Television The Walking Dead

I still haven't seen why this show is so popular. Is it because zombies are the cool/in thing at the moment?

I think so, but I also think the fact it's a sort of high budget TV programme on a non-subscription channel helps too
I don't get it with this show, absolutely everywhere I go, it's just gets endlessly buried, but the thread is always huge and people just continue to watch it to get angry at it. It's insane.

See the Dexter thread. People hated Dexter for years and moaned about it but still continued to watch it. At-least Dexter had 4 good seasons, while this has entirely 4 good episodes. It will go like this for years. I haven't watched the latest episode yet, but likely I'll watch it and then come here to moan how bad it was.
I must be the only who has enjoyed the last two episodes then....

Could be because I'm utterly sick of the show's main group though.
I really like this show. I only got into a few weeks back and watched the first 3 series on Sky On Demand and am now up to date. What's the reason for the hate for it?
I must be the only who has enjoyed the last two episodes then....

Could be because I'm utterly sick of the show's main group though.

Everyone is sick of the main group, but the Governor is even worse. They should just have them all killed in a giant walker herd and start over again with new characters. That'd be one epic episode.
I really like this show. I only got into a few weeks back and watched the first 3 series on Sky On Demand and am now up to date. What's the reason for the hate for it?

It's quite flawed, but I still enjoy it. Most people on here are cynical arseholes mind you.
I'm half way through this last episode and just laughing at the nonsense of it all. The little girl digging up a corpse is just inspired writing.

How did these feckwitts last so long? They are the worst shots I've ever seen. The other group are literally strolling to take over the's like an episode of the A-Team.
That's the one thing that really irked me. The fact the girl is just left completely unattended, despite having close encounters with zombies before and even in the last fecking episode. Great mum she's got.

All in all though, I really enjoyed the episode. Despite it's obvious flaws, poor writing & dialogue and plot-holes throughout it's entirety, I don't see how many people can complain at the mid-season finale.

They ended The Governor's character arc very well I thought - even though his death could have been a bit more brutal I thought - and I thought the death of Megan was a nice touch to completely send him over the edge, even though he seemed long gone by then and Michonne killing him was the best way to go.

Throughout the episode they conjured up every emotion possible also. It was obvious that The Governor wasn't going to accept Ricks truce and also very expected to see him kill Hershel, but that was still massively shocking.

The character development was quite good and the episode built up to a very good climax. The action was pretty good, albeit a bit 'simple gun-blazing', but I thought the dialogue was actually very impressive - with Ricks speech with The Gov and Hershel and The Gov in the caravan. The dialogue is something that is very often too poor in this show, but was good in this episode.
Wait, the Guv actually gets killed in the latest episode? I'll have to grab that one of the internet later today!
Wait, the Guv actually gets killed in the latest episode? I'll have to grab that one of the internet later today!
He's not dead they didn't actually show him taking his last dying breath. I'm sure he'll be back. After the show last night one of my friends was raising hell about the kids with the guns.
He's not dead they didn't actually show him taking his last dying breath. I'm sure he'll be back. After the show last night one of my friends was raising hell about the kids with the guns.

Don't know if that's sarcasm, but he was impaled by a katana, while being surrounded by dozens of zombies, not to mention a gun being pointed at his head before a bullet promptly being fired... You don't exactly come back from that.
I really enjoyed this episode. Lots of action even if it was stupid at times (using a zombie as a bullet shield). good to see the end of the prison hopefully as it allows them to move on. Plus a main character killed at last, so perhaps there is going to be some risk to the rest of them again.

I did laugh at the kids with the pistols, and then carls acting over the babies death was laughable.
So that's the mid season finale out of the way.

The Govenor is dead - only 8 episodes and a bizarre subplot too late but thank god he's gone. After the whole Michonne promising to kill him over and over again it was kind of annoying that he was finished off by that woman whose name I can't remember.

Zombie shield - brilliant

Judith - she'll be back in season 16 as an annoying tween that spends every episode bemoaning the fact she is in a zombie filled universe and not a vampire and werewolf one.

Still no Carol - hurrah.

Herschel - Despite losing his head to go with his leg I still expect the Walking dead's very own black knight to be back in the next episode running around and moshing to Beth's singing.

Beth - There is simply no reason for her to be alive apart from someone for Darryl to have sex with. I wish I was Darryl, or Beth.

Glenn and Maggie - that scene where they discussed having a holiday was bizarre, they have absolutely no chemistry and it makes the romantic stuff very awkward to watch.

No black people were harmed in the the making of this episode - well none of the main characters anyway, good news for fans of Tyreese, Sasha and Bob, not so good news for the next black people waiting in the replacement line.

Stuck in the mud - what a shoddy piece of writing that was to kill off the little girl, so many conceivable ways for her to be killed that could have made that storyline more interesting, it being directly caused by the governor for one thing but nooooo a random zombie gets her only one episode after almost exactly the same thing happened.

Girls with guns - I can't be the only one who laughed out loud when Tyreese was saved by those little girls, I'm not sure it was intentionally meant to be funny but I found it hilarious.
It was a heavily flwaed episode, but I really enjoyed it; was just waiting to see which characters they would top. Sadly it's one of my favourites in bionic Hershel, and I'm sure we all knew he was gone as soon as he was captured. The baby was a bit of a shock, but I'm sure she's not dead. Carl's acting is disgustingly bad, it's like he was crying over his pet fish dying. And if they somehow twist the Guv'nor's story to make him survive again (his bitch shoots to the right of his head and decides to save him for example) then I shall refuse to watch this ever again.
Why was the Guv so rubbish with the sword and is Herschels head still alive somewhere?

