the key to forming any sort of static community would be to "right size" big enough to be able share the work, produce food, maintain the defenses, small enough so that you can actually produce enough food to support everyone.
The farm had feck all for fences really though, when that massive wave of zombies came on, they just waltzed right in with nothing really to stop them. The prison, with the right amount of people and people actually doing the work might have worked out. Was really talking more hypothetically in terms of how people would behave as if you notice in the post I responded to the poster was talking about how the show always focused on the bad side of how people might act.

the key to forming any sort of static community would be to "right size" big enough to be able share the work, produce food, maintain the defenses, small enough so that you can actually produce enough food to support everyone.

I'm talking about the miniature farm on the prison that Steve made.
I'm talking about the miniature farm on the prison that Steve made.

Now if only everyone else at the prison had gotten off their asses, maintained the fence line better, put more effort into the farm, they might have been willing to work a deal with the Guvs people. All this in the hypothetical universe set in a completely made up TV show where characters act certain ways just because the writers want them to.
It could make for an interesting second half to the season if they're all in smaller groups trying to survive. Although I'd imagine the crowd on the bus would be in a bit of trouble. They're a larger group but with some sick and older people and only Glen there with any experience in fighting the walkers. Rick and Karl on their own, mourning, might be awfully boring to watch though.
Actually enjoyed that episode for the first time in who knows how long. Will be interesting now that they're back into the wilderness, and all separated. Sort of like how the first season was, which everyone loved.
The show is so slow for periods....have to see that episode was great though - makes you wonder what will happen next now they are dispersed

Thought Rick and his son were very convincing at the end
The show is so slow for periods....have to see that episode was great though - makes you wonder what will happen next now they are dispersed

Thought Rick and his son were very convincing at the end

Yep, even though I find Carl very annoying at times I really felt for him and Rick at the end.

I had a worry though that before Hershel died, Carl was going to do something stupid that would make everyone really hate him. I was thinking Rick would reach a compromise, saving both Michonne and Hershel, but then Carl would shoot and mess it all up. Thankfully he didn't do that though, and the death scene for Hershel was great.
It could make for an interesting second half to the season if they're all in smaller groups trying to survive. Although I'd imagine the crowd on the bus would be in a bit of trouble. They're a larger group but with some sick and older people and only Glen there with any experience in fighting the walkers. Rick and Karl on their own, mourning, might be awfully boring to watch though.

Yeah, they're screwed. Although surely they'd not drive away very far and would wait for the others to catch up? They all seemed to be heading in the right direction except Dave and Carl who went in the entirely wrong direction (I think).
I hate Carl, which makes your prediction kind of right.

I still think Rick is going to have another breakdown. And it seems the rat dangler is still on the loose.

The Hershel death was done well, but I think that it was blatantly obvious it was going to happen. They could have made that specific moment less predictable. He should have just swung the sword without the close up and the calling Rick a liar.

They always like to have a "villain", so I wonder who is next in line.
I hate Carl, which makes your prediction kind of right.

I still think Rick is going to have another breakdown. And it seems the rat dangler is still on the loose.

The Hershel death was done well, but I think that it was blatantly obvious it was going to happen. They could have made that specific moment less predictable. He should have just swung the sword without the close up and the calling Rick a liar.

They always like to have a "villain", so I wonder who is next in line.

They shouldn't need a villain, they should have the simple storyline of "everyones split up, need to regroup, very low on resources. They stumble about, lose some people, then they find the zombie train and freak out". That Zombie Train is a villain, they just need to put the group close to it and without resources so they're slow to get away.
I was hoping Rick would say "we can either live together, or die alone"

I was hoping they would each list off what they had to fight with.

"I've got this massive fecking tank"
"Well, er, we have children and some of them are sick"
"We have a lesbian
"I've got multiple black people with speaking parts"
They shouldn't need a villain, they should have the simple storyline of "everyones split up, need to regroup, very low on resources. They stumble about, lose some people, then they find the zombie train and freak out". That Zombie Train is a villain, they just need to put the group close to it and without resources so they're slow to get away.

Norman Reedus did say this pre-filming, maybe this is where they will be going with the 2nd half of the series:
They’ve introduced a way to make zombies scary again, and they’re terrifying. The new threat is just unreal. I can’t of course tell you what that is, but it’s brilliant writing.
That episode was absolutely mental. The way they killed off the Guv's little girl was just fecking painful to watch, and not in the way they intended :lol:
Spoilers aside, is this season any good? I'm contemplating a remarkable return to the series since I decided I wasn't going to watch it again after the shambles that was season 3.
Spoilers aside, is this season any good? I'm contemplating a remarkable return to the series since I decided I wasn't going to watch it again after the shambles that was season 3.

It's as bad as it's ever been, if not worse, in terms of writing. It's hilariously poor at times. You could watch it for a laugh though. Maybe watch it stoned, or at least figure out some way to shut down most of your brain before watching it.
It's as bad as it's ever been, if not worse, in terms of writing. It's hilariously poor at times. You could watch it for a laugh though. Maybe watch it stoned, or at least figure out some way to shut down most of your brain before watching it.

My brain is mostly shut down as it is so this show should suit me perfectly.
I know we're not supposed to say the word, but the whole Prison, Woodbury & Governor stuff was so badly done compared to the comics.
Norman Reedus did say this pre-filming, maybe this is where they will be going with the 2nd half of the series:
They’ve introduced a way to make zombies scary again, and they’re terrifying. The new threat is just unreal. I can’t of course tell you what that is, but it’s brilliant writing.

but it’s brilliant writing


zombies with machine guns
Thought it was another excellent episode. I was a little shocked at the little girl dying. Hershel too :(
I haven't read the comics, and there might be some twist waiting somewhere, but I just can't see where this show is going anymore. It's just a whole lot of nothing for large periods, and then they kill someone off to keep the viewers interested. What's the end game here? Are they ever going to even try to "solve" the zombie mystery, or is the show just doomed to be a zombie soap for ever and ever without a real ending?

I thought season 1 was phenomenal. The show had a purpose, a drive, an intensity, and the drama between Rick, Shane and Lori was actually quite interesting. The ending at the CDC was epic. The show has lost it's purpose, I feel. It's getting really boring really fast.
finally Bionic Hershel and The Guv'nor gone! and in the same episode! thx!!!

Nice episode!!

Now, why Tyreese got to the conclusion that the Rat skinner killed and burned the other 2?

anyway, he still don't know wtf, so now he will probably run into the old lady, have sex, to finally find out and kill her.

is he on the bus or what? fek
The last episode was by far the best of this mid season, what happened there is what should have happened at the end of the previous season. About fecking time they're out of the prison and in several different groups, about fecking time the governor died. Shame about Herschel though :(

I haven't read the comics, and there might be some twist waiting somewhere, but I just can't see where this show is going anymore. It's just a whole lot of nothing for large periods, and then they kill someone off to keep the viewers interested. What's the end game here? Are they ever going to even try to "solve" the zombie mystery, or is the show just doomed to be a zombie soap for ever and ever without a real ending?

I thought season 1 was phenomenal. The show had a purpose, a drive, an intensity, and the drama between Rick, Shane and Lori was actually quite interesting. The ending at the CDC was epic. The show has lost it's purpose, I feel. It's getting really boring really fast.

The comics (I have read all of them) are like that, they were good till the story were fresh and original but after a while, you get to a point where it's just the same things, events, tragedies over and over again. The comics were good for a while but now they're just shit.
I haven't read the comics, and there might be some twist waiting somewhere, but I just can't see where this show is going anymore. It's just a whole lot of nothing for large periods, and then they kill someone off to keep the viewers interested. What's the end game here? Are they ever going to even try to "solve" the zombie mystery, or is the show just doomed to be a zombie soap for ever and ever without a real ending?

I thought season 1 was phenomenal. The show had a purpose, a drive, an intensity, and the drama between Rick, Shane and Lori was actually quite interesting. The ending at the CDC was epic. The show has lost it's purpose, I feel. It's getting really boring really fast.

By solving the zombie mystery do you mean answer the question about where the zombie virus came from and find a cure? I doubt it, because from the very start everything have read or heard about the show was that the how and the why of the zombie outbreak is not important and not what the show would be about.

The show really has one of two ways to go, and that is all it ever had, same as any zombie movie, either everyone dies or they finally find a place to live in relative safety. Given the title of the show "The Walking Dead" and the idea being that the title does not just refer to the zombies, well can't see any kind of happy ending or at least not one where even if they find a safe place they will be too scarred for it to really matter.

But given these writers, they will probably end up in Memphis or Calgery or some such City that never got touched by the Zombies and everyone lives happily ever after.
Well they've done the Rural Location, they've done the Prison, so shouldn't the next "base" be in an urban area to provide a bit of variety? Maybe go for a small village/town? I'm still staggered that nobody has told Dave about the Zombie train. Don't you think they should have mentioned that?
Well they've done the Rural Location, they've done the Prison, so shouldn't the next "base" be in an urban area to provide a bit of variety? Maybe go for a small village/town? I'm still staggered that nobody has told Dave about the Zombie train. Don't you think they should have mentioned that?

Who the hell is Dave?