That woman turning into Andrea for this episode really fecked me off and chickenshit lezzer was annoying too. Rick's speech was crap, why was he so emotional?
They basically hit the reset button and got rid of a lot of the characters that people have hated (Carol, Hershel, The Guvernor, Baby etc.)

It was a completely retarded episode in so many ways, but enjoyable if you ignored your brain.

The most retarded thing however was the lack of zombies after a tank and a dozen cars had parked outside when days earlier the fences could hardly hold themselves due to zombies.
The zombies kept appearing and disappearing according to the plot requirements. It's just awful. A zombie can be bashed in with a fist but it can be used to shield you from high-velocity bullets at close range - amazing!
The zombies kept appearing and disappearing according to the plot requirements. It's just awful. A zombie can be bashed in with a fist but it can be used to shield you from high-velocity bullets at close range - amazing!


I thought the exact same when that happened.

feck it, it was a great episode. After everything we've had to sit through it was great that there was a bit of action. Now it was terrible, but great at the same time. Why not just stay outside the fence and bombard the prison with shells from the tank until you were fairly certain there would be very few survivors. "Oh there is gunfire coming from that area over there", Bang! Darryl, Carl, Maggie, T-Dog III, Beth, D'Angelo all dead.

The mud zombie was incredible too. How unlucky was that poor cnut. Caught in a flood, buried alive and then reanimates and is stuck in the mud. And what are the odds that the poor girl would start digging in thee exact place where the zombie was stuck.

So are they all gone their seperate ways now? How will the find each other again?
The other group -

Guv - 'Join me in a dangerous mission against heavily-armed killers and zombies'

Group 'Yeah, we trust the one-eyed stranger who took over after five minutes....feck it, why not'
It was an enjoyable episode but very retarded as Top said.

Some ridiculous things that happened -

- Lily showing up with the girl's body out of no where
- Michonne disappearing and then just appearing to kill Governor at that moment
- Rick and Governor have their fist fight while the guns are flying all over the place. Infact Rick had a gun before he hid behind the bus/.
- What exactly was the Governor's plan? I mean what was the plan if Rick refused his offer? Destroy the prison if you can not get it? What? Ok I get Governor is crazy but why the feck did others go along with it?

I am not sure what to make of the whole dead baby business as well.

Silly story but it was one of the best episodes since season 1 and they have finally left the prison and some of the annoying characters are dead, sets up the rest of the season quite well.

The baby will be alive, the black guy who got shot would have picked her up leaving blood from his wound in the chair.
The most retarded thing however was the lack of zombies after a tank and a dozen cars had parked outside when days earlier the fences could hardly hold themselves due to zombies.

Can't stress enough how much, but THIS. They shot a fecking tank shell at the guard tower, and only a couple of zombies come around, when just the other day they fought away an entire town's worth of zombies? It's almost like these writers go halfway through the plot, decide to leave it there, take a break, then come back forgetting what they just wrote and carried on!
I did like the way the Guv just shot the little girl in the face without hesitation. Hacking away at Herschel was bit much though.
Despite all the silliness it was a very good episode and actually managed to be quite shocking and entertaining. It's been a dull first half of the season but stuff like that is exactly what people have wanted and they pulled it off well. I could tell Hershel was going to die but I didn't expect the beheading. Liked Hershel though, shame he's gone. It could have an impact, or it could have Maggie and Beth sulking for 3 seasons. Latter seems more likely.

The battle was quite entertaining. Zombies are turned on and off depending on whether they suit or not but it was actually action packed and exciting, unlike the one at the end of season 3 where nothing really happened at all.

I'm kind of surprised at how shocking some of it was though. This is always a show which kind of sits on that border. It'll kill off important characters but generally spare babies and kids most of the time, while giving the good guy important characters final send-offs, so a beheading, a dead baby and a dead kid who was then shot in the face was pretty brutal.

Hopefully next season will be good now that they've left the prison and are separated. I hope they don't end up all together again right away as that would ruin it. Keep them apart and see where that can take them.
The baby isn't dead, Darryl and Beth took it. Dave and Karl will have their happy reunion with whatever the baby is called, you can count on that.
Hopefully next season will be good now that they've left the prison and are separated. I hope they don't end up all together again right away as that would ruin it. Keep them apart and see where that can take them.

I'm tempted to leave it at that and watch no more. I can make my own stories up for what happens to the characters from here and they will probably be better than what the writers actually come up with.
As far as TWD goes, that was a pretty decent episode tbh. Still loads of silly plot holes, but not all that bad and at least they're all now going to have to find one another again. I hope they freaking have an emergency rally point otherwise the rest of the season is going to be them stumbling about trying to find one another.

You gotta laugh though, the other group never stops to think "erm, we're all getting picked off here, how about we stop...". Nah, they just keep going instead and all of them die. Christ, you'd think you'd at least wave the white flag!
As far as TWD goes, that was a pretty decent episode tbh. Still loads of silly plot holes, but not all that bad and at least they're all now going to have to find one another again. I hope they freaking have an emergency rally point otherwise the rest of the season is going to be them stumbling about trying to find one another.

You gotta laugh though, the other group never stops to think "erm, we're all getting picked off here, how about we stop...". Nah, they just keep going instead and all of them die. Christ, you'd think you'd at least wave the white flag!

I don't get why they're more than happy to carry on fighting after the lunatic beheads a guy he's already promised he won't kill right in front of them!
I don't get why they're more than happy to carry on fighting after the lunatic beheads a guy he's already promised he won't kill right in front of them!

Indeed, I can understand Tank guy going through with it because he was a bit of a maniac himself. But the rest of them? Why did Lezzer army girl go through with it? Why did none of them think "alright, lets kill the Guv and then we can all chill out in the prison